Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Rihanna Looks Almost Normal

photo of rihanna pictures photos pics real hair photo Wait a second, is that Rihanna with mostly normal hair? Like, real hair and not nylon fibers attached to a cheap rubber-backed suction strip? Why yes, it certainly appears to be! It also appears that she might have gotten permission from Dr. Huxtable to raid his wife's closet while she was out on some lawyery business trip, too, because that outfit? Woo. It is straight outta the Cosbys. Love it? Leave it?...

Brad Pitt Should Really Do More Commercials

And I just about peed when I saw this on my internet scouring earlier this morning. Our friends over at the Berry unearthed this totally bizarre, totally retro commercial featuring the talented Brad Pitt really flexing his acting chops. And by "flexing his acting chops," I mean "I LOVE PRINGLES YES I DO ESPECIALLY THE RANCH ONES." Have you guys ever seen this video? More importantly, what are your favorite flavor of Pringles? Here are some other classic Brad Pitt commercial appearances: Brad's Levi's commercial Brad's Honda commercial Sigh. He's so talented. /> And I just about peed when I saw this on my internet scouring earlier this morning. Our friends over at the Berry unearthed this totally bizarre, totally retro commercial featuring the talented Brad Pitt really flexing his acting chops. And by "flexing his acting chops," I mean "I LOVE PRINGLES YES I DO ESPECIALLY THE RANCH ONES." Have you guys ever seen this video? More importantly, what are your favorite flavor of Pringles? Here are some other classic Brad Pitt commercial appearan...

I TOLD You LeAnn Rimes is Looking Fit These Days

photo of leann rimes pictures skinny thin anorexic proana thinspiration photos pics No, I'm joking, even though it's becoming not-so-funny lately. I actually never said anything of the sort. Ever. Because she's not. Especially in this here photo, she looks positively awful, and my general disdain for her is slowly eeking its way into full-blown concern for the girl. Seriously, all joking stuck off in a box somewhere, LeAnn Rimes LOOKS TERRIBLE. I mean, should we start taking bets on when the first "LeAnn Rimes Hospitalized" headline shows up somewhere on the 'net? If girlfriend here keeps showing us her concave chest, drawn face, and muscle tone deterioratio...

Morning Wood

photo of prince harry pictures hot fit photos pics Kate Gosselin says nursing is a mediocre job. [The Superficial] No matter where Prince Harry is, he looks like he's at a bar. And that is hot. [Lainey Gossip] Some woman let Chris Brown dry-hump her in public. [Bossip] LOL @ what Beyonce wore to Fashion Week. [Starpulse] Reese Witherspoon sports a big black eye and a gash on her head after car accident. [TMZ] Taylor Armstrong releases abuse photos. [The Blemish] The worst plastic surgery gallery you will ever see. [theBER...

T-Mobile Wants to Know How You Guys Feel about the Dress

photo of t-mobile great dress debate pictures photos pics This chick? Is pretty hot. And normally, I wouldn't give a crap about any spokesperson's attire for any particular brand (especially that Flo woman from Progressive ... Good Lord, y'all), but this is fun, and T-Mobile is a pretty good friend of ours, so I told them we'd help them out in choosing a dress for the lovely lady up there, who I know is the subject of many a fantasy and daydream these days. Her name is Carly Foulkes, friends, and she's important. You know you're not doing anything e...

Why, I Almost Forgot About Olivia Munn

photo of shape magazine cover olivia munn pictures photos pics Oh, you did too? Good, then I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't buy her "I'm a nerd, but a hot nerd, tee-hee, but mind yourself, bastards, because I'm a SERIOUS FEMALE ACTRESS who WANTS TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY - fart poop, poop fart." I just ... nah. Never mind. Olivia Munn takes the cover of Shape magazine, where she looks just whatever and talks about her personal life: On growing up in a variety of places: "My stepfather was in the Air Force. I was constantly the new girl, which was really hard because people weren't welcomi...

The Newest Breaking Dawn Trailer Looks INTENSE

Even if you're not a fan of the films (::waves hand erratically:: I am! I am!), you can't deny that this trailer's got some balls to it. The movie drops November 18th, and in all honesty, I think I'm going to be one of the crazy ones queueing up hours before just to get my ticket. Why? Well, because I like the movies. And because it's an experience, you know, sitting in a theater with people like this and gritting your teeth every time some over-emotional chick screams or swoons. You know what my choice of weapon is in a movie theater when dumb asses have loud, visceral reactions to what's going on on the screen? BUNCHA CRUNCH. You can launch that shit rows. And when the shell-shocked person turns around and sees an almost-thirty-year-old giving the stink eye and holding up the half-empty box, they shut up fast. /> Even if you're not a fan of the films (::waves hand erratically:: I am! I am!), you can't deny that this trailer's got some balls to it. The movie drops November 18th, and in all honesty, I think I'm going to be one of the crazy ones queueing up hours before just to get my ticket. Why? Well, because I like the movies. And because it's an experience, you know, sitting in a theater with people like this and gritting your teeth every time some over-emotional chick screams or swoons. You know what my choi...

