Neil Patrick Harris maybe not gay (please)? [The Superficial]
No one takes Kim Kardashian seriously. [Bitten and Bound]
Scarlett Johansson goes in-depth about nude leaked photos. [The Superficial]
Snooki was Snarf. [The Superficial]
Kris wants to save the marriage. [Bossip]
Oh no. Fergie dressed up. [Socialite Life]
Batman's Lamborghini. [Caught on Set]
I've forever known about the non-dumpiness. [Yeeeah]
Courtney Stodden's mother's been behind it the whole time. [The B...
No, dear God, I'm totally joking. Could you imagine what an innocent fetus could do to LeAnn here? It'd rip her life apart. Her very soul. Her waistline.
No, these here pictures are from yesterday, where Gummy McSkin'nBones and Squints McDong feted the arrival of Halloween. Aren't they just the cutest couple EVER? Wouldn't it just be the most to be friends with these two?
How long 'til Lindsay's veneers fall out you think? [The Superficial]
7 Crucial pre-marriage questions that these celebrity couples didn't ask themselves. [The Frisky]
The nude photos of Scarlett Johansson were for Ryan Reynolds, not Sean Penn. [TMZ]
Harrison Ford apparently has a massive penis. [Starpulse]
Bee-yonce's Halloween costume. [Lainey Gossip]
Official version of the Beach Boys' 'Smile' is released. [LA Times]
Shia LaBeouf makes out with his girl. [Socialite Life]
Love it or leave it? I hate it. Really, I do. I actually think this haircut is terrible on him, and it has positively nothing to do with the fact that I kind of detest Justin Bieber for ruining not one, but two of my all-time favorite Christmas songs.
Bottom line, if he was going for a more mature, refined, masculine look, he failed on all counts. ALL OF THEM, you HEAR ME Christmas CD publicity and marketing department?
You win, Justin Bieber. If you were aiming to look like your little hanger...
"After careful consideration, I have decided to end my marriage. I hope everyone understands this was not an easy decision. I had hoped this marriage was forever, but sometimes things don't work out as planned. We remain friends and wish each other the best."
OK, so for those of you who've been reading the site for a while now, you probably know that I've been a Kim sympathizer when those around us have not. I've defended her wardrobe choices, ignored her tacky sex tape, and gave (possibly unwarranted) prai...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Britney Spears photo: Janney B
"C’mon, let me down, Jason! You said if I sang a ...
The photo's caption?:
"It's true, I am going to be a mummy."
I mean, I guess they weren't waiting for some kind of great big glossy magazine cover paying $2m. They were waiting for Halloween. The best part of this joke? Jess probably planned it, like, the day she found out she was pregnant. I could see it going down like this: "Hey y'all, I got them BLUE WORDS on this little stick I peed on! You know what this means, don't you? I GET TO BE A MUMMY FOR HALLOWEEN! ... What, you don't get it?...
The thing I can't figure out, though, is whether Doug is dressed up as Courtney, or if Courtney's dressed up as a skank and Doug's just emulating that to follow suit and ... oh, wait. Right.
Anyway, I think we know where Courtney gets her tits and abs - check out the photo in the gallery of Doug's super amped-up cleavage. AIRBRUSH IS CONFIRMED, ladies and gentlemen.
Whatever, I guess. Let's not ruin this thing for Courtney. She's been prepping and priming for, like, the whole seventeen...
Jugs Malone indeed. [The Superficial]
Even more Hollywood Halloween photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Nicki Reed's painful-looking tattoo. [Starpulse]
Arnold Schwarzenegger's love child is a barbarian just like him. [TMZ]
Taylor Swift nude leak photos that will probably result in a lawsuit. [Socialite Life]
Latin hunk Monday. [theBERRY]
What's up with Ethan Hawke? [Cele|bitchy]
Elisabetta Canalis was the daughter, George Clooney, the father. [The Frisky]
Another little soccer player in the making? [Socialit...