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It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize.
Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Donald Sutherland photo: Christopher Johnson
"I swear to you my name is Albus Dumbledore. ...
Octomom's receiving death threats. [The Superficial]
Looking for Lionel Richie, are you? [The Frisky]
Levi Johnston's super-sperm is at it again. [TMZ]
Tom Cruise pretends like he's Bon Jovi. [Socialite Life]
Nicole Kidman's granny hands. [Lainey Gossip]
... Uh, what happened to Lily Collins? [Yeeeah]
Hilary Duff gave birth to feet. [Amy Grindhouse]
Supermodels without the makeup and the Photoshop. [theBERRY]
Jennifer Lawrence says critics are slamming her for looking 'normal'. [Cele|bitchy]
Even Taylor Swift's peers...
No, really: what the hell happened to Lara Flynn Boyle's face? She used to be kind of cute, but now she just looks like some cheap Asian blowup doll you used to be able to buy at Spencer's before they stopped selling that kind of stuff. Somebody clearly missed that boat.
But anyway, as you can see, this is Lara Flynn Boyle (kind of), who was photographed leaving a liquor store outside of L.A. yesterday. I guess the liquor could explain away the puffy jowls that she's rocking like muttonchops, but the lips lip? Why ...
Floppy hair? Check. Internet savvy? Check. Less than a year after his death, the life of technology guru and Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs will be honored in an upcoming independent biopic entitled "Jobs" starring Ashton Kutcher.
The TV and movie actor, who bears a striking resemblance to a young Jobs, is slated to begin filming the movie in May during his hiatus from "Two and a Half Men." The plan is to begin production before a rival film, based on writer Walter Isaacson's lauded Jobs biography, gets off the ground. Jobs died on October 5, 2011.
"Jobs" will be directed by Joshua Michael Stern ("Swing Vote") and will chronicle Jobs' rise from a Northern California hippie upbringing to the co-founding of Apple, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Tell me this isn't going to be a shitshow.
Anyway, back to his country-singing, ten-gallon-hat-wearing schtick. This was Ashton's big moment of last night, and if you could swallow his getup with a boulder-sized grain of salt, then I guess you could probably deep-throat pretty much anything. Good for you.
Can we watch genuinely charming people perform in a candid setting now? Would that be alright with you guys? Because I've had just about enough of Ashton as I can handle. />
No, that wasn't a misspelling, thanks.
And what the shit is this, anyway? Ashton Kutcher? Singing country music at a country awards show, singing about giving his all to a woman (or a man) in order to make them happy? In what world would people cheer that? Oh. Right. The audience of the ACM Awards, which we here at Evil Beet did not cover, primarily because it's not really our thing, and secondarily because Taylor Swift (who always wins everything) is f-cking atrocious, OK?
Also, Ashton ...
The caption?:
Two little bears just watching the sunrise...
Now, can someone explain the bear thing to me? Is there some kind of trend going on with "bears" in the washed-up former backup dancer-turned actress/singer dating a backup dancer world, or am I being dense and it's maybe more obvious than I think? And why bears? Why not, I don't know, unicorns or starfish or even alligators? Or, I know. Is it maybe an inside joke? Because for the life of me, I never can understand why people put inside jokes on Twit...
The fashion, guys, the fashion. I didn't mean that she was caught in some seedy bar sucking face with an unknown so hard that she needed to get new teeth. That was a few years ago, in case you forgot.
No, this is what LeAnn wore to the Academy of Country Music Awards, and I'm not sure if I should give her a chamois to sponge off or hand her a tennis racket. The fashion is bad, bad, bad, and no amount of Stella McCartney love is going to redeem that dress. None.
In other LeAnn news, sources are saying that L...
OK, so I'm not going to rip apart a non-makeuped pregnant lady for eating in bed, because why bother? I remember being pregnant, you know, and I also ate much more bizarre things in bed than popcorn. I gorged on spaghetti ... sausage and peppers. I have stains on my mattress that may never come out.
So, no. No mockery here. Mockery-free, guys. But I am going to ask (in my customary questionable way), what the F-CK has Vanessa Minnillo done with her eyebrows? I mean, did she up and eat those...
What did you guys do, huh?
This past Saturday I sat down and Skyped with Joey Thompson, or, you know, The Guy Who Keeps Doing the Ryan Gosling Videos. 'What Ryan Gosling videos?' you might ask? Well, this one for example. And then, of course, there's this one.
Like I told you last week, Joey's latest endeavor is to appear on the Ellen DeGeneres show, so I decided that we here at Evil Beet could try to help him along his way, because he's funny, charming, and above all, not above making a f...
Chris Brown is still shilling his sweatshirts for Chris Brown. [The Superficial]
Alicia Keys is being cheated on. [Bossip]
What IS the consistency of vampire ejaculate? [Lainey Gossip]
Chevy Chase is a douchebag, huh? [Cele|bitchy]
Photos from 2012 ACM Awards. [theBERRY]
Courtney Stodden's boobs are even bigger. [The Superficial]
Kate Winslet calls Leonardo DiCaprio fat. [Amy Grindhouse]
Wearing glasses and earrings together. [The Frisky]
Katy Perry's fashion sense is impr...
From MediaTakeout:
MediaTakeOut.com was first tipped off by DOZENS of readers who claimed that Bey's new 2 month old baby looked STRANGE in recent pics . . . and they suspected that Bey might be carrying around a DOLL - instead of a 2 month old baby.
Well MedaTakeOut.com did an investigation - and our findings were STARTLING!!! We looked at photos of Blue taken about a WEEK AND A HALF in New York - and compared them with images taken two days ago. In the photos, Baby Blue grew in height about 1...