Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Aniston Talks Cooking and Copying her Boyfriend’s Fashion Style

photo of jennifer aniston pictures photos in style magazine pic Ready? Set? Bug your eyes out, flare your nostrils, and slightly part your lips. Got it? Good. Then you've got Jennifer Aniston's signature face that is seen somewhere in every. single. photo shoot. ever. Congratulations! So here are a few choice quotes from Jen's latest interview with InStyle magazine, and if you can also say "vanilla" along with the above facial contortionist accomplishment, then you probably are Jennifer Aniston. And if that's the case, lay off lady. I have good lawyers, ...

The Best Entertainment of the Weekend: SNL Kristen Wiig’s Lana Del Rey Impersonation

So, a lot of you guys had some pretty strong opinions on Lana Del Rey's Saturday Night Live performance a few weeks ago, and while I don't think she did as poorly as some previous performers had in the past (the ones Kristen Wiig named in the above skit, and including my own personal favorite, Ashlee Simpson), her performance will definitely go down as one of the more memorable ones, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is definitely subjective. Lana's very ... unique. In the clip above, Kristen Wiig (as Lana) chats with Seth Myers about her infamous performance, and though her impersonation was spot-on and definitely poked fun at the odd singer, she made a bunch of really good points that, yeah, maybe we should be laying off Lana, her music, and her eccentric-though-maybe-staged persona because really, who's business is it if she's genuine or put-on or, you know, whatever? mean, she's already not considering doing another album and she claims it's because she's already said everything she's got to say, but we all know the probable real reason why: because people are bullies, right? But again, from Lana's point of view, who's business is it anyway? Oh, of course, that's right: it's everyone's business. What do you guys think about Lana Del Ray, and do Kristen's good points masked as mockery change your opinion even a little bit if you're one of those who do feel negatively about her?
Also, check out the clip via YouTube if you can't view the above player. /> So, a lot of you guys had some pretty strong opinions on Lana Del Rey's Saturday Night Live performance a few weeks ago, and while I don't think she did as poorly as some previous performers had in the past (the ones Kristen Wiig named in the above skit, and including my own personal favorite, Ashlee Simpson), her performance will definitely go down as one of the more memorable ones, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is definitely subjective. Lana's very ... unique. In the clip ...

Morning Wood

photo of lily collins pictures hot photos pictures pic M.I.A. wants you to think she's important, of course. [The Superficial] Card tricks courtesy of Jesse Eisenberg. [Lainey Gossip] Do you think Obama deserves a second term? [Bossip] Zac Efron dating Taylor Lautner's sloppy seconds? [Starpulse] Which did Tim Tebow bang: Katy Perry or Maria Menounos? [The Superficial] PHOTOS: Welcome to the "hipster" life. [theBERRY] Jessica Simpson was rooting for the Patriots. At least her tits were. [Cele|bitchy] Vanessa Hudgens is still talking about getting naked. [Amy Grindhouse] Gisele Bundchen defends her husband's Super B...

Quotables: Kelly Osbourne Spills on the Grey Hair

photo of kelly osbourne grey gray hair pictures photos "It's something I've wanted to do my whole life. I've always wanted to be young and have grey hair. To me, I'm 27, I've got three years left, the way I look at it, to have fun with it, because once you're 30, you look like a right idiot walking around with like rainbow, bright color hair and all different things like that." Wait, what? Does that mean in three years, Kelly'll stop doing childish things and allegedly falling off the wagon and publicly fighting a one-sided bitch-fight with peo...

PHOTOS: Still Going Strong!

photo of rachel mcadams and michael sheen pictures dating pic I know - most of you guys completely disagreed with me when I'd previously said that I couldn't understand why someone like my lady love, Rachel McAdams, would date Michael Sheen when she could have men of the likes of Ryan Gosling. And I still kind of feel that way, but only half - see, now that Ryan's dating Eva Mendes, Rachel's way too good for him. After much heartfelt soul-searching, I've come to the conclusion that I hope Ryan and Rachel never get back together. And they probably won't, because things don...

