"Very classy there madonna. 'HUR DUR HAS ANYONE SEEN MOLLY???' such a great message for the young music lovers at ultra. Quite the f'n philanthropist. but hey, at least yer HIP AND TRENDY! f*cking cant smack my head hard enough right now."
This was DJ Deadmau5's response to a question Madonna asked the audience at the Ultra Music Festival this past weekend in Miami, which is ... well, this:
"How many people in this crowd have seen molly?"
Now, I'm not going to pretend to be all-knowin...
Remember this quote, guys? Do you?:
"For me, if it was going to happen with anybody, it would have happened with Cory. As long as I get to have scenes with Cory, it makes me really happy."
The "it" she's talking about here is the falling-for-your-costar thing that happens often on the set of shows and movies. Which, after only three years of stalking, pie-eyes, and drooling over men way out of her league, Lea Michele has finally got her man. The funny thing is, I always thought Cory Montei...
These are photos from Jessica's latest jaunt to the Boneyard Bistro restaurant in Palm Springs, where she and that dude went for lunch. I checked the restaurant's menu out and it features things like andouille sausage everything, chili dogs, nachos, BBQ, and six-pound burger, and nary a shred of lettuce in sight, unless it's deep-fried and covered in blue cheese and ... more blue cheese. Sounds like a heart-attack waiting to happen, or, you know, just f-cking DELICIOUS. Check out the photos of Jess and her baby bump (and that dude) in the gallery....
For as bat-shit and off-the-wall as Sinead O'Connor normally is, I have to give her some kudos for writing a rather well-thought-out letter to the public. When I heard that she was taking the time out of her day to address the sick circumstances surrounding the killing of young Trayvon Martin, I kind of cringed, thinking, "Oh, my God, this woman's really going to put her foot in it now," but I was rather surprised to see concise thoughts strung together in such a way that end result was a coher...
And now she's pressing charges. [The Superficial]
'Mad Men's season 5 previews. [Lainey Gossip]
Beyonce is spending big dough on her kid's shoes - that won't even fit in three weeks, anyway. [Bossip]
Perez Hilton has shrunk to nothing. [Starpulse]
The most bizarre wedding photo I've ever seen. [theBERRY]
Lourdes Leon is smoking now. [Cele|bitchy]
An open letter to the modern man who wears a monocle. [The Frisky]
Liam does not want to be engaged to Miley's gummy ass. [Amy Grindhouse]
What Snooki's "not doing" in Cancun. [The Superficial]
I can't believe these crazy-asses are still pulling this stuff, seriously. Guys, you don't need to hide in the back of a damn car, covering your faces and acting like you hate the world. Oh, wait, that's right. This is what you do, and you do it so well. In fact, you do it so well that you've practically made a second career out of it!
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were photographed leaving their friend's concert, one Marcus Foster. And if you have no idea who he is, this should jog y...
Or so somebody wants us to think, anyway. This is her latest photo shoot with Helena Rubenstein, presumably done before all of this Ashton-cheating business came to light, because I don't think she's quite back in the swing of career things just yet.
The shoot isn't bad, and it's definitely flattering, especially when you consider how old Demi is, but there's really only one thing that doesn't really look like it was touched: her pretty eye color. Wait. No. No, it was. My bad. See, Demi's got hete...
Let the games begin, I guess.
From Media Takeout via Hollywood Life, who claims to have *an exclusive source who knows all about it:
A close friend revealed: “Kris is constantly telling Khloe that marital conflicts equals ratings! Kris has convinced Khloe that if it weren’t for Lamar, she would not have her own reality show and that if she wants another season she needs to embellish the conflicts in the marriage because that’s what viewers want.”
But the 56 year-old seems unaw...
Did you hear? These two asshats were going at one another through Twitter like crazy yesterday, and there are a couple screen shots to prove it:
That was Kate's doing right there, when one of her followers accused her of being unprofessional because Kate's an asshole and has a really hard time keeping her mouth shut about her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin. And, you know, has a hard time keeping her mouth shut about anything, really. So naturally, when Kate heard that people were tripping over her backhanded jibes about how Jon's always be...
No, she really better, because if Brad Pitt really wants a piece of Jennifer Lawrence here, then not only does he deserve it, because she's so hot and so is he, but he's going to have a damn hard time resisting everything - everything! - she's got going on, because wow. Girlfriend is f-cking on fire. These photos of Jennifer for IO Donna magazine, for example. She's pretty covered up in comparison to a lot of cover models who are of-the-moment, and she still completely smokes all of the half-nude floozies t...
Sigh. Just when we thought she was doing so well, guys, she goes and does something like this. What IS this, anyway? Is it a jumper? Is it a pantsuit? Is it a unitard? Not sure. Is it a damn hot mess? Yes. Yes, it is.
The only thing I can appreciate about the getup? The orange nails. I actually like them. And the makeup's not horrible, but that's probably because she doesn't have metal spikes in place of her eyebrows and she's not wearing lipstick that makes her look like she fellated a smurf. ...
I just about fell off my chair when I looked at these photos. Could it possibly be that Christina Aguilera is in an outfit that actually flatters her lovely, softly-rounded, and very feminine figure? She is! And her makeup isn't packed on like she's trying to avoid the extra-bag fee! She's not wearing garish red lipstick! The self-tanner is at a minimum! She doesn't look wasted! Best of all, she looks nothing like this:
And if there was anything amazing that could come out of this dreary, rainy Saturday afternoon, it'd be these photos. I'm *pleased as pie, guys. Pleased. as. pie.