How has no one noticed this before? I mean, I'm not the most observant apple in the barrel, but jeez! Catherine Zeta-Girle, what have you done to your face? I suppose it's partially because you're married to Michael Douglas, who's, what, bumping seventy, and you look immensely young next to him regardless, but I Googled your age and you're telling me you're only forty-two? Why so heavy on the facial fillers? And why get some that'd start to deflate so ... unevenly? ...
Did I say "luminous"? I actually meant "unbelievably gorgeous," "amazing," and "OHMYGOD." Also, there's absolutely no question as to who the father of that baby is. Flynn looks just like his daddy.
Was there ever a luckier woman? I mean, with the obvious exception of Lindsay Lohan?
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Demi Moore relies heavily on Photoshop these days. [The Superficial]
More evidence that Beyonce is pregnant, in case you thought otherwise. [Lainey Gossip]
Sean Penn thinks President Obama should visit Occupy Wall Street. [Bossip]
Nikki Reed: married. [Starpulse]
Justin Bieber is Rachel Maddow. [theBERRY]
George Clooney showed up in public with Stacy Keibler. [Cele|bitchy]
Sex while skydiving: it's for real, I guess. [The Frisky]
Scarlett Johansson blames herself for div...
Girlfriend Rooney sat down to do an interview with Vogue, and she's far different than her roles as Nancy in A Nightmare on Elm Street and Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
On not being seen as your typical nude model:
“There’s a certain way people are used to seeing nude women, and that’s in a submissive, coy pose, not looking at the camera. And in this poster, I’m looking dead into the camera with no expression on my face. I think it freaks a lot of people out.”
On the difference b...
Here's some photos of her and Eddie Cibrian at an airport! Yes, this is what LeAnn chooses to fly in - skin-tight (oh, my bad; bone-tight) red minidresses and six-inch heels. Must be way comfortable for those trans-Atlantic flights.
I suppose we don't have to guess what LeAnn's being for Halloween - it's apparent that she's totally knocking off Skeletor.
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Did you watch? No, of course you didn't. Don't lie to me. It isn't being televised until Tuesday, but we have the list of winners so, you know, you don't have to watch the show. Or, you can watch the show with your mom and pretend to be all pre-cognitive and name the winners before they're even nominated. That'd be fun, huh? Moms are way into pre-cognition, unless you're like Carrie's mother, and that shit business gets you locked in a Jesus closet. Ahem, anyway, here's the complete list of ...
Can you guess the lucky lady riding shotgun in Brad's car? Why it's none other than Jennifer Lopez. Yup. Jennifer Lopez. I know she's covering her face quite well in this photo (which is courtesy of People, so thanks, guys), but eyewitnesses claim that it was Jennifer who emerged from the vehicle and Jennifer who probably went right home with Brad, since there was probably no way they were headed out for dinner with her hair looking that crazy.
I know when my hair gets like that, the only ...
Kim Kardashian is a terrorist. [The Superficial]
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones fear for their lives because of something their douchebag son did. [Cele|bitchy]
Ellen DeGeneres' sexy cologne commercial. [Starpulse]
Rihanna gets in trouble for touching boobs. [Bossip]
Lindsay doesn't think she needs a shrink. [TMZ]
Justin Bieber spent $1m on Selena Gomez. [Socialite Life]
Stills from Lady Gaga's new video. [theBERRY]
Heidi Klum does crazy shit with pumpkins. [Ca...
From People:
A moving truck parked outside the Santa Monica home of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore is adding fuel to the "split" fire surrounding the couple's relationship status.
When contacted by PEOPLE, the moving company, Wetzel & Sons, could not comment due to confidentiality.
So, a moving truck, huh? Isn't this, like, the same exact thing that happened with Sandra Bullock and Jesse James? The affair allegations surfaced and no one heard anything for weeks on what Sandy was goin...
Jessica Simpson Looking More Pregnant? by NewsLook
See the way girlfriend is walking in this video? SHE'S PREGNANT. Wanna know why I'm so convinced? Because I've been walking the same way for weeks now, and I know what's going on inside of me. It's easy as pie, friends. Jessica Simpson is pregnant. My only gripe? I wish she'd ADMIT it so we could, like, start pretend-planning a shower or something for her. She's just going to be, like, the most darling mom EVER, doncha think??...
Reason #3,482 v. 1? She's got nice nipples. They're not too large, they're not too small, and even though the photos are black and white, you can tell the color's probably just right - neither too pale nor too dark.
This is just further proof that some women have all the luck - a lovely mouth in the absence of plumping agents, attractive nipples, and a hot, grounded boyfriend. Life doesn't get much better than that, folks.
Jump in for the gallery, which contains Eva boob. In case you ...
What ex-boyfriend is Rihanna shacking up with? [Bossip]
I think he's gross, too. [Lainey Gossip]
Lindsay Lohan's gone full hooker. [The Superficial]
Amber Heard blew Johnny Depp out of the water. [Starpulse]
Jennifer Aniston says she's versatile. [Cele|bitchy]
Why are Harry Potter and his friends so excited? [Huff Po]
Celebrities crushing on celebrities who don't care. [Bossip]
Sara Leal VIDEO. [The Frisky]
Whitney Houston's crackheadedness almost got her kicked off a flight. [Yeeeah]
Aaron Rodgers IS kind of hot, huh? [theBERRY]
Kate Gosseli...