If you guessed a sad has-been-alleged-spouse-abuser trying to look forty years younger and only ending up with the complete opposite result, you're absolutely right. However, that's not exactly what I meant. What I meant was, "Who, precisely, is this sad has-been-alleged-spouse-abuser, stuck on looking forty years younger and only ending up with the complete opposite result."
If you guessed Kris Jenner, you'd be half-right. This is going to be Kris Jenner in five years, and I'm actually lookin...
What's that, you have no f-cking clue who Terri Seymour is? Well, first and foremost, she's Simon Cowell's ex-girlfriend. Second, she was choked on American Idol one year. Nuts, right? Third, she was an Extra correspondent up until last year, but these days, I have no idea what she's doing.
FINALLY. She was born in 1974. That makes her nine years older than me, but she looks about fifty. She'd look good for fifty, if she was fifty, but you know what? She's not. She's only thirty-eight. SUNSPOTS SUNSPOTS MELANOMA CARCINOMA.
My advic...
Adorable, right? Can I refer to a burgeoning bump on a woman's midsection as "adorable," or is it strange that humans generally feel all fuzzy and wuzzy when it comes to a woman gestating another tiny, underdeveloped human in a special neighborhood of their nether regions?
I'm kidding. Of course it's adorable. And I'm thrilled for Hilary and her husband. She seems like she's going to be a totally awesome, totally down-to-earth mom who just loves her family and their little nest of existence. I also...
See, I didn't get this look back in 1977 (not that I was around then), and I definitely don't get it these days. Especially with the six-inch heeled ankle boots. With flowy pants. I think that might be the worst part of all of it. Like, what's she trying to hide in them there ankle gaps, sixteen buttered croissants? A Christmas goose? Woody Allen's manhood?
What say you -
{democracy:287} ...
I know. You guys probably think I'm obsessed with nude photos of celebrities, but you want to know something? If I am, I'm not the only one. You cannot IMAGINE the search terms that some of our traffic is generated from through Google and what not. It's unbelievable. And in some cases, unrepeatable, for the sake of going to jail. Some of the things that people Google, and thus, land on our page, is illegal in 48 states. I know this for a fact, and these are your peers, guys. They say there's a m...
"I’ve talked to a lot of people who worked for Obama at the grassroots level. One of them said to me, ‘Never again. I will never be fooled again by a politician.’?You know, a one-term president with some balls who actually got stuff done would have been, in the long run of the country, much better. If the Democrats think that they didn’t have a mandate—people are literally without any focus or leadership, just wandering out into the streets to yell right now because they are so pissed o...
J Woww's a bikini designer, now. [The Superficial]
Ashton Kutcher's first free holiday. [Lainey Gossip]
Jessica Alba bought her daughter a car for Christmas. [Starpulse]
Angelina Jolie's pregnant already. [Cele|bitchy]
X-Factor leaks: who's gonna win? [LA Times]
Casey Anthony is being sued. [TMZ]
A brief history of women who pay for sex. [The Frisky]
Stephanie Seymour is very ... flexible. [Socialite Life]
Scott Bailey's nude ass. [OMGBlog]
Jessica Lange and Sam Shepard split. [Yeeeah]
Leonardo DiCaprio has a ne...
OK, now. For real. Even if you can't stand Sarah Palin (or, for that matter, the entire McCain camp), you have to admit: this looks like it's going to be one good-assed movie. Ed Harris as John McCain? Hell. I see what Courtney Stodden saw now. Just in Ed Harris, and not John McCain, because that's just gross, and anyway, I think Courtney Stodden just wants to be Cindy McCain. Heaven knows she's on her way to looking just like her, right?
Anyway, yes, Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin? Meh. I would have preferred Tina Fey, naturally, but Julianne Moore's good and solid. And Woody Harrelson? Hell. Anything w...
Oh. My God. Oh my God. Look at this, will you? There's a chick from Jersey Shore that's *actually* a natural beauty. I could seriously just fall all over myself and die. No weird, sculpted facial augmentations, no diarrhea diets to enhance the cheeks (both of them), no plaster of Paris injections to look like a weird work of "art" ... I'm kind of at a loss for words.
Sammi Giancola is actually, legitimately pretty, and just might have a chance of rising above the trashiness of her reality ...
Lindsay Lohan is a serious actress now. [The Superficial]
Kate Middleton just keeps losing weight, huh? [Lainey Gossip]
Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady's house is ENORMOUS. [Starpulse]
Jennifer Aniston's making her boyfriend send out JOINT CHRISTMAS CARDS. [Lainey Gossip]
Biggest celebrity scandals of 2011. [Starpulse]
The Hiltons have landed. [ICYDK]
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman meet up in NYC. [INFDaily]
Kris Humphries booed in basketball return. [Huff Po]
Jessica Simpson spotted shopping for wedding dresses. [CDL]
Mrs. Depp needs cash. [Lainey Gossip]
The Jenn...
This is the new Adele - the post-surgery, nodule-removed Adele who's seriously skinnier in the face. I'm not insinuating that she had any cosmetic surgery done, because I really, really don't believe that, but man. She does not look OK in this photo. It just looks like the vocal cord surgery and recovery completely kicked her ass. And what a difference some facial weight loss can make in a person's face. Wow.
Anyway, I hope you're feeling on the up and up, Adele, and you're able to get back ...
From the Daily Mail:
... Grammy-nominated Adam [Lambert], 29, and reality TV star Sauli Koskinen, 26, were in a club called Don't Tell Momma before becoming involved in what local media described as a 'huge fight'.
Finnish media reported how onlookers tried in vain to break up the fight but that Adam allegedly attacked them as well.
Police were then called and broke up the fight before taking the couple to different police stations - Adam in the neighbourhood of Pasila and Sauli in Too...