What a ... a lovely foot, huh? It almost looks like the foot of your average, non-celebrity person, if your average, non-celebrity person weighed more than eighty-five pounds soaking wet. This here foot actually kind of reminds me of the dusty old skeleton that used to sit in the corner of my biology class in high school. I sat at a lab table next to that damned skeleton for my entire junior year, and instead of jiggling my foot whenever I'd get bored, I'd slide my shoe underneath the skeleton...
CONFIRMED: Kim Kardashian is busted for being a fake-ass bitch with no scruples. [The Superficial]
What happened to Claire Danes' face? [Lainey Gossip]
And now, I figure out why I dislike Lady Gaga SO DAMN MUCH. [Starpulse]
Chris Bosh's wife is not carrying their child - a surrogate is. [Bossip]
Mena Suvari filed for divorce. [The Superficial]
PHOTOS: The world's finest cocktails. [theBERRY]
What did we think of Tilda Swinton's Golden Globes look? [Cele|bitchy]
Taylor Swift does Vogue....
Poor Lindsay Lohan. When will she stop being such a disgusting, coked-up pariah that can't stop jacking up her stupid, formerly hot face with various strains of muscle-freezing food poisoning and bits of melted Tylenol gelcaps? When? Is there an expiration date on all of this f-ckery, or are we doomed to watch it happen again and again, in circles of various haircolor?
In the above picture, you can see directly up Lindsay's nose. There's no fine hairs, no tiny flaps of pink tissue covering the entranc...
That's usually what that means, right? When Lindsay Lohan dyes her hair blonde, it reflects the amount of crazy she's got in her system at that particular given time. When Britney Spears breaks out the pink wig, God help us all - major shit is about to hit the fan, deep-voiced Satan is about to emerge, and cities are going to fall. So what does all of this mean - all of this Justin Gothic Bieber stuff? End of the world? Does it mean that when Justin Bieber goes all dark and stuff, that we're to ...
"Quite well, thank you. Are you asking because of recent events? You are making the mistake of seeing time as linear. The brilliant American author Kurt Vonnegut, he’ll tell you that if you imagine reality as experienced simultaneously, events become redundant."
This is what Russell Brand had to say when he was asked how he was doing this past weekend.
You know, something about a lot of European folks: they've still got some manners left after all these years. And that's not to say that...
Imagine my surprise when Angie here showed up at the 2012 Golden Globe Awards looking like a cracked-out hot mess circa 1999. I mean, the lipstick? Was that supposed to match the red in that AWFUL dress, or was the entire bargain-basement-rate prostitute look based solely on the lipstick?
Also, 'Gelina really needs to go and eat herself a hot dog or three. And not those chintzy, nasty tofu dogs - I'm talking gen-you-ine 65-grams-of-fat-per-serving garbage dogs straight from the grease pit, b...
How darling is this? I know it's not all cleavage-heaving and body-baring, but Michelle could probably wear a full-length, high-necked burlap bag and she'd still rock the fiber out of it. Plus, her hands. I've got this hand fascination, and I totally make snap judgments about people based on what their hands look like, and I just cannot stop staring at hers. She's got such COOL HANDS. NEAT hands. Very artistic-looking hands.
Other good, honorable mentions include The Help's breakout star, Vi...
Right. Golden Globes whatever. Did you see the ass-whupping that the Packers took from the frigging New York Giants last evening? Sick. This whole weekend was sick. Only one of my picks won, and that was Ravens over Texans, not that anyone was really surprised by that. AND MY SAINTS LOST. To the 49ers. Football, I am so disappointed in you today. You should have been so, so much better. For me.
Anyway, you're probably here to hear about the Golden Globe Awards, not listen to me malign football and certain teams' roughhousing tendencies that result in undeserved wi...
Ha. That's a joke right there, because duh, as if it ever left.
These photos are of a very sultry Brad Pitt, who was interviewed most recently by W magazine, where he talked topics like crying, and hotness, "dying well," and other really rather stupid questions by the interviewer. Somebody needs to find a new job for critic Lynn Hirschberg (the, um, aforementioned interviewer), because her silly starstruckness really shows in the dialog, bloody hell.
Here's a few excerpts, and you can read th...
Oh, well isn't that cute. Katy Perry in short, blue hair. With some random dude. And this is the first sort-of-candid public photo that's appeared of Katy since news of her husband filing for a surprise divorce.
I don't know. If I was still reeling from an alleged emotional blow like blindly being dumped by the love of my life (whom I happened to enter into the sanctified pact of marriage), I don't quite know that I'd be showing up in public places looking like ... well, this. The blue hair, th...
"Kim is the home wrecker, I'm not the home wrecker. I don't date men in relationships; I don't do that to other women. I got frustrated and I said it, [OK?]. I feel like Kim and her family, they manipulate the media and they want people to believe what they want them to believe. I just had to put the truth out there and I had to get it off my chest."
Wow. This is practically, like, the first time I've ever really had anything good to say about Amber Rose and her beat-looking vulva.
Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ
Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ
Can’t win by myself but with your help I might
Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ
Commencing 4th down “Hut, hut, hike”
Snap the football and may God’s love be with me
This is Jesus Christ to Tim Tebow
Please leave me alone
Don’t you know my day of rest is Sunday?
And I’m sick of watching all these Broncos games
I hear that you play New England next week
Dude, you’re on your own
Brady is too good and I got better things to do
So I passed 316 yards
There’s still two games to go
If I want to make it to the Super Bowl
And show everyone on Earth how to Tebow
Tim Tebow to Jesus Christ
The Broncos won we’re still alive
Come on everyone Tebow
Come on everyone Tebow
Come on everyone Tebow
Come on everyone Tebow
I know we don't do a whole lot of football-talking around here, but I like it, it's something that I'm into, and I'm actually pretty pumped about this upcoming weekend. Do you want to hear my picks? No? Too bad. You're going to, and you're going to like it. Or at least be OK with it and forgive me for the non-celebrity-ish-related post that I craftily snuck in under the guise of the delightful Jimmy Fallon and the legendary David Bowie and the really hot Tim Tebow.
I say Saints over 49ers, Broncos over Patriots, Ravens over Texans, and Green Bay over Giants. And THEN? Next week? I say it's going to be Saints over Green Bay for a spot in the Super Bowl, and the Broncos over the Ravens for a spot in the Super Bowl.
So. I'm sorry. Really, I am. Were you able to get through that without gagging? Or, maybe, I don't know, you liked it. Was that the case? Because if it was, I'll give you a chance to voice your picks. Check it out if, you know, that's your thing, too.
Saints and 49ers?