"That's one of the things [going to visit fiance David Otunga] that saved my life, because I could have been home with my mom then. He wanted me to come out to Florida with him instead of going to Chicago. I flew out to see him; that's why I'm still here. I've never said that before, and I can't believe I just said that now. But I didn't know. He was just like, 'I'm going to this wrestling thing, and it's in Tampa. I'm going out there now, so you can come out there and see me versus going home'."
Is it me, or is there just something so unbelievably entrancing about this woman? Of course, I'm talking completely aside from her fabulous, voluptuous, natural boobs. I'm talking about the depth of the characters she plays in her films. I'm talking about the smoky seduction that just oozes right out of every one of Marion's pores. I'm talking about how damned GOOD she looks in black and white, like a sultry siren from the era of silent films. I'm also talking about her fabulous rack, I can't l...
Britney did an interview all by herself, guys! And you know what, other than thinking that Hershey's Cookies & Cream bars are a new innovation, it's almost pretty lucid, and it's almost entirely about how much she hates working out and eating junk food. I think it's official: Britney is a normal person who just happens to have been thrust into the spotlight by controlling parents at a very, very young age, and who suffered some very public misfortunes that only endeared her to the world that muc...
Katy Perry says she's letting herself go. [The Superficial]
If this douchebag wins, I'm going to DIE. [Bitten and Bound]
Are the Muppets coming back to TV? [Starpulse]
Reese Witherspoon's been peeing standing up or something. [The Superficial]
I thought Eva Mendes was Amy Winehouse. [Caught on Set]
Justin Bieber is greasy. [Yeeeah]
Jennifer Lopez was ridiculous at the AMAs. [The Blemish]
Kim Kardashian took offense to the fact that Kris Humphries called her "fat" and "stupid," but I can't figure out why. [Cele|bitchy]
Win Adele's 'Live at the Royal Albert Hall' DVD...
I go back and forth with this bitch, I really do. Sometimes I think her overt sexuality could possibly be construed as sort of appealing, but mostly, I think it's off-putting. Especially when I run into photos like this before breakfast. Then her overt sexuality puts me off lots of things, primarily like anything I have to swallow in order to digest. You know?
Jump in for Courtney's semi-NSFW nipslip!
Remember that whole heroin-induced, blood-and-gore, kissing-half-brothers thing Angelina used to do? Even though she's been with Brad Pitt for something like a lifetime and has a slew of kids, that darkness still exists. Does that excite you? Does it make you wonder if she'll go spinning off her axis one of these days into a flurry of intravenous drugs, cigarettes, old men, and red meat consumption? Don't get your hopes up yet - Angie says that the dark side now belongs to Brad:
"I'm still a bad ...
And by asking "or what," I definitely mean "or plastic surgery," because as far as I'm aware, no one ages in reverse - especially snaggly bitches who belittle their kids and husband in public for monetary gain.
Namely, the plastic surgery has a lot to do with facial fillers. Maybe something with her jaw. And definitely something with the bridge of her nose. I mean, what is that? Whatever she did to the skin/bone in that area positively makes her appear to be of Asian descent or something. Her eyes look so far apart now. All I know is that *somet...
Aww, isn't she adorable? And though, yeah, she looks a little bit younger than she does these days, you can tell that there's evidence of no plastic surgery or facial enhancements. Awesome, right? I mean, when the hell was the last time that happened, 1948?
Here's a few clues to help you along your way:
- Girlfriend co-stars in an upcoming movie of puppet epic proportions
- I always confuse her with Borat's wife, Isla Fisher
- She plays a damn fine Amelia Earhart
Jump in to see ...
"I don't care if they have a big nose. I don't care if they're bald. [I just want someone who's] really sweet and who's a perfect reflection of who I am now."
No, I'm kidding; she doesn't want Jim Carrey back (and he doesn't have a big nose, duh - that should have been your first indicator). She's actually just a vapid sort of twat who doesn't want to be in a relationship with someone who's more famous than her. See?:
"The first thing is, when it's not fun any more, you need to start investiga...
So former Pussycat Doll and X-Factor host Nicole Scherzinger took it all off for new book, Culo. Good for her, I guess, huh? My first reaction was, "Wow, that's a pretty great ass!" But then, on a second (and third - and fourth) examination, I realized that it might actually be kind of weird. You know how Tori Spelling and Audrina Patridge kind of have that big gap between their fake tits? That's kind of what Nicole's got going on in her nude photo (after the cut; we can't go posting bare asses on...