Another Day, Another Charlie Sheen Roast Promo

So, alright. The trailer kind of sums up everything we know about Charlie Sheen - he's a dependent, immature, narcissist who heavily relies on the achievements of others to further his career. Got it? Good. Now that we're in agreement about Charlie Sheen and the direction his career is headed in, will you guys be watching the roast? Do you, like me, have a sneaking suspicion that Charlie's going to show up to the roast coked out of his mind and ready to verbally fire back at every retort aimed at him? Because if it is, man. That's some good television right there. />Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen So, alright. The trailer kind of sums up everything we know about Charlie Sheen - he's a dependent, immature, narcissist who heavily relies on the achievements of others to further his career. Got it? Good. Now that we're in agreement about Charlie Sheen and the direction his career is headed in, will you guys be watching the roast? Do you, like me, have a sneaking suspicion that Charlie's going to show up to the roast coked out of his mind and ready to verbally fire back at every retort aimed at him? Because if it ...

Afternoon Delight

photo of ryan gosling and eva mendes pictures photos Oh, so now you're not even allowed to look at Madonna. [The Superficial] Lady Gaga's Annie Leibovitz photo shoot. [Bitten and Bound] The Situation plans to fight Abercrombie and Fitch. [Starpulse] Swizz Beatz mistress comes forward and talks. [Bossip] More Michelle Williams:Marilyn Monroe photos. [theBERRY] Justin Deeley in his underwear. [Socialite Life] Zac Efron on the set of his new movie. [Caught on Set] Rosie Huntington-Whiteley goes shirtless. [Yeeeah] Seth Gre...

Fergie Sang the National Anthem for the Patriots-Dolphins Game Last Night

I don't know about you all, but I, for one, am really excited that football has started. I just love football. Even though my team didn't do so well this past opening week (WHO DAT), I'm still all about the game itself. I love it. Something I don't love? The way Fergie, doubtless a good singer, has to grunt and growl her way through every song like it's 'My Humps.' What did you guys think - better than Christina Aguilera's Superbowl flub, or just as bad in its own special way? /> I don't know about you all, but I, for one, am really excited that football has started. I just love football. Even though my team didn't do so well this past opening week (WHO DAT), I'm still all about the game itself. I love it. Something I don't love? The way Fergie, doubtless a good singer, has to grunt and growl her way through every song like it's 'My Humps.' What did you guys think - better than Christina Aguilera's Superbowl flub, or just as bad in its own special way? ...

This Kind of Stuff is Precisely Why I Can’t Take Lady Gaga Seriously as a Fashion Icon

Come on. I mean really: come on. Aside from even opening my mouth about those shoes, Gaga's hair is starting to look really, really bad. You know what I want? I want crop-topped, natural-colored, short-haired Lady Gaga sans makeup and odd clothes doing her music bit. And then, I might actually be able to see the forest for trees. Until then, I'm screaming "Ragweed allergy!" and running. the hell. away. [gallery columns="5"]...

Here’s the Trailer for In Time – And Some Photos, Too

Have you guys seen this yet? I hadn't either, until I saw the corresponding photo shoot for W magazine featuring both Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake. I knew the two of them were working on a project together, but I didn't really take the time to find out what it was about, assuming that it was some kind of Dear John-Friends With Benefits hybrid, which would be the kiss of death for any cinematic appeal IMHO. But this? Well. I didn't expect this. It's called In Time, and it deals with, well, futuristic time stuff and an ill-fated love affair between Seyfried's and Timberlake's characters, but the best part of all? Cillian Murphy is in it. And Cilian Murphy? IS HOT HOT HOT. Also, as far as I'm aware, the photos that W shot have positively nothing to do with In Time, in case you were confused for the first fifteen minutes of looking at them like I was. [gallery columns="6"] /> Have you guys seen this yet? I hadn't either, until I saw the corresponding photo shoot for W magazine featuring both Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake. I knew the two of them were working on a project together, but I didn't really take the time to find out what it was about, assuming that it was some kind of Dear John-Friends With Benefits hybrid, which would be the kiss of death for any cinematic appeal IMHO. But this? Well. I didn't expect this. It's called In Time, and it deals with, w...