Jessica Simpson's pregnant, so some new wife of an ex just had to have the had the honor to be with child, and we all know that Vanessa Minnillo is just Nick Lachey's beard and he actually can't get within five feet of a willing vagina without breaking out into hives.
From People:
During a visit to Cedar Hill High School near Dallas, a student asked if he has any children. "Um, no, I don't have any kids," Romo replied, following up with, "I've actually got one on the way. My wife's pregnant."
As the students clapped, Romo,...
Hey girl! Long time no see! It's good to see you out of that damned Catwoman costume, and in some real clothes, but this? This is what you're choosing to siege our eyes with? Come on now. You could do so much better. That little one-piece bathing suit? LOVE. The couture dresses and the poofy hair? You rock it. This 5-7-9 dress, though, eh. Stick it back in Blossom's closet, wherever she may be, OK?...
According to sources close to Ashton and Demi:
"Demi didn't come on the actual shooting set or anything -- she never does -- but she spent the day on the lot in his massive trailer. When Ashton and Demi were spotted together, “he put his arm around her and they acted like a couple. They were talking and smiling at each other. Everything seemed just like normal.”
However, a gal pal told press that Demi still hasn’t gotten over Ashton’s alleged affair. "She loves him, but can't forgive him for the embarrassment he has caused.”
Oh Demi. How sad is that, ...
“I’m having a great time. I feel like they say ‘You lose a boyfriend and you gain a best friend’ and that’s really my situation exactly.”
Michele on losing her boyfriend, Theo Stockman, but gaining a best friend. Who I'm also assuming is Theo Stockman. Is that how that works? See, anytime I broke up with a dude (or a dude dumped me), there wasn't a whole lot of "let's be best friends!" going on there. Sometimes there was civil feelings, sometimes there was overt anger or sadness, but the...
Kirsten Dunst's "big boobs" on display. [The Superficial]
The best and the worst of the Q Awards. [The Frisky]
Drunken Tara Reid says she was never "really" married. [TMZ]
Violent Frankie Muniz gets engaged to violent girlfriend. [Starpulse]
What Russell Brand and Katy Perry did for their anniversary. [Lainey Gossip]
Check out Coldplay's new album if you're into that sort of thing. [LA Times]
Chris Evans nudity! [Socialite Life]
Kim Kardashian was booed at her own birthday party. [Yeeeah]
Demi Moore visits Ashton on set. How embar...
No, I'm kidding. That'd actually be pretty disturbing and gross, to be honest. The whole trashy a go-go look is for her newest movie in production, Under the Skin, where she plays Laura, an alien who, as said above, is a sexual predator, bent on harvesting male organs. IMDB says it best, as always:
Aliens descend upon Earth with a specific mission in mind: To abduct hitchhikers and take them back to their home world, where human meat is considered a delicacy.
And it doesn't get much better ...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Hayden Panettiere photo: Harriet Meadow
"Hayden Paniettere has recently been diagnos...
You know sometimes someone says something completely out of character and your entire opinion of said person changes just because of that one or two little sentences? I hate when that happens. Here's what Adele had to say this past weekend that got me thinking that I might want to rethink my Adele-love:
“I am a Bieber needer. I met him and he was very sweet. If I was 14 or 15 I think I would be well on it. I’d get on it.”
A Bieber. Needer. And she'd be "well on it"? She'd "get on it"? I really hope that's a cute littl...
Tell me this doesn't look like two people going through hell. But what's Kutcher's deal? Is he, like, truly remorseful for what he did and wants to make the marriage with Demi work, or is he just trying to save face and not come across looking like a douchebag (or lose out on a perpetual link to what modern celebritydom considers Hollywood "royalty")?
The interaction here is just fascinating: these two bastards photographed getting into the same car, allegedly headed to a religious counselin...
OK, moving right along. Based on previous photos, and the way girlfriend's carrying herself these days, how far along do you think she is? Me, I say about six months, and she's going to have a girl. Call it instinct, call it motherhood kindship, whatever - this girl's going to pop around the end of January and her daughter's name is going to be, like, FiFi or some shit. Or Jessa Daisy Duke Mobley or something.
What's your take - how far along is Jess?
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"It was weird and insidious. I never really knew who I was with, who I had been with and what was in my glass. I did not know what I was doing.”
Michelle Williams on first moving to Hollywood, sans college education, sans happy parents. Williams, incidentally, moved to Hollywood when she was 16 to pursue a career in acting, despite her parents' wishes that she finish school. I mean, duh, remember Dawson's Creek? God did I hate that show.
Glad you made it through the jungle, Michelle. I shudder to ...