Taylor Swift wrote an entire album about Jake Gyllenhaal. [The Superficial]
Kim Kardashian tried to get with Tim Tebow, but she's Satan incarnate, so he said no. [Cele|bitchy]
Your ultimate American Idol recap. [Starpulse]
Hilarious model inner monologue. [The Frisky]
Demi Moore's had a "Red Bull addiction" for years. That's what this is all about, I guess. [TMZ]
Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana spotted together for the first time. [Socialite Life]
Vanessa Paradis has EVEN MORE...
So, I said yesterday that the 911 call featuring Demi's rescuers would be sent out to the 'net for all of the public's listening pleasure, and it has been. I haven't listened to it. And if you want to listen to it, it's out there, but you're not going to find it here - at least from me - because like I said, I think it's weird. Morbid might be a better word. Like, that one website, Rotten.com? God do I hate that website. There's such bizarre stuff on there, and I think certain things are better left unheard or unseen (nu...
From In Touch Weekly:
As LeAnn Rimes’ one-year wedding anniversary with husband Eddie Cibrian approaches, she is eager to give him the best gift ever – a baby. In fact, LeAnn wants to have a child with Eddie – who has two sons, Mason and Jake, with ex-wife Brandi Glanville – more than anything in the world.
But LeAnn is already struggling to overcome a major roadblack: “She doesn’t want to gain the weight!” a source reveals to In Touch. The reason? A size 0, LeAnn is afraid th...
Are Child Protective Services going to take away Halle Berry's daughter? [Bossip]
Who wants to win a Grammy? [LA Times]
Lindsay Lohan's being sued for that one time when she hit a baby with her car. [The Superficial]
Pamela Anderson's dating an NFL player now. [Lainey Gossip]
Michael Jackson's daughter is in love with Justin Bieber. Move over, Gomez. [Starpulse]
Jessica Biel refused Justin Timberlake's first ring because it was too small. [Cele|bitchy]
Aubrey Plaza talks about sex with Bill Murray. [H...
In January 1961, on a cold snowy evening in Greenwich Village, a twenty-year-old Bob Dylan, fresh out of Minnesota, began his professional career in earnest playing at a hole-in-the-wall coffee house. A few months later, the British lawyer Peter Benenson and some friends in London launched the campaign that became Amnesty International.
It was a coincidence. Yet from the start, Dylan’s artistic work and Amnesty’s political work drew on a common sensibility that ultimately changed the world.
For half a century, Amnesty has pressed to secure the fundamental human rights of the persecuted and imprisoned across the globe. Over that same half century, Dylan’s art has explored and expressed the anguish and hope of the modern human condition.
Chimes of Freedom is dedicated to people worldwide who are unjustly imprisoned or threatened for the peaceful expression of their beliefs.
Good cause, yes? You've also got the option of purchasing single tracks, or the entire album, which is priced at a reasonable $24.99. And that's great. But can we talk a second about Miley and how *good* she actually is at the whole music thing when she tries, and she's not all glitter and black leather and heaving and grinding and tongue-lolling? I mean, this is a chick that we might actually be able to take seriously one day, especially if she keeps churning out music (OK, mostly covers) like this one here. />
See, this is the musical side of Miley that I just love. LOVE.
This is Miley's take on Bob Dylan's Chimes of Freedom: The Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International, and frankly, it's f-cking wonderful. I could listen to her version of this song AT LEAST another three times before I got sick of it.
The project, as noted in the CD's title, celebrates Amnesty International, and all purchases are directly donated to AI:
In January 1961, on a cold snowy evening in Green...
Remember her? Oh I do. I always had such a girl-crush on her, pretty much my entire life. She always seemed so sweet and pretty and salt-of-the-earth. Lovely little Liv Tyler. Plus, that ultra-feminine, super-breathy voice. She killed it. I loved that. And that's coming from someone who has more of a "man"-voice like Scarlett Johansson. And if you've never heard Scarlett Johansson actually speak, here's your chance:
It's kind of like that. So naturally, you always envy that which you do not...
fulfilled her contract with endorsed Zantrex-3 with open arms.
Still not sure what Zantrex-3 is? It's more or less a caffeine pill laced with fancy-sounding herbs. It's kind of like living on a diet of Vivarin and green tea, and probably not much else. Wanna hear the potential side-effects of taking Zantrex-3? Well, shoot, OK!:
Zantrex-3 has several potential cardiovascular side effects. Specifically, this supplement may increase heart rate and cause irregular heartbeats or palpitations. Additionally, an increase in blood pressure may result. If you have a medical history of cardiovascular disease, you should not take this supplement because of the stimulant effects of caffeine. In general, people taking this supplement should reduce or limit their intake of caffeinated beverages to avoid potential side effects.
The caffeine in Zantrex-3 may lead to gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea and vomiting, decreased appetite, diarrhea and general stomach discomfort. Such side effects may subside, but do not ignore these symptoms if they persist; for example, continued diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Seek medical attention if any of these effects persist.
Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, so Zantrex-3 may increase frequency of urine output. Consequently, individuals with a medical history of kidney disease or renal problems should consult a physician before taking this supplement.
The high amount of caffeine present in this substance may produce effects that involve nervousness with jitters, sleep problems and irritability. Changes in mood may occur as well as increased feelings of anxiety or panic. Individuals with anxiety or mood disorders should check with a physician before taking Zantrex-3.
Well all that just sounds awesome, doesn't it? Irritability, excessive peeing, nausea, vomiting, general stomach discomfort. Honestly, Snooki may as well go ahead and get pregnant, since she's so used to the symptoms, right? You know what's scarier than a Snooki all amped up on glorified caffeine pills? Pregnant Snooki all amped up on glorified caffeine pills.
I shudder at the thought. Please, Zantrex-3, let's maybe find out down the road that excessive use of your product results in the possibility of sterilization, OK? At least in this case? />
Wow. Wowwowwow. So bad. Snooki: so bad. If you didn't watch the video, I'll spare you the gory details and just say that Snooki is so excited, and she just can't hide it, over Zantrex-3's fat-burning pills. Because yes, though she said in the past that her weight loss was all natural and had nothing to do with anything aside from good old-fashioned eating better, cutting out booze, exercising, and drinking tons of water, she's finally come clean and fulfilled her contract with endorsed Zantrex-3 with open arms.
Still not sure what Zantrex-3 is...
According to Liam, who was - ohmygosh - raised as a Catholic altar boy in Ireland, after spending much time in Istanbul filming his latest movie, The Grey, a change to practicing the Islamic religion might be in order:
"The call to prayer happens five times a day, and for the first week, it drives you crazy, and then it just gets into your spirit, and it’s the most beautiful, beautiful thing. There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning, and it really makes me think about ...
From TMZ:
The Demi Moore 911 tape will not be very revealing, because we've learned there's gonna be a lot of redacted information ... including the drugs she was using just before the emergency.
Law enforcement sources tell us ... The L.A. City Attorney is recommending that all references to drugs in the 911 conversation between the dispatcher and one of Demi's friends should be erased before being released to the public. The recommendation is based on patient privacy.
TMZ broke the s...