The countdown is on, guys: less than a month before you get to see your favorite vampires and werewolves grace the silver screen in all their angsty, teenage glory. I am neither angsty nor teenage, but even I'm getting caught up in all of the magic that surrounds a big-time feature release, such as Breaking Dawn Pt. 1, so here you are - indulge your inner Twihard and jump on the bus - *it's headed straight for Forks.
*Yeah, I know how corny that was, but come on. Cut me some slack here.
"I definitely know the meaning of pain. You know when you put all your chips into something and then it disappears? It sent me into such pain. I think I had actual vertigo. I was like, 'Is this my new reality?' Will anything be normal again? Then one day you wake up and you think, okay, I'll never be the same, but I'll survive and I'll grow from it."
I totally know how you feel, girl. I heard it was the very same for Orlando when he and I broke up, too. Seems he just didn't know where his life ...
Jennifer Aniston wants to "empower" women. [The Superficial]
Robin Wright Penn lops all of her hair off. [Lainey Gossip]
Mya has "thick" thighs. [Bossip]
The Lingerie Football League wants Michael Jackson's thirteen-year-old daughter. [TMZ]
Stephen Dorff is sad Joel McHale. [The Blemish]
Passive-aggressive notes. [The Blemish]
Ellen Barkin's most foul-mouthed Tweets. [Socialite Life]
Adam Levine gets naked. [Hollywood Dame]
President Obama doesn't like the Kardashians. [Huff Po]
Chicks with abs in bikinis. [The Superficial]
Kellan Lutz knows you think h...
OK, this makes me sad today. I spent my childhood adoring Patrick Swayze (as I'm sure his wife did; I mean, who didn't at the time?), and this is the latest wax figure debuted by Madam Tussaud's. Hopefully you'll all recognize this Swayze from the epic scene in Dirty Dancing that I used to actually recreate in my dining room. Alone. For hours at a time.
And then you have Patrick's widow, Lisa, posing along with her late husband's figure and giving him adoring looks (which, of course, I'd do ...
Sorry, guys, but I'm one of those people who's totally stuck on That 70's Show actors and actresses *staying* That 70's Show actors and actresses for LIFE. Yes, duh, I know that their names are Steven J. Hyde III and Jackie Burkhart Danny Masterson and Mila Kunis, but those weren't the two to get married, SIGH. It was Danny and his long-time girlfriend, Bijou Phillips who did the knot-tying this time around.
Congrats to the happy couple, and may all friendships and ties with Paris Hilton and...
"Look, we saw some amazing people. Scarlett Johansson was great. It was a great audition, I’m telling you. But the thing with Scarlett is, you can’t wait for her to take her clothes off. I keep trying to explain this. Salander should be like E.T. If you put E.T. dolls out before anyone had seen the movie, they would say, ‘What is this little squishy thing?’ Well, you know what? When he hides under the table and he grabs the Reese’s Pieces, you love him! It has to be like that."
This time, I'm not talking about her trusty old sides of ham, either. Remember girlfriend lost all that cannoli and White Russian weight by "healthy dieting"? Word has it that it was actually all due to diet pills and starvation and purging after in-depth makeout sessions with Deena Cortese, but hey. Who's counting when it comes to the Jersey Shore kids these days. (Answer: not Kate Winslet, that's for damn sure.)
Anyway, the outfit, the outfit. That's what this is supposed to be all about...
I guess you don't really even have to see the movie, which is premiering next month, now, right? Ha, PSYCH! Rabid wolves probably couldn't tear some of you from that premiere (myself included, which really illustrates the sad state of affairs this world is in, as I used to be a hardcore Twilight haterade sipper).
Get some!
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It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Jayde Nicole photo: Monkeysuit
“This place gives me the creeps. Have you seen that...
Katie Holmes is one of those celebrities that I will never get sick of ... looking at. She's sort of average-ish, I guess, but in her average-ness is complete gorgeousness. I'm not saying that anyone who can snag Tom Cruise has got to be hot, because I think he was getting pretty desperate to settle down when he "chose" Katie out of a group of five or six other Hollywood starlets who happened to be available at the time, but I am saying that Tom kind of won the marriage lottery, because Katie gets...
This is Demi, who was photographed at a recent film premiere, and I think it's safe to say that the recent affair allegations have taken their toll big time on her.
My advice to the woman? Eat a sandwich. In fact, eat a few of them, and have a few stouts along with them, too. You're an accomplished actress with decades of experience, and truth is, you married a doofus. A hot doofus, I'll give you that, but a doofus nonetheless. We all make these kinds of mistakes sometimes. Try not to sweat i...
Charlie's Angels has been canned. [The Superficial]
Johnny Depp shows up somewhere sober. [Lainey Gossip]
Salma Hayek reveals the secrets to staying hot through forty. [Starpulse]
Celebrities who should have NEVER gotten plastic surgery. [theBERRY]
The Walking Dead season two premiere recap. [Socialite Life]
RIP Dan Wheldon. [TMZ]
A 30's makeup tutorial. [The Frisky]
Kelly Osbourne says Christina Aguilera is way fat again. [Cele|bitchy]
Armie Hammer talks humility. LOL [Socialite Life]
Watch Beyonce's 'Love on Top' here. [Popbytes]
Usher's pan...