Can we just imagine what this lucky, lucky lady is thinking, walking alongside Ryan Gosling in New York City? I mean, look at her. It's like she's seen the face of God, and to some people, Ryan Gosling and God are one and the same. And who knows! Maybe he is God on Earth, and if that's the case, people will probably be queuing up around the block to confess their mortal sins and hoping that the penance will be something along the lines of ... I'm sorry, I have to stop this right here. See, it's...
Brooklyn Decker's got some really bad caps. [The Superficial]
What Nicole Richie looked like on the beach as opposed to what Nicole Richie USED to look like on the beach. [Lainey Gossip]
Akon was teased for his dark skin. [Bossip]
Anna Chlumsky at a her new series premiere. [Starpulse]
Arnold Schwarzenegger OK's divorce reluctantly. [TMZ]
Bruce Willis is Joseph Gordon-Levitt, didn't you know? [The Blemish]
Justin Bieber did Seventeen magazine. [Hollywood PQ]
There's going to be ...
After an Axl Rose bandmate came forward and said that Axl and Lana are absolutely not dating, this is what Lana chooses to wear to an intimate concert she performed for 300 people earlier this week in London. DJ Ashba had this to say to TMZ when asked if Axl and Lana were dating:
"I think it's cool. I dunno. I wasn't in town. I heard he was at the Rainbow, though, the other night. [But] I don't think they're dating. Axl's just a really cool dude who likes hanging out with really cool people. ...
Girl's really going all out, here, huh? First we're treated to photos of her nether-regions when she elected not to wear panties underneath a Pilates dress (it's a thing, guys; Miley's trying to trademark Pilates dresses, if that doesn't sound entirely too ridiculous to you like it does me), and now she's exposing sideboob on a shopping trip with her mom. Out of these two ladies, I'd be more inclined to think that Mother Tish would be showing us her goods, and trying to leave Miley in the dust whe...
"I should say it wasn't real, for PETA, but screw PETA."
This, of course, is Jennifer Lawrence in her recent interview with Rolling Stone, talking about a squirrel-skinning scene in her film, 'Winter's Bone'. Jen didn't elaborate as to why she felt such animosity toward PETA, but I'm completely OK with her not feeling the need to reveal her deep-seated thoughts toward an organization which, though good-intentioned, is ultimately just a big old bully.
PETA had this to say in response to Jennifer's comments, naturally:
"She's young and the plight of a...
Mom: What the f-ck? was that?
Me : That was Justin Bieber Boyfriend video teaser 3#. Did u like it?
Mom: WHAATTT?!?! Did I like it.. I'm Believer now !
me: Lets to the believer dance :D
Does it get better than that? Well yes, it does. Little Justin himself claims that the new album, 'Believe', has a lot more rap on it (probably courtesy of his rapping alter-ego, "Shawty Mane," and I want to kill myself for even having typed that - twice in a year is way, way too much). From MTV:
When Justin Bieber dropped "Boyfriend," he definitely channeled his rapper alter