I know I don't have a lot of good to say about Christina Aguilera, but that's sort of because there really isn't a lot of good to say about her (she's got a great voice, that's a start), but in this photo, guys, she's looking pretty good. Not, you know, Emma Watson-good or even Eva Mendes-good, but good as in she isn't wearing too much of a Lindsay Lohan drunkface these days, and her totally obvious laying-off-the-alcohol is working. She looks far less swollen and her eyes are starting to return t...
Courtney Love talks about killing Kurt Cobain. [The Superficial]
George Clooney finally admits it. [Lainey Gossip]
And then Frances Bean Cobain buys herself a house with her trust money. [Starpulse]
The centerfold becomes a body builder. Scary. [Busted Coverage]
Jani Lane died from alcohol poisoning. [TMZ]
RYAN GOSLING'S ASS! [Socialite Life]
The Simpsons: cancelled? [Seriously OMG]
Jason Wu for Target?! [The Frisky]
Riley Keough's crazy multi-colored hair. [Caught on Set]
Little girl sings Nicki Minaj. [OMGBlog]
Eddie Cibrian was injured. [The Blemish]
Did you hear? Maybe, but probably not. I know a lot of you guys don't go cray-cray over Justin Bieber, nor do you flip your shit over Mariah Carey, so you just may hear it here on Evil Beet first: Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber are - sob - teaming up to ruin one of my favorite Christmas songs, 'All I Want for Christmas (Is You)'. I know, I know; it's a Mariah Carey song and you probably think I should know better than that, but let's put it into perspective: this song originally came out in 1994, when I was eleven years old. And I was a Mariah ...
“I am truly sorry for offending anyone in any way. I never meant to. It was a poor choice of words on my part in an effort to explain a feeling. I understand there is no comparison and I am very regretful. In an effort to correct my lack of judgment, please accept my heartfelt apology.”
This, in response to RAINN's statement (RAINN, if you're unaware, is the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) about Johnny Depp's rape quip:
“While photos may feel at times intrusive, being photographe...
And what better choice if you're into cracked-out, dirty-fingered, hair-damaged former A-listers with both substance abuse and emotional issues? I mean, she's a veritable treasure trove of sabotage if you're into that kind of chick! The only thing that would make the package even more attractive is if said chick had massive family baggage featuring jailed, cooter-kicking fathers, disturbed little sisters, and mothers who just happen to be the town ho? Oh, wait! Never mind! DING DING DING FOLKS I...
Rihanna touches herself in public some more. [The Superficial]
The Little Mermaid in 3D? [The Frisky]
The Tupac sex tape photos. Beware. [TMZ]
Shakira embroiled in the latest cheating scandal? [Lainey Gossip]
Vanessa Hudgens bares it all again. [Starpulse]
Will you be watching American Horror Story on AMC? [LA Times]
Kristen Stewart in a bikini for GQ UK. [Socialite Life]
Charlie's Angels on the beach. [Yeeeah]
Photographic proof that Ashton Kutcher stepped out on Demi Moore. [Amy Grindhouse]
9 Actors who slum it. [Pajiba]
Jared Leto just need...
If there's anyone in Hollywood I love with a deep, all-consuming love, it's Emma Watson. Truly, I do. She's so adorable and fresh-faced and real, and you just know that she's going to do *something* big in her time here on Earth, whether it's film-related or otherwise. Smart girl, hot girl, definitely going places. Love this bitch.
And here she is, once again the face of the Elle UK cover, and she looks positively marvelous, and even if she does have a shady boyfriend, it's OK, because H...
This is Katy Perry's latest endorsement, GHD Hair. From what I gathered on the website, GHD carries a full range of haircare products, but really, really prides themselves on their 'Scarlet' flat iron. But what I want to know is who the hell uses a flat iron these days, aside from maybe Pete Wentz or Ashlee Simpson? I mean, I still have my flat iron from the days when flat irons were the thing to own, but I sure as hell wasn't dropping two hundred bucks on something that I was able to pay fifty...
Do you guys know who that is up there? The reason I ask is because I seriously had to look at the photo's caption to find out who the hell it was. It's not Diane Lane, and it's not a younger sister who looks uncannily like Kate Winslet herself, it's actually Gwen Stefani. Which, of course, leads me to wonder "What the f*ck did she do to her face this month?" Maybe some of you automatically realized who it was, but I had the damndest time. I even looked at her face section by section, and the only way I was able to even consider the possibility ...
First, let me say that I'm not one to jump on the "BASTARD CELEBRITIES ARE TRIVIALIZING RAPE, MAHGOD!" bandwagon, because you know what? Sometimes people just say stupid shit. To take that further, sometimes there are just STUPID PEOPLE. However, I never thought that Johnny Depp was stupid or ill-spoken, which is why his recent Vanity Fair interview struck me as kind of off.
From the mouth of Depp:
Despite being one of the world’s most handsome men, Johnny Depp hates photo shoots so much, he c...
Oh no, what's Blake going to do now, aside from capitalize off of her COMPLETELY AWESOME nude photos? Continue doing the Gossip Girl thing, sans big-time-boyfriend fame? Find other yachts to hang out on in the Mediterranean? Do an album? Or hell, maybe she'll fold the whole thing over and go the Michelle Williams route: writing love letters for a living. Or, OOH. Sous chef. Point is, Blake can't act her way out of a home "photo shoot," and the only thing she really had going over the past few months...
Look! Lea Michele did something (fashion-wise, anyway) that I can get behind! I am just loving this dress. And I'm loving the way Lea Michele looks in it. I don't always agree with her fashion choices (OK, I almost never agree with her fashion choices), but this time, I think she's hit it out of the park. Now, if we could just get her to stop talking, we might be making progress with little Miss Glee. ...