"Hi everyone! I just wanted to thank you guys for all your support these last two weeks. I took a break from blogging for a while, but I’ve missed you guys so much and I want to start sharing my updates with you all again. I’ve been reading all your comments on here and, as always, my loyal blog dolls have been nothing but supportive. You all know who you are, so thank you! I love you guys. Kim xo"
Mm-hmm. This would be Kim Kardashian's first post-divorce blog message to all of her "fa...
For a lot of women, pregnancy is that wonderful time in your life when absolutely nothing fits you the way you want (including maternity clothes), your boobs grow to epic proportions and completely change the dimensions of your bra, and your ass, abdomen, and aforementioned boobs fight to win the "let's see who can get the biggest, fastest" race (results may vary from woman to woman).
Hilary Duff - beautiful, glowing Hilary Duff - is experiencing just this. However, her major faux pas here is...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Lindsay Lohan photo: Queasy
"It worked! They’re too busy looking at my hand to noti...
You guys remember last week's post about Miley's fuller face, right? This one? OK, well apparently Miley doesn't like being the topic of gossip blogs, because she fired right back at us via Twitter with a nudie photo. The Tweet said:
"By calling girls like me fat this is what you're doing to other people. i love MYSELF & if you could say the same you wouldn't be sitting on your computer trying to hurt others."
You can jump in for NSFW photo and the rest of the story:
Remember when Pink was pregnant for those eighteen months and looked like this everywhere she went?:
Me too. I'm totally living it. Now, however, she looks quite like this:
Amazing, right? This photo was taken at this past weekend's premiere of Happy Feet Two, and I'm not sure she's ever really looked better. A lot of people say that pregnancy and child-bearing ruins your figure, but I don't know. Pink sure looks to be the opposite of that idea, and if I think real hard, I'm sure I could come ...
Sasha Grey will never stop touching your kids. [The Superficial]
The Harry Potter scene that arouses everyone. [Lainey Gossip]
Whitney Houston thinks Aaliyah is still alive and acting. [Bossip]
Maria Menounos joins the Pussycat Dolls. Cute. [Starpulse]
Katy Perry's newest video. [theBERRY]
Jesse James cheated on Kat Von D with 19 women. [Cele|bitchy]
Jay Z claims he wasn't trying to take advantage of the people on Wall Street. [The Superficial]
Fergie loves being broke. [Amy Grindhouse]
You guys remember Lady Gaga's, like, mantra of "Born This Way," right? And how all of her fans were so ape-shit over jamming "Yeah, boy, I was born this way; don't you bully me, bitch" down everyone's throats? Well apparently to some fans, the "born this way" creed only applies to those in Gaga's inner sanctum of crap music.
Those same fans have taken it upon themselves to bash Adele - yes, the infinitely more talented Adele - because they're worried that she'll take the spotlight away from L...
See this face down here? This face on Madonna's daughter, Lourdes?
It's in direct response to what her mother's doing these days at the same social events that Lourdes herself attends. What could it be, I'm sure you're wondering? Throwing hydrangeas at people whilst shaking a sinewy fist? No, that'd be too classy for Madge. Rescuing unwanted children from third- and fourth-world countries? Nope, too noble! This is what Madonna's doing lately, right in front of her daughter's appraising and b...
"Three years."
Brad Pitt's response when asked last week how long he plans to continue starring in movies. Yep, that's right, kids, you only have three more years 'til Brad hits the big 5-0 and considers himself too old to be tantalizing all of you in front of the cameras.
What does he plan on doing at 50? Well, he's not sure. I mean, he wants to produce, and he claims he'll come back maybe one time to play "a foul-mouthed grumpy old dude one day," but acting appears to be out for future ...
A few years ago I planned an intimate gathering at my house that ultimately turned into a massive houseparty to include practically every friend and acquaintance I'd ever made or known in life.
About an hour into the party, a group of friends began reminiscing "Hey, do you remember [fill in the blanks]? Jeez, I wonder whatever happened to them - God, I haven't seen them in ages." It became a game when we decided if we could somehow network a connection to these people via other human channels...