Sarah Palin likes cocaine, black men. [The Superficial]
Uh, how much plastic surgery did Beyonce's mom get, jeez. [Bossip]
More on the latest nude photo leak. [Starpulse]
Couples in Emmy-nominated shows. [theBERRY]
Christina Hendricks looked ... boob-ish at the Emmys. [Socialite Life]
Floyd Mayweather's got some serious problems. [TMZ]
Why Whitney Cummings isn't roasting Charlie Sheen. [The Frisky]
Jennifer Aniston's really pushing this Justin Theroux thing. [Cele|bitchy]
The best Whitney Houston quotes. [Socialite Life]
Nicki Minaj tries to start her own trend. [Popbytes]
Jada ...
OK. How weird is it that RUPERT GRINT is TWENTY-THREE and HEIDI MONTAG is TWENTY-FIVE? Something about that just does not compute. Like, I remember watching the early Harry Potter movies thinking, "Man, that little Ron Weasley is such a cute little boy." If you'd have told me that I might say something similar about Heidi-frigging-Montag at a little-girl age (because they're almost the SAME FRICKING AGE), I would have said you were tripping on something really stupid, like a bright orange extension co...
Of course it's not a "thing," I know I'm not exactly fashion-forward, but even I know that it's some kind of frocked-up dress, right? Whatever. I'm not going to ask. I'm just going to thank my lucky stars that I saw the full-length photos before I saw the up-close of Britney's crazy eyebrows, otherwise I might have had an entirely different opinion on these photos altogether. Still looking good, girl!
[gallery columns="4"]...
Evan Rachel Wood + Justin Bieber. [Starpulse]
Whoa, Rihanna's actually covered up during a performance. Sort of. [Bossip]
Maggie Gyllenhaal talks dirty to us. [Lainey Gossip]
Scarlett Johansson's date takes her to a strip club, gets classy photos taken. [The Superficial]
Half-nude tattooed men. [theBERRY]
Lindsay cracked out in NYC, getting thrown out of parties. [Cele|bitchy]
Nice shoes, Jennifer Aniston. Nice. shoes. [INFDaily]
Justin Timberlake says "That's not my dick," total...
“I think that’s healthy and I think it’s realistic. Some people have it down to 20 minutes a week. Other unfortunate people have it down to 20 minutes per hour."
Of course, Sarah's here talking about hating her husband for twenty minutes a day.
Last I checked, there's remedies for stuff like that, Sarah Jessica. It's called "divorce." I know it's probably been on the tip of your husband's tongue for quite some time now, but you can make the move, too, girl. I'm no relationship guru,...
With all of this new Jennifer Aniston-relationship-bombshell stuff going on surrounding Brad Pitt lately, I thought it appropriate to show some photos of him in his element, i.e., with his non-wife wife, Angelina Jolie.
See, a lot of you guys had some pretty strong reactions to Brad's recent comments about his former life with Jennifer Aniston. Some were kind of like this:
"Brad’s scum—always thought so, always will."
Ooh. Harsh.
Then, there were others like this:
"I really used...
Color me stupid, but I almost fell off my chair when I read that Heidi Montag is only twenty-five. She's only twenty-five. That means she was practically a CHILD when she had all this crazy plastic surgery. Man, what a shame. What an even-more-of a shame.
Wow. So yeah, Heidi Montag turned twenty-five and celebrated her quarter-century on earth in Las Vegas, where she pretended it wasn't difficult for her to stand up straight with those things while making eye contact with her "peers."
Honestly, Alexander Skarsgard's just one creepy SOB. [The Superficial]
Paul McCartney getting married with no pre-nup. Um, again. [Cele|bitchy]
Emma Stone does Princess Leia now. [Starpulse]
LOL @ Justin Theroux. [The Blemish]
Charlie Sheen begs for Men return. [TMZ]
Ian Somerhalder does nude things. [Socialite Life]
News anchor mocks the Kardashians. [theBERRY]
Benicio del Toro is trying hard to be Brad Pitt. [Caught on Set]
Scarlett Johansson's private, naked photos are...
Remember Brad Pitt said this yesterday about ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, more or less calling her sadsack ass dull?:
“ ... I wasn’t living an interesting life myself. I think that my marriage [to actress Jennifer Aniston] had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn’t.”
Well, he's changing his mind. Now he's saying that his quote was misinterpreted, and that he actually meant that she was wonderful, amazing, talented, and whatever else her emotiona...
January Jones probably named her child after its father. [The Superficial]
Brad Pitt's new movie is receiving HUGE praise. So are the photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon want their kids to go into what profession? [Bossip]
Justin Bieber has a whale of a tale. [Starpulse]
Lindsay Lohan's punching people now. [Cele|bitchy]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt "out of control"? [Huff Po]
9 Ideas for Jessica Simpson's new album. [The Frisky]
Kelly Rowland and Diddy? [Bossip]