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Ever wonder what Lady Gaga's nips look like? No? I don't blame you. I didn't either, but since the photo was right in front of my face, I couldn't control my compulsive click-through habit to see what awaited me on the other side.
However, as much as it surprises you, Lady Gaga's nipples do not look anything like Miley Cyrus, unfortunate as that is, so to see the rill dill, you'll have to check in after the jump.
Y'all know how J. Lo's been rumored to be dating that - ugh - backup dancer, Casper Smart, right? Well it's official. Either these two are doing it with the lights out, or Jenny from the block is just extra-friendly to most of the staff on her tour roster.
These photos are of J. Lo and her new boytoy, Casper, and they depict nothing other than gropey, smoochey, eyelash-batting lunacy that makes me think girlfriend's either lost her mind, or she got sick and tired of sleeping next to a bitter,...
I remember back when I was in high school, it was, like, a cardinal sin to wear black and brown together. Do you guys remember that? And your purse always, always had to match your shoes? Your belt, too? That was so stupid, wasn't it. The hell we went through to be in fashion during a time that ultimately didn't mean squadoosh. Plus, I always loved the black-on-brown look. I thought it was classy. Not like that time in elementary school that my mom tried to send me to school wearing a pink sweat...
Here they are, in no particular order!
Album of the Year
Adele, 21
The Foo Fighters, Wasting Light
Lady Gaga, Born This Way
Bruno Mars, Doo-Wops and Hooligans
Rihanna, Loud
Record of the Year
Adele, “Rolling in the Deep”
Bon Iver, “Holocene”
Bruno Mars, “Grenade”
Mumford & Sons, “The Cave”
Katy Perry, “Firework”
Song of the Year
Kanye West, “All of the Lights”
Mumford & Sons, “The Cave”
Bruno Mars, “Grenade”
Bon Iver, “Holocene”
Courtney Love is Lindsay Lohan's sober coach. LOL [The Superficial]
What the hell is wrong with Jessica Simpson's boyfriend's legs? [Lainey Gossip]
Celebrities who admit to regularly getting Botox. [Starpulse]
Pamela Anderson just can't keep her tongue in her mouth. [The Superficial]
Daniel Day-Lewis is an UNBELIEVABLE Abraham Lincoln. [Huff Po]
Ryan Gosling dressed up as a gangster. You're welcome. [INFDaily]
Kim Kardashian says she's not a fraud, but she IS a domestic abuser. [ICYDK]
Kate Gosselin wants to teach you how to live. [CDL]
Diddy is sleeping with Camero...
Isn't that a hoot? Ali says this about the public's interest in her recent non-plastic surgery plastic surgery:
“I was cracking up. Because, like, when would I do that (surgery)? I’m 17 years old. That’s not legal! I would need my mother’s signature, and do you think my mom would sign off on that? No! Its not the right thing to do. It’s stupid. I don’t listen to it. Its absolutely not true.”
In the same interview with Page Six magazine, she also counters allegations that her drastic weight loss cou...
See that photo? That was posted on Ashton's Twitter page, complete with the caption "Country Giving," whatever the hell that means. What's he giving? Is he secluding himself in the sticks and giving up cheap, sell-out vadge for the upcoming Lenten season? Is he giving the cow in the background a rectal? Is he giving himself time to grow out that stupid, pube-looking beard?
What the hell, Ashton? ...
To look at her, though, you for sure wouldn't think so. Jess says to People:
"People always say that pregnant women have a glow. And I say it's because you're sweating to death. I think they just tell pregnant women they're glowing to make them feel good about themselves, because everything makes them a little bit emotional."
I hear you, girlfriend, but I don't think you should be worrying - you're gorgeous. Also, your baby bump is very apparently real, and it doesn't fold up when you do...
Woo! Don't you bet she's just so excited? What, with that loser extortionist ex-fiance of hers being all locked up in jail for the rest of his life or something (I mean, wasn't he stealing from the Vatican? How does one even pull that off?). She's got to be completely thrilled that more options have opened up to her, and really, why not? Why not Anne? She's as good as six Kardashians put together, and look how excited everyone got when Kim recycled her self-bought "engagement ring" from Reggie Bush...