Wow, right? And let me tell you - it's not January Jones, and it's not Naomi Watts-or-Laura Linney (those two always look the same to me).
Want a second look? OK, here:
Got it yet? Here are a few hints to send you on your way:
- This girl spent so much money on plastic surgery that you think she'd look like some kind of preternatural goddess every waking minute of the day, makeup or not
- I *almost* didn't recognize her because she's actually wearing clothes in these photos, and not stumping around awk...
Who's Jon Hamm making letch eyes at? [The Superficial]
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar hang out with ... Kate Upton? [Bitten and Bound]
Jay-Z and Beyonce skipped the Grammys to eat pizza. [Bossip]
Christina Hendricks and her massive chest-cans. [The Superficial]
LeAnn Rimes' tribute to Whitney Houston. This oughta be good. [Socialite Life]
The 20 Craziest Whitney Houston Death Theories on Twitter. [Celebslam]
Bobbi Kristina is "suicidal." [Yeeeah]
Another Transformers movie in the works. [OMGBlog]
8 Ways to be Happier Right Now. [The Frisky]
Oprah makes the ultimate PR faux pas. [Cel...
"She’s the most adorable little cookie you’ve ever seen. She looks like she just smoked an exploding cigar. ... I understand the curiosity, but other than saying I am happy, I am not going to indulge it. That’s building your own torture device.”
This would be Justin Theroux talking about his dog in the first half of that quote - and yes, I know, it would have been a hell of a lot funnier if he was talking about his girlfriend or, you know, 'that chick who makes him happy', Jennifer ...
I like it! I mean, I liked it a lot when she had her long, flowing locks of ... rayon, was it? but I really like it now that it's short and natural and completely authentic-looking. It's good. It makes her look more mature, and a lot of people have been waiting for that for years, even though she turned eighteen back in 2010 or something. F-cking perverts.
Another celebrity who completely did a look change-up was Demi Lovato, who also posted a photo of herself on Twitter as a golden blonde i...
Britney's aloof to just about everything. [The Superficial]
Predict the winner of the new Celebrity Apprentice. [The Frisky]
Whitney Houston's "death tub." [TMZ]
Christina Hendricks wears the ugliest dress I've ever seen. [Starpulse]
Why Meryl Streep is majestic. [Lainey Gossip]
PHOTOS: Some are saying that Kate Upton's Sports Illustrated cover is the hottest of all time. [Socialite Life]
Abraham Lincoln hunting vampires? [Pajiba]
Megan Fox doesn't have pores. [Amy Grindhou...
The original post title was going to be "Lady Gaga Goes Desperate for Born This Way Ball Promo", but somehow I wasn't sure that was quite accurate. Some people think she's been desperate for ages, and I don't think that because she lost out on every Grammy she was nominated for to our Adele that this photo should change things all that much. Honestly, why mess with perfection? It seems to be working just fine, thanks.
For one second, though, we're going assume that Lady Gaga's not at all bitte...
Is that some crazy side-effect of meth or cocaine or whip-its or whatever Lindsay's been doing as of late? Or do you think maybe it's the constant lip injections that just happen to be sinking lower and lower into her jaw, thus creating a really, really unflattering look?
Because man. Those lips look fit to burst. They look all dry and cracked and grey, and if the effect was supposed to be the exact opposite, someone, somewhere done f-cked up - maybe the injectionist who decided that a synthetic blend of motor oil might be the new in-thi...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s J Woww photo: Poadie74
"Proud Spokes Woman for the New and Improved Extra Large Jersey ...
But of course I'm making a play on words here - I'd never insinuate that Courtney Stodden was an outright tramp - how ludicrous! I'm simply talking about the Disney flick, Lady and the Tramp, because they're OBVIOUSLY reenacting the famous dog-eating-spaghetti scene. I'm not sure who's supposed to be "Lady" and who's supposed to be "Tramp," but I think it's a safe bet to say that Doug Hutchison is no tramp. I mean, Courtney's probably the first chick he's ever slept with (and that still triggers...
Or, you know, as we call her around these here parts, Adele.
Ahem. Now that I've gotten that out of my system - sort of - let's get on to the Vogue interview that Adele recently did, where she talked about drinking, smoking, future plans, and her unlikely friendship with John (gag) Mayer.
Adele's vices:
Over the few days that I spend around Adele, I see her sneak a [cigarette] here and there. No one is perfect. But alcohol? For a once hard-drinking South London pub girl ...
21221223435 by YardieGoals
Guess we're on a controversial highway to hell here this afternoon, guys. Remember how I said that Nicki Minaj did this weird Catholic-possession-themed performance later on in the evening last night? She did. And here it is in full effect.
What I want to know, though, is why people actually like this girl. Rather, her performances and her music. She could be a delightful lady, I don't know. I don't really care. The only thing that I can focus on is the weird faces, the painful p...
Man. Take religious-themed pictures in the name of fashion and everyone gets their panties up in a wad. Throw the word 'bible' in there and people really flip their archaic powdered wigs.
Kate Moss and W magazine are both under fire for a recent photo shoot that Moss did for the magazine's March 2012 issue. The article headline blares, "Good Kate, Bad Kate: Whether angel or devil, Kate Moss beguiles in any guise." Innocent enough, right? No. Apparently not quite. According to Radar Online, several religious...