The very best of Lindsay Lohan's wardrobe malfunctions over the years. [Celebslam]
Guess who's having a boy! [Lainey Gossip]
Tom Cruise paid actors to pretend they're fans. [The Superficial]
... And Beyonce's paying people to say she's really pregnant. [Bossip]
Audrina Patridge is still using her boobs to distract you from her face. [Starpulse]
Gene Simmons says Madonna lip syncs, isn't right for the Super Bowl. [TMZ]
Karina Smirnoff's back on the market, guys. [The Blemish]
The Glee men get hot. [theBERRY]
What "celebrity" is headed to jail? [Huff Po]
Ryan Reyn...
This is what Jenni - AKA Jersey Shore's J Woww - had to say about her recent shoot with Maxim:
"I cried when I found out. I was jumping up and down and totally bugging out. This is probably my highest accomplishment."
Hehe, right? Whatever. She is mildly hot. She is. She's sort of attractive in that dirty, fake, swear-word-saying-in-public-places kind of way, and you'd never actually take her home to mom (or to your friends ... or even your acquaintances), but UGH. This photo shoot does gir...
Jennifer Love Hewitt in a blanket. [The Superficial]
Scarlett Johansson says that marrying Ryan Reynolds was the best thing she ever did. I guess she's going to die now or something. [Bitten and Bound]
Angelina Jolie steals things, but you already knew that. [Starpulse]
More details about the chick that Robert Pattinson may be boning behind Kristen Stewart's back. [The Superficial]
Rihanna is on the weed. [Bossip]
Jesse James is DEFINITELY still a pig. [Socialite Life]
A group of friends at a cabin retreat scratch the surface of something so massive and horrific that they can only begin to fathom it as time quickly runs out.
Yeah. I guess it has been done to death, now, hasn't it? The only different here is that Miley Cyrus's stupid boyfriend's brother is in it, so it's going to attract all of the teenyboppers and open the newest generation up to a world of stupid, don't-make-'em-like-they-used-to horror movies. WTG, guys. />
OK, does someone wanna explain to me just what the hell this is? Is it a horror movie? A film about government conspiracy? A skin flick set in the Evil Dead cabin? And in any case, hasn't it kind of been done to death, what with all of the OTHER set-in-a-cabin-in-the-woods movies that have come out over the past five years?
From IMDB:
A group of friends at a cabin retreat scratch the surface of something so massive and horrific that they can only begin to fathom it as time quickly runs ...
I don't know how you guys feel, but whenever I see Blake Lively, I just kind of roll my eyes and shake my head (unless she's naked). The girl is so desperate for more fame. It doesn't matter who it is - if they've had three more minutes of fame than she has had with her Big Deal Gossip Girl contract, she's latched onto them like the leeches that stuck to my ass one fine summer day at the crick when I was sliding down slimy rocks and into eight inches of rock- and twig-ridden waters.
These photos are from a recent vacation wherein Ryan Reynolds thought it'd finally be OK to air out Leona...
Is it me, or is Christina constantly photographed either wearing ugly, ill-fitting dresses or those worn-out black leggings? I mean, did she spend all of her record royalty money on booze, pancake makeup, and Wet 'n Wild Robust Red lipstick or something that she can't afford to buy anything aside from basic black leggings and bad hats that completely obscure her face? Is that really where we've ended up going with this woman?
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Kiefer Sutherland photo: Jak (two weeks in a row!)
"Fans gather at the airport in orde...
Khloe Kardashian eats sunglasses. [The Superficial]
Woman says Herman Cain was a lousy lay. [The Frisky]
And Kim Kardashian's trying to bribe her sisters into liking her. [TMZ]
American Country Awards: the fashion. [Starpulse]
But why is Angelina Jolie schmoozing Brad Pitt's mom? [Lainey Gossip]
Rosie O'Donnell's engaged (again)! [LA Times]
Even Bradley Cooper thinks Ryan Gosling should have been "Sexiest Man Alive." [Socialite Life]
What the f*ck did Nicki Minaj do to her face? [Yeeeah]
Jesse James calls Sandra Bullock "some actress." [Amy Grindhouse]
It's not that I'm interested in seeing the movie (hell no!), I'm actually rather more intrigued by how creepy and lecherous Ashton Kutcher is being with Lea Michele in the post's accompanying photos. That's what's got me curious. Well, that and the fact that Lea Michele is so obviously desperate to snag herself an A-lister boyfriend. You can almost see the words, "F*ck me! Just once!" written all over her face. And you know what? I can respect that about her.
[gallery columns="6"]...
I'm sorry, but this? ^^ This up there? Is kind of frightening to me. And what's further frightening is that the above photo is probably not Photoshopped. I have no doubts that it's the real deal.
This is Karlie Kloss, and she's ranked as one of the up-and-coming top models of the world. She even did a Victoria's Secret debut earlier this year, which puts her to the likes of Gisele Bundchen, Miranda Kerr, and Heidi Klum.
You can check out some other photos from the shoot, and there's actually one in there that doesn't look too bad...
AWRIGHT! Now this is what I'm talking about! I mean, it's not the greatest nipslip of all time (there're definitely some epic ones out there, but this is not one of them), but who wouldn't want to see even a glimpse of Demi Lovato's left nipple? Anyone? ... Didn't think so. Enjoy the kind-of-NSFW photo after the jump and leave your favorite nipslips in the comments.
This is LeAnn Rimes on fat day. [The Superficial]
Rachel McAdams and her boyfriend are still together. [Lainey Gossip]
Why we all love Jennifer Love Hewitt. [Starpulse]
Taylor Swift, Billboard's Woman of the Year? [theBERRY]
Sad Jake Gyllenhaal and his sad beard. [Socialite Life]
Nude photos of Shaun White. [TMZ]
Sarah Jessica Parker "knows" what she looks like. [Cele|bitchy]
PHOTOS: Celebrities when they were young adults. [Socialite Life]
Listen to Nicki Minaj's new track, "Roman in Moscow." [Popbytes]
Lady Gaga is huge because of Donald Trump. [Huff Po]
Miss USA ...