"I don't fight. I don't believe in it. To clear things up I got attacked by 5 people last night out of nowhere. Not cool. My face is f*cked ... As in black eye, bloody nose, hair ripped out, scratches, bruises and cuts. So not ok to be abusive to others. Violence is NEVER the answer."
Avril Lavigne on getting jumped outside of the Hollywood Hotel Roosevelt this past weekend in LA.
You know, I'm not (like, even a little bit) a fan of Avril, but I completely agree. Some people take crap just to...
“I used to date Olivia Munn, I’ll be honest with everyone here. But when she was ‘Lisa.’ She wasn’t Asian back then. She was hanging out on my set of ‘After the Sunset,’ I banged her a few times, but I forgot her. Because she changed her name. I didn’t know it was the same person and so when she auditioned for me for a TV show, I forgot her, she got pissed off, and so she made up all these stories about me eating shrimp and masturbating in my trailer. And she talked about my sh...
Once upon a time there was a girl named Sarah, and that girl was engaged to this guy, like, a decade ago. After what some might call a "mistake" of a relationship for a large variety of reasons, the girl broke up with the guy and moved on with her life. But that engagement ring, given on a past Christmas Eve, sat in her jewelry box, burning a hole through its bottom and into the dresser it sat upon. She thought it was pretty and stuff, but knew she had no reason to keep it, and so she decided to ...
Kim Kardashian made Kris Humphries a gazillionaire. [The Superficial]
Sarah Jessica Parker pales in comparison. [Lainey Gossip]
Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston are doing a movie now. Perfect. [Huff Po]
Reese Witherspoon's WEAK. [Cele|bitchy]
Hollywood's most overpaid stars. [Starpulse]
Conan the minister? [The Frisky]
Scarlett Johansson tokes up. [Yeeeah]
Jimmy Fallon spoofs Justin Bieber. [INFDaily]
Beyonce carries a baby in her colon. [Amy Grindhouse]
The Grammy nomination concert list of performers. [LA Times]
The new Bond girl. [The Superficial]...
I'm pretty positive I still don't buy this story, but it's always fun to speculate. It's also kind of fun to say her name along with Justin's - Mariah Yeater Justin Bieber. Mariah Yeater Justin Bieber. You feel that? Maybe he did, too, and a mini-Yeater-Bieber was the fruit of their (well, her) labor.
What do you guys think - after seeing these photos, you think young Justin hit it?
[gallery columns="5"]...
Oh. My God. If this didn't just make your entire Friday (kind of like it did mine), I just do not know what to tell you, guys.
Also, I'm surprised. I didn't really know what to expect (Frankenskin? Surgery scars? A six-year-old girl?), but it definitely wasn't this. She looks almost, dare I say it, normal. You know, normal? I know we don't really apply that term a whole lot when it comes to this bitch, but I grudgingly suppose it's OK to use here, just this one time.
Lastly, is anyone else as freaked out a...
Hugh Grant is totally not a dick. [Lainey Gossip]
Kim Kardashian "almost cancelled her wedding." Right. [Starpulse]
David Hasselhoff goes deaf. [The Superficial]
Kelly Osbourne couldn't believe her boyfriend liked a penis over her vagina or something. [Cele|bitchy]
Shia LaBeouf's girlfriend strikes me as really, really needy. [Lainey Gossip]
James Franco does stuff with Ouija boards. [LA Times]
Pete Rose is being sued by a DENTIST. [TMZ]
Men love a good striptease in the bathroom, that's right. [The Frisky]
I almost forgot about this guy. [Socialite Life]
A guide to "saf...
You know, no matter how always-unsurprising all of this Lindsay-does-not-go-to-jail stuff is, it never fails to fill me with such an inexplicable fury that I actually begin wishing that she finally f*cks up big enough to go to jail for the rest of her WHOLE STUPID LIFE.
Remember how Emily told you guys yesterday that Lindsay was "sentenced" to 30 days in jail and might be blessed with the possibility of being released almost instantaneously? Well the word on the street via TMZ - who just do...
To, like, act. On stage. In a play, I'm assuming, since it's not a common theme for Broadway theaters to promote crappy independent films that go straight to DVD. According to OTRC:
Megan Fox is set to make her Broadway debut in November, starring alongside a slew of Hollywood celebrities in a production of the hit "24 Hour Plays" project.
The annual fundraiser, produced by the 24 Hour Company and Freestyle Picture Company for Urban Arts Partnership, sees 24 stars teaming up with six writers, ...
Justin Bieber's a drunk, now, too. [The Superficial]
She'll cozy up to anyone ,now, won't she? [Lainey Gossip]
Nick Cannon's still talking about his marriage to Mariah Carey (don't worry, dude, I still can't believe it either). [Starpulse]
Hot photos of Zooey Deschanel's rack. She's single now, you know. [The Superficial]
Jonah Hill in a 21 Jump Street trailer that'll blow your mind. [ICYDK]
First photos of Kate Gosselin on her new job - aye how the mighty have fallen. [INFDaily]
Snooki throws The Situation under the bus for the 4,862nd time. [Huff Po]
It's all about the Benjamins, baby. [CDL]
A haircut to make you ...