How’d Kelly Clarkson Do on the National Anthem?

I don't know about you guys, but I was not excited about Madonna's halftime show. "Greatest show on Earth" I'm hearing? Ugh, hardly. I personally enjoyed Kelly Clarkson's 'Star-Spangled Banner'. It was nice to see a performer actually sing live, and while there were no pyrotechnics and, you know, obnoxious robe-wearing Cee Lo Green to complement her performance, it was solid and my God did she look good. Plus, Kelly's "choir" beat the ever-loving hell out of Madonna's. And there was no CGI that sent me into fits of seizures (but to be fair, it might not have been the CGI that did it - it could very well have been the hot wing dip and the two whole cans of Coke I drank. But anyway, yes, I did watch the Super Bowl, and I thought it was a crap game. Yes, because I loathe the Giants, and yes, because my team (the Saints) got so close and missed it, and also, yes, because there was really like, two plays that occurred that were "exciting," but on the whole the entire thing - aside from the promising start, what with Kelly Clarkson's fine ass belting out the National Anthem and Blake Shelton and his wife doing their thing for 'America the Beautiful' - was really, really boring and I think I paid more attention to 'Words With Friends' than I did to the game itself. That, my friends, is a sign that this Super Bowl was just ill-fated. /> I don't know about you guys, but I was not excited about Madonna's halftime show. "Greatest show on Earth" I'm hearing? Ugh, hardly. I personally enjoyed Kelly Clarkson's 'Star-Spangled Banner'. It was nice to see a performer actually sing live, and while there were no pyrotechnics and, you know, obnoxious robe-wearing Cee Lo Green to complement her performance, it was solid and my God did she look good. Plus, Kelly's "choir" beat the ever-loving hell out of Madonna's. And there was no CGI tha...

I Guess Tish Cyrus Was Always a Floozy

photo of miley cyrus family photo twitter pictures photos Right? Right? Miley posted this photo to her Twitter account earlier today with the caption "Awkward family photos. @billyraycyrus always giving face!" and yeah, I know that's true, but Tish Cyrus, yes? Total hooch, isn't she? I realize the big, Aqua-Net hair and brown lipstick was A Thing back in 1990 or whatever, but come on. This is supposed to be a loving, heartfelt family photo, not a glamour shot for a hair salon magazine. What's she wearing underneath that black wool and fake-sherpa coa...

Why Are All of These Super Bowl Ads Being Released Early?

Honestly, isn't that the whole point of the commercials airing during the Super Bowl? Because people get excited about them, and the sponsors pay a shit ton of money to have them aired during prime time football? Why bother even watching the Super Bowl for the commercials if you could just head to You Tube, type in 'Super Bowl commercials 2012' and get a free pass to see them days early? No one's getting paid for that, you know, and because I see Elton John here stumping for Pepsi instead of seeing it during the football game, I'm much less likely to run out and buy a case of Pepsi. It's why these commercials ad during the Bowl: everyone gets caught up in the moment and buys soda products and Hondas and underwear. It's how it works. Anyway, here's yet another "leaked" Super Bowl ad. It features Elton John as, I don't know, a miserable king that hoards all of the Pepsi for talented performers, and when this year's X-Factor winner, Melanie Amaro, belts out Aretha Franklin's 'Respect', the roles reverse, she hits a lever, Elton John goes through the floor and into the dungeon, and she commands Pepsi for everyone. The best part of the video? When Sir Elton himself is discharged through the suck-chute and ends up sharing quarters with Flava Flav. That's probably the only redeeming factor of this whole commercial, boooyyyyeeee. Am I the only one who kind of feels like Santa Claus isn't real all over again with these early Super Bowl ads? /> Honestly, isn't that the whole point of the commercials airing during the Super Bowl? Because people get excited about them, and the sponsors pay a shit ton of money to have them aired during prime time football? Why bother even watching the Super Bowl for the commercials if you could just head to You Tube, type in 'Super Bowl commercials 2012' and get a free pass to see them days early? No one's getting paid for that, you know, and because I see Elton John here stumping for Pepsi instead of se...

