So, I've said it before (and a lot of you gave me shit for it for some reason), but I'm going to say it again: I don't care how much weight you've lost, Snooki, you're still a disgusting human being. You're as bad as Kim Kardashian, you're just not nearly as rich and not nearly as "klassy."
This'd be Jersey Shore's Nicole Polizzi, and look how far she's come from her early days on the show: she used to be the dredge of the crew, the one getting punched in the face by 'roided-up gym teachers, ...
Is there a girl in the room who didn't want to be Anna Chlumsky in the early nineties present? If so, I'm calling you out right now: you're either a liar, or you have no idea who she is. And if you have no idea who she is, that's no excuse, either. We live in a modern society of instant f-cking gratification. Get your ass to Blockbuster or Red Box or Netflix or something and FIND My Girl. You'll get to relive your pre-adolescence all over again, and what's better than that, huh?
I'll tell you...
Seriously, right? Is she supposed to not Tweet her moroseness 'til this whole thing blows over?
Honestly, though, I hear her. People are seriously snarking out over the fact that she hasn't changed her handle from MrsKutcher to, what ... I don't even know. AngryLadyWithTooMuchBodilyPlastic or something? The ink on the preliminary divorce decree probably hasn't even dried yet, and yet her followers think that her Twitter name is a priority right now.
Come on. We're talking a mature, mature w...
No, they're not! I'm completely kidding. I mean, she'd probably look OK if she put on, say, thirty pounds, but she's swimming in those bell-bottomed pants (are those even in anymore? I've spent so much time in yoga pants and sweatpants that I just don't even know fashion anymore), and the ... wait, are those the same pants from 5-7-9 that I had to buy when I worked as a cashier at a grocery store in high school?
Ha, no way. You know they don't sell size -.01244 at stores like 5-7-9. Come on now....
Lindsay Lohan BAILED. [The Superficial]
Is this the hottest Leonardo DiCaprio's been in a decade? [Lainey Gossip]
What A-list actor's new movie is a complete bomb? [Starpulse]
Verne Troyer goes bowling with a ball three times the size of his head. [TMZ]
Celebrity Bikini Bodies: GUESS WHO. [Socialite Life]
What Tina Turner looks like today. [Seriously OMG]
Check out Kelly Clarkson's new thang. [theBERRY]
Guy Ritchie wasted, embarrassing. [Celebslam]
20 Reasons Why Dogs Hate ...
"[Being on Law & Order: SVU] was so awful. So stupid. People are obsessed with that show. I don't get it. Me and my boyfriend—although I don't look old enough to have a boyfriend—went and beat up these fat people, and at the end of the show you find out that I used to be obese and I hate fat people. It's ridiculous. Who would ever do that? Who would beat someone up because they're fat? And as retribution, they sodomized her. I mean, I've been sodomized since the beginning of my career. I shoul...
At first glance, my girl Scarlett looks fab from afar - didn't Clueless coin that phrase as a "Monet" or something? Something that looks amazing from a distance, but really looks like hot mess hell
up close. But as you get a clearer and clearer picture of what's going on up in Scarlett's grill, you can see that things are kind of amiss. Or a mess, depending on how blatant you take your insults:
Oh, girl, let's take a closer look:
So, OK. I should give her credit and props and wh...
Selena Gomez is proposing to Justin Bieber. [The Superficial]
2012's Most Anticipated Films. [Lainey Gossip]
Fantasia gave birth to the baby of the lover she did not sleep with. [Bossip]
Season 12's Biggest Loser before and after photos. [Starpulse]
What J. Lo bought her new boyfriend. [TMZ]
Lindsay Lohan bailed on her Ellen interview. [The Blemish]
What the hell is up with Natalie Portman's face? [theBERRY]
Matt Damon starts a new Hollywood feud. [Huff Po]
What female celebrity is reading self-help books about love? [Hollywood Dame]
Who is "the world's greatest musica...
"We have had many tears today. This is life, and I understand that we are going though something that many others have. You think about the what-ifs, but God gives us strength to go on. We won't be able to see this child's life and the phases that we've seen for our other children, but we know we will see this child in heaven one day. We are thankful for each child, and we are blessed to have the children we have here and the ones we will meet someday in heaven."
Oh man. I don't give a crap...
The Dark Knight Rises second official poster. [Hollywood Dame]
Why you should watch The River. [Pajiba]
Somebody Photoshopped the hell out of Matt Damon. [theBERRY]
Jennifer Garner gushes about how wonderful her husband is. [Lainey Gossip]
Cyndi Lauper's post-resurfacing face. [Bitten and Bound]
Diddy and Cameron Diaz spotted "making out like teenagers." [Starpulse]
Some shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal Christmas photos for you. [theBERRY]
Matisyahu shaved his big beard. [TMZ]
Kate Winslet...