Sometimes, guys, it's like lightning strikes. Just yesterday I posted a '
Guess the Celebrity!' who turned out to be Dave Franco, James Franco's younger brother. And as always, you guys did not disappoint, and a reader-turned-friend made me hip to the fabulousness that is the video above.
The FOD features Dave Franco and Christopher Mintz-Plasse, or as some of you might know him, McLovin'. And it's unbelievable. And I found myself pretty attentive in the first few seconds where it just appeared to be Dave Franco, giving a monologue about how hot you are. Pretty. damned. attentive.
Anyway, I don't know *how old it is, don't know how irrelevant it is, the video's funny as hell, and if you don't at least crack a smile during the whole thing (which, girl, I
know you are not watching or listening to at work without a good set of earphones), then you're probably dead. In which case, you should have somebody refresh your browser for you, because you're *really* f-cking up our visit length statistics.
How long have you been here?
*OK, it's like, a year old. It's
old. But that isn't going to stop me from sharing, folks. It's way too good for it not to have a place in perpetuity here on Evil Beet. I'm really sorry for being so tardy to the party. />You're So Hot with Chris Mintz-Plasse and Dave Franco from Dave Franco
Sometimes, guys, it's like lightning strikes. Just yesterday I posted a 'Guess the Celebrity!' who turned out to be Dave Franco, James Franco's younger brother. And as always, you guys did not disappoint, and a reader-turned-friend made me hip to the fabulousness that is the video above.
The FOD features Dave Franco and Christopher Mintz-Plasse, or as some of you might know him, McLovin'. And it's unbelievable. An...