Afternoon Delight

photo of bruce willis hot pictures photos Bruce Willis told Demi Moore to go to rehab, she chose penis cake and whip-its. [The Superficial] Demi Moore + Miley Cyrus = BFFs. [The Frisky] Keira Knightley's sex faces. [The Blemish] Kirsten Dunst and Garret Hedlund are still dating. [Socialite Life] The Situation whipped out his dick and Snooki pissed on the floor. [Popbytes] Because Bono needs more money. [Celebslam] That's flattering, Kim Kardashian. [theBERRY] Ryan Gosling On Demand? Yes please! [OMGBlog] I've slept with more ...

I’m Not Convinced, Madonna

This is bad, Madge. Just bad. It sounds like cheap video game music and are you singing with that stupid, affected British accent? Is that what I'm hearing? As for you, Nicki Minaj and MIA, I get it. You want to be featured in an iconic legend's music video. And that's fine. Not many people can say they did that, and as far as furthering your career, I can honestly say I don't blame you. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably do the same thing, and that makes me no better than any of you. I bow in submission. I don't know. Maybe I'm jaded because it seems like whenever Madonna opens her stupid mouth anymore, stupid things come out. And though that shouldn't surprise me, it still doesn't fail to leave me mildly appalled. Maybe it's because I don't personally think Madonna's done anything worthwhile since 'Ray of Light', and everything thereafter has been poisoned because it just doesn't stack up. Honestly, come on. What was better than this: Honestly. "Oooh oooh oooh oooh - if I could melt your heart; oooh oooh oooh oooh - we'd never be apart." That's some good quality musical crap right there, folks. Even if she does kind of sound like Miss Piggy when she sings that song, it was one bad-ass song with one bad-ass video. This? This football game BS? Even if it's for the Super Bowl? It's overplayed. Ever hear of Gwen Stefani, Madge? 'Hollaback Girl'? It's been done to death. Nada Surf? 'Popular'? I rest my case. Let's get real, shall we? /> This is bad, Madge. Just bad. It sounds like cheap video game music and are you singing with that stupid, affected British accent? Is that what I'm hearing? As for you, Nicki Minaj and MIA, I get it. You want to be featured in an iconic legend's music video. And that's fine. Not many people can say they did that, and as far as furthering your career, I can honestly say I don't blame you. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably do the same thing, and that makes me no better than any of you. I bow in submissio...

Demi Lovato Couldn’t Have Been in Rehab, Because She Did This Photo Shoot With Tyler Shields

photo of demi lovato pictures photos tyler shields pics photo shoot So, yeah. Wow. Demi Lovato looking hot all over the place for Tyler Shields. Didn't Lindsay Lohan do a Shields shoot right before - or after - rehab, too? I'm not saying that Demi was in rehab, but I'm not saying she wasn't, either. Her "Twitter break" fed enough speculation to last another few weeks or, you know, at least until Wilmer Valderrama breaks up with her again. Plus, she also kind of denied it on Twitter. Demi said, "Don't believe the hype.... All is well! SO stoked to head to Chile in a...

Daniel Radcliffe Used to “Black Out” a Lot, Probably Wants Kids With his Girlfriend

photo of daniel radcliffe pictures photos pics Remember how Daniel Radcliffe used to be this crazy, raging alcoholic who claimed that he'd not be able to attend any events unless he was wasted, and he'd spend hours and hours in his home drinking alone? He's talking about it again, and this time, letting out more details. More scary, make-me-sad details that also make me thankful that he's quit drinking and got himself a nice girlfriend and is doing movies that don't require tons of alcohol to get through. Daniel claims that in his darkest da...