You want to hear something funny, too? I was flipping through the channels late last night, lamenting the fact that, despite having over a thousand channels, there's still nothing good on television. Not that I ever really even watch television - except for football and old Twilight Zone episodes - but it's occasionally nice to find something to numb your mind in a bout of insomnia, when a book just isn't cutting it because you've read so much of it so far that your ass is turning to stone. Any...
You know Coco, right? The wife of Ice T who can't stop talking about the couple's sex life, even though they've been married for, like, forty years? Yes, the very same. Well, she attended an event at Fashion Week, and when she took the catwalk, her boob took center stage. Seriously. The sucker was ALL OVER THE PLACE. And really, though I cringed when the idea of a huge Coco-boob entered my head, I was actually pleasantly surprised to see that the woman's got very nice boobs. Well, nice boob>. The other one could be a Frankenboob for all I know - I can only go by wha...
We don't generally cover a lot of fashion here at Evil Beet (OK, well, I don't, at any rate), but I came across some photos of a new collection Marc Jacobs unveiled at the NYC event held this past week, and I positively had the share the photos with you. See, I'm a big fan of retro-kitschy-vintage, and aside from all of the plastic and fringe (really, what the hell is with all the raincoat plastic), I love love love this collection. Oh, aside from the weird snow-chic combined with the pencil skirts and h...
Well I'll be. I don't quite know what I'll be, but surprised, pleased, and taken aback would all be appropriate reactions, and me, being the master of many feelings, hell's bells. I AM EXPERIENCING THEM ALL at this moment.
This is Britney, photographed not a decade ago, not even six years ago - this is Britney, photographed in London. Today. Mahgod. And is that an engagement ring on her all-special finger? I think it kind of quite suspiciously looks like one. Maybe that's the reason for all of ...
"I spent the ‘90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony. I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became very clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage [to actress Jennifer Aniston] had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t."
Where'd her pink hair go? Her blonde hair? Her orange hair? Did I miss something, or did the editors of Cosmo Australia think that she was too trashy looking to grace the cover of their magazine without the black hair, too? I don't know about you guys, but Katy Perry wasn't Katy Perry at all when she had the odd-colored hair. When she was natural, she made me think of Americana and Betty Page and apple pie and sexy picnics with red-and-white checkerboard patterned tablecloths all spread out like leg...
Jay-Z officially has another son. Sorry, B! [The Superficial]
Jenny McCarthy has some hot, naked boobs. [Celebrity Rant]
Scarlett and Blake: a nudie comparison. [Lainey Gossip]
Mariah Carey is throwing the smackdown hammer on her kids already. [Cele|bitchy]
Why yes, Marlon Brando WAS quite hot. [theBERRY]
Kelly Brook's snake boobs. [Starpulse]
Who left who for a Journey guitarist? [TMZ]
Nicolas Cage wakes up with naked men next to him. [The Frisky]
THIS is Jennifer Love Hewitt's new boyfriend. [Socialite Life...
See these photos? These are the height of sense and sensibility, of class and fashion and style. Aren't these gals just the most? I mean, here they are, strutting their stuff at parties left and right during NYC's Fashion Week, and not once has one of them been photographed puking in the gutter. Not once has either one of these lovely ladies been caught stumbling around a back alley, trying to score meth or cocaine or even better, heroin. I mean, neither one of them even look to be a little b...
I mean, come on. How creepy is she? She's positively leering at the guy, and if that doesn't say "self-serving, unstable harpy," almost nothing does.
That's her boyfriend up there, Vincent Piazza of Boardwalk Empire, the HBO special in which he stars. I guess he didn't get the memo that his new girlfriend's not officially divorced, leads her estranged husband around by the nose so much so that he's lost weight and is starting to look gaunt from all of the stress, and who also has alleged subst...
Elizabeth Olsen is way hotter than Mary-Kate and Ashley put together. [The Superficial]
Jay-Z has a secret son? [Bossip]
How Ryan Gosling resurrected the movie star. [Starpulse]
Olivia Wilde, Ashley Greene, or Jennifer Garner? [Socialite Life]
The Situation is sorry for being a douchebag. [TMZ]
Leonardo DiCaprio looking amazing in 2011. [Amy Grindhouse]
A baby is Kim Kardashian's latest accessory. [The Frisky]
Annie Wersching is so, so hot. [Caught on Set]
Katy Perry as a Power Ranger? [theBERRY]
Somebody wrote a sex book about Jessica Simpson. [Hollywood Dame]
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