It's a latte 'Got Milk,' so I guess it's a different breed than the regular ads, which is appropriate because Maggie herself is a, um, different breed, too.
Any woman who shares her vibrators with her friends is either really, really generous and has a really hot, sexual nature, or is just flat-out desperate and weird. You make the choice friends:
Is Maggie generous, hot, and sexual, or desperate and weird?
But we like her 'Got Milk' ad, though, right? That's altogether rad?
But Brenda Song isn't pregnant. Nope. [The Superficial]
Just begging to be a bride. [Lainey Gossip]
Celebrity sibling resentment. [Bossip]
The new Office boss revealed. [Huff Po]
Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper hooking up? [Cele|bitchy]
More Britney Spears allegations. [Starpulse]
This photo is probably why A Rod and Cameron Diaz broke up. [Yeeeah]
Beyonce the psychologist? [Bossip]
The cast of Desparate Housewives teams up to party. [theBERRY]
Kirstie Alley will sue your ass. [Amy Grindhouse]
Ryan Reynolds was out with WHO? [INFDail...
They've been co-stars, best friends, worst enemies, boyfriends, girlfriends, and everything in between. Working together on set and spending their down-time together, they have formed substantial bonds and created a pseudo "soap family." Romantic relationships are tested when one person’s career rockets forward and another’s is stuck at “go.” Jealousies arise as actors attempt to jump from one soap to another, and arch rivals must find a way to coexist in this sudsy microcosm without ripping ea...
Have I mentioned yet how much I love Rachel McAdams? Because oh -oh- oh I do. She embodies beauty, class, and femininity, but she's not a shrinking violet, either.
And yet - sigh - and yet, Ryan Gosling is still *allegedly* dating Eva Mendes. EVA MENDES. You all know how I feel about this. I realize that Ryan and Rachel had their go 'round (more than once or twice, I believe) and couldn't make it work, but I mean, for the sake of their fans, their friends, their families - they couldn't pa...
Why!? I mean, seriously, WHY? Lindsay Lohan, prior to becoming a gross, cracked-out, surgery-addled mess, was amazingly gorgeous. She was like the girl next door, just way, way, way hotter. I loved everything about her from her pretty, shiny red hair to her normal-looking boobs, to her cute, upturned nose and her lovely mouth. Now? Her pretty, shiny red hair is thinned out, dull, and breaking from years of bleaching, her normal-looking boobs are almost off-putting on her too-small frame, her cut...
"I'll eat when I'm dead! If I eat, I can't work."
This, coming from a woman who drinks only Ensure supplements and Red Bull and calls it a day (no, seriously). The woman is Daphne Guinness, and she's the heiress to the same-named beer franchise. She's also a fashion designer, but unless you're 6'3" and wear a children's size 14, you're not invited. And I know she's only forty-two, but she looks about sixty. I suppose that's what happens when you avoid water, calories, fat, savory tastes, and any...
Reese Witherspoon is STILL HEALING from that car-whack. [The Superficial]
Helen Mirren is epic, beautiful. [Lainey Gossip]
Kanye West's new woman. [Bossip]
Meet the real stewardesses of Pan Am. [Starpulse]
Michael Fassbender is a sex addict. [ICYDK]
Kirsten Dunst's new movie. [INFDaily]
Paris Hilton still has fans somewhere. [CDL]
Why yes, they SHOULD have a douchebag section of the zoo. [theBERRY]
The Kardashians, texting in synchronicity. [Caught on Set]
Mel B has one big boob. [Celebrity Rant]
Yes, this is who Scarlett Johansson's dating now. [The Blemish]
Ashton Kutcher's co-...
*Waving my arm around excitedly* Ooh, I did, I did! And I loved it! It had all of the fun that a once-loved show by the name of American Idol use to have, and I'm pleased and happy to say that I've found a new talent-scouting show to take its place. My life feels complete again, guys. Plus, the talent was amazing. Way more amazing than the that showcased on the first few episodes of Idol. I mean, did you see Stacy Francis, the 42-year-old mom? Holy Jesus, I almost fell off the bed. The bitch had ...
Oh no, girl. Nooooo. You were doing so good for awhile there, and now this goes and happens. Normally I'd even comment on the outfit (because that's not exactly the bee's knees there, either), but I'm so thrown and distracted by these heinous glasses that I can't see past them. I'd ask to borrow them to take a closer look at what's going on, but I'm afraid that'd be a fruitless, FRUITLESS effort.
What do you guys think about this look? ...
Elin Nordegren is back on the market, folks. [The Superficial]
VIDE: Ray-J and Fabolous fight. [Bossip]
The X-Factor starts tonight! [Starpulse]
Mel Gibson has a pastry meltdown. [TMZ]
Alex Pettyfer's abs. [Socialite Life]
Paris Hilton is just a SAINT. [Amy Grindhouse]
Maggie Gyllenhaal lends her vibrators out. [The Frisky]
Donnie Wahlberg looking like Mark Walhberg on the set of something. [Caught on Set]
Where've you been, Julia Louis-Dreyfus? [I'm Not Obsessed]
Lourdes Leon looks not-like-a-fourteen-year-old. [Cele|bitchy]
Gwyneth Paltrow keeps Cameron Diaz sane. Of course. [Lainey ...
Does this kill a little bit of any of you guys inside? Ryan Gosling's probably one of the hottest, sweetest, most down-to-earth male celebrities going right now, and he's got to settle down (temporarily, hopefully) with someone like Eva Mendes. Eva Mendes, who I like, but who definitely has issues with being contrite and bashful and down-to-earth. Why couldn't it be someone like Rachel McAdams? Or, I don't know, RACHEL MCADAMS?
Photos courtesy of our friends at INF