Jennifer Lopez is crying her eyes out. [The Superficial]
Jessica Simpson is eight months pregnant. [Lainey Gossip]
The week's best trailers. [Starpulse]
Lindsay Lohan's firing people now. [TMZ]
Young stars at the Power of Youth. [theBERRY]
Ashley Tisdale getting too skinny? [Socialite Life]
Kelly Clarkson does math. [The Frisky]
Ryan Reynolds isn't denying it. [Cele|bitchy]
Bieber sucks face. [Socialite Life]
More adorable Mariah babies. [Popbytes]
What estranged Hollywood couple has reunited? [Huff Po]
The chick who's allegedly hooking up with Prince Harry. [Bitten and Bound...
Justin Bieber is Intent on Ruining the Entire Holiday Season, Christmas Classic by Christmas Classic
You know, every time I try to type "Doug," you know what comes out? "Dough." I just can't stop it. Even consciously trying *not* to type "Dough," it happens. Like in that first sentence there. Which I suppose is appropriate, because the "Doug" in question is probably puffy, yeasty, clammy, and spoiled-milk-colored underneath those clothes. Consider me grossed the f*ck out.
Anyway, these two idiots were removed from a family-friendly pumpkin patch this past weekend for - you guessed it - ex...
Girlfriend there turned eighteen, what, months ago? And this is what we're ending up with? Is this what happens when Mommy stops dressing her little girl? I mean, this is probably the most dressed I've seen this girl since How the Grinch Stole Christmas. What's happening here? Where's the knitting needles?
Here's the short answer: she's eighteen now, guys. She doesn't need to rely on gimmicks like flashing her x'ed-off nipples and making out with unattractive girls. She's letting her music spe...
You want to know what's totally butt-ugly? Do you? It's those awful shoes Megan's wearing. I mean, they're just terrible, right? Megan's been looking completely awesome as of late, what with laying off the Botox (her natural facial expressions are SO PRETTY!) and actually consuming some pasta and bread and maybe even some bacon, but the shoes?
Please, girl. Let what you've got going on from the ankles up speak for itself. The only thing you're doing by wearing those damn things is distracting us from the beautiful, natural evolution that's going...
Taylor Armstrong fired after being beaten to almost-death and after her husband commits suicide. Classy operation. [The Superficial]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. II coming out with a surprise! [Lainey Gossip]
I just love inappropriate death photos. NOT. [Bossip]
It's apparently crack AND meth now. [Starpulse]
Awesome Halloween cookie ideas. [theBERRY]
Madonna doesn't provide for her family. [Cele|bitchy]
Blake and Ryan are officially having sex now. [The Superficial]
Ashley Greene's on the ...
Remember how these two weirdos got their reality show? They did. And about that, now they're shopping around for a network to pick it up. Naturally, they headed to MTV, home of Jersey Shore and Teen Mom fame. And really, what could be more appropriate? Maybe Courtney could even mentor these girls. Let the teen moms know that if they keep f*cking around, keep heading to the bars and beating the shit out of their gross boyfriends when they should be home raising their damn kids, that said kids might...
"We really have to take it upon ourselves to instill a level of honesty in our works and the media we create and we share with each other. And be certain we are doing our own diligence to ensure what we're saying is for the benefit of another...using our full capacity to share the truth."
Right. The truth. Got that? DO YOUR DILIGENCE. />
This would be the "statement" prompting us to forget everything that Ashton allegedy did with Sara Leal by trying to confuse us with big words like "integrity," "media," bastardize," and "truth." You can't fool us, though, Ashton - we know what those words mean no matter how you try to intertwine them and craft them into a veritable tapestry of crafty mastermindery.
My favorite part was this, though:
"We really have to take it upon ourselves to instill a level of honesty in our works and the media we create and we ...
That's it: it's not even Halloween yet, but I'm nominating little Jenni Farley here for "Best Costume." Why? Come the f*ck on. Do you really even have to ask that? Does Snooki have some kind of weird venereal disease that makes her lower half look shorter and squatter than her upper half? Does The Situation have deep, penis-shaped grooves in both palms and feet?
Some things just are, guys, and you just can't question it.
Well lookee here. We have Kris Khumphries, *moving boxes from his New York City hotel room "home," which is shared with wife Kim Kardashian. Oh, that, and he's not wearing his ring, either. Why the long face, Kris? Why the small box? Moreover, why marry a woman who can't even purchase a flat in NYC and has to stay in a long-term hotel room instead?
If it's that last bit that steered you off course, friend, I can't say I blame you. I think Kim's all hot and stuff, and would just love to lear...
Lindsay showed up to the morgue early, shocked some dead people. [Cele|bitchy]
Celebrity reactions to Ghaddafi's death. [Starpulse]
She has no friends of her own, so she scalps her mom's friends. [Lainey Gossip]
Courtney Stodden's begging MTV. [The Superficial]
Kate Winslet loves the no-bra thing. [The Frisky]
Sarah Silverman throws the n-word around. [Huff Po]
Charlie Sheen is laughing at Ashton Kutcher now. [TMZ]
Have you seen Paranormal Activity 3 yet? This is why you sh...