Can you believe this woman is 41? She looks 14, and I mean that in a good way. This photo here would be Tina Fey (like, recently), wearing no makeup, and she looks better than some of the fame-hardened twenty-seven-year-olds that I've seen lately. I wonder what her trick is - avoiding direct sunlight, drinking water, and maintaining a balanced diet, or just a general lack of exposure to toxic family members who like to be pissed on as a part of foreplay?
According to Merriam-Webster (some dictionary people and not non-legitimate word-definers like myself), a "guru" is "a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern." Did you catch that? No? Here it is again: "A TEACHER AND ESPECIALLY INTELLECTUAL GUIDE IN MATTERS OF FUNDAMENTAL CONCERN."
And in young Ali's case, you're probably wondering what "fundamental concern" means to her. I'm guessing, in my layman's terms, that Ali's "fundamental concern" solely lies with ...
This is really great, and I genuinely mean that. I think it's fabulous that Hilary Duff is out and about, shopping for groceries while pregnant and not wearing six-inch heels. I'm not saying that you have to dress like a slob all the time when you're pregnant (I mean, for the most part, I do, but that's beside the point - no one cares what I look like when I go to the bank or run dry cleaning errands in yoga pants and my husband's old hooded sweatshirts), but it's really, really great to see someone - a celebrity! - who doesn't take themselves so seriously that pregnancy is more a fash...
Jessica Simpson's going to be paid to lose that weight. [The Superficial]
Scarlett Johansson dumped Joseph Gordon-Levitt and is now banging Colin Farrell. [Lainey Gossip]
The sexiest, curviest Hollywood stars. [...
I figured out why Christina Aguilera wears those damned leggings all of the time. Wanna know? It's because her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, loves big, accentuated camel toe. And what bigger, more accentuated camel toe have you seen this year besides Christina-girl's in these photos? None. That's right. Camel toe of the year. So before any of you go on with your "leggings are just comfy and Christina Aguilera wants to be comfy dammit" smugness, you're wrong: it's domestic partner camel toe fascination all...
Here's some recent (yes, recent, as in "not from ALMOST FIVE YEARS AGO when Britney shaved her head") photos of Britney arriving at LAX on a break from her whirlwind world tour. Cool, right? Except that it's not, because the mystery of Britney's mane has yet to be solved. It goes on and on. Often without general maintenance or, you know, a good sealant.
Busted weave redux?
[gallery columns="6"]...
So, not too much of a difference, right? Egad. She looks just as shitty in real life as she did in her funny little photo shoot [NSFW!], and you know what? In a twisted, perverse way, that makes me feel like the world is all right once again.
Also, in the Playboy interview, she said this:
"Sex and sexuality are a part of nature, and I go along with nature. I think Marilyn Monroe said that, and I agree with her. Knowing your body and being in touch with your body is important because it gives...
Angelina Jolie is starving herself to save the children. [The Superficial]
Shopping for rings? [Lainey Gossip]
NJ man dies after getting silicone injections INTO HIS PENIS. [Bossip]
OF COURSE Tom Cruise almost died during the filming of his new movie. [Starpulse]
Who's the most profitable actress? [theBERRY]
Daniel Craig is a diva. [Cele|bitchy]
Somebody sexes Britney on stage. [The Superficial]
Meryl Streep's first Vogue cover ever. [Amy Grindhouse]
8 Hookup Dealbreakers. [The Frisky]
Carey Mulligan and her boobs are actually insanely hot. [ICYDK]
Look, it's Miley Cyrus trying to distract us from thinking that she's a stoner! Come on, Miles, you don't have to worry about that business: we know you toke up on the regular, and it's OK. Really, it's alright. It's not like you're Lindsay Lohan who feels the need to blow every semi-powdery substance in a 45-mile radius up her nose every time she gets rejected for an Epic Movie Role. We're completely alright with you, and you don't have to go to such extremes as almost baring your boobs to make us li...