But what happened? Ugh. Just that. Sonofabitch, just that. Here's the snippet from an interview done by xoJane:
Jane: We’re getting the hook — they’re telling us we’re out of time! Okay, wait — is Kris [Humpries] well endowed? They all think he is.
Kourtney: I would think he is.
Kim: (decidedly not feeling us) I don’t really like questions like that.
Khloe: We got all of the preview of Scott at his parents’.
Kim: Even today. Honestly, it’s way too much. He has to start wearing ...
Damn, it's so good to see you, girl. I feel like it's been ages since Casper and Now and Then and of course, The Addams Family movies. But hey, you did Black Snake Moan and now you're doing TV's Pan Am, so I suppose your career's on the up and up, right? Come on, who am I kidding, your film repertoire is way extensive. Anyway. It's nice to see more of you, and I'm hoping that this Pan Am business really pans out for you. I've always had a soft spot for you in my heart, Harvey Kathleen.
We here at Evil Beet have somewhat of a crush on Kirsten Dunst, and what's better than seeing the naked boobies of the girl you're crushing on, am I right? The stills below the jump are from Kirsten's upcoming movie, Melancholia, where she plays the sister of Charlotte Gainsbourg, and opposite Kiefer Sutherland and Alexander Skarsgard. According to IMDB:
Two sisters find their already strained relationship challenged as a mysterious new planet threatens to collide into the Earth.
Snooki is relying on good, old-fashioned diet pills and hormones to lose weight. [The Superficial]
So, Swizz Beatz isn't cheating then? [Bossip]
Was Jamie Kennedy fighting with Jennifer Love Hewitt so loudly that the cops were called? [TMZ]
Jennifer Aniston shows off her lace bra. [Starpulse]
Taylor Lautner bombs. [Lainey Gossip]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt gets hotter and hotter. [LA Times]
I think Rihanna needs a bigger bandanna for her boobs. [Socialite Life]
Back to the pink wig....
Did I miss something? How did I not know this? I mean, I know we'd speculated about it after she tied the knot back in June, but I wasn't sure that it was an official thing. But hey. According to girlfriend's Twitter, she's expecting, and she's pretty far along, at least out of her first trimester, anyway:
"My husband just called me his 'little Fat Controller' - like off of Thomas the Tank Engine, so not LOL."
This followed a comment made last week, also via Twitter:
"I can't cross my legs...
So, according to sources, a celebrity's about to be a dad. A celebrity who's notorious for being both pretty unstable and stalked by Lindsay Lohan (and we know what kind of people that bitch likes to associate with).
Jump in to find out who's going to be a father, but I warn you - the following photo is extremely NSFW.
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Jennifer Love Hewitt photo: Cor A Looker
“If it weren’t for that restraining ord...
"People see me as this perfect Disney star, and the moment I put out a record that says 'I'm not 11 years old anymore,' people look down on me. Every 18-year-old explores sexuality and experiments and tries things. For me there's no reason to change that. You have to be true to yourself."
So. What's the lesson we've learned about these kinds of statements, kids? Well, that they mean one of three things and we, as the public, are being prepared for the possibility of all three: Miley's either p...
Ashlee Simpson's bum. [The Superficial]
Amber Rose is going to be an author now. [Bossip]
Jennifer Aniston isn't afraid to spend money. [Starpulse]
Antoine Dodson's cataracts were arrested. [TMZ]
It takes a lot to gross Anna Wintour out. [Socialite Life]
The ultimate photobomb. [theBERRY]
Things you never thought you'd see: Jason Mraz in his panties. [Socialite Life]
Scarlett Johansson is still railing about those nude pics. [Cele|bitchy]
The Do's and Don'ts of visiting Italy. [The Frisky]
Marilyn Monroe photos from before she was Marilyn Monroe. [Popbytes]
London is appa...
Emily gave you a sneak-peek the other day into what it's like to be married to Courtney Stodden (answer: bizarre), and now we've got some quotes directly from the twitchy horse's mouth! Courtney, in the same interview, talks arousal, housekeeping, and eventually becoming an actress (um ... LOL).
On husband Doug, teaching her how to "act":
“He’s teaching me acting, thank you. We just did a little acting class two nights ago. We have to resume that.”
On how labia-whipped she's got the ...
I guess Lindsay's acting "career" is officially over: she's done nothing but modeling jobs for the past however long, and now they're not even bothering to try and hide her burn marks, bruises, and receding gum lines. Talk about budget.
This is the Big Phillip Plein photo shoot that Lindsay was so excited about, and if we're talking straight here, girlfriend looks like garbage. I'd be ashamed if I were Philip Plein to have such a wasted-looking former actress marketing my product. Hell, I wouldn't even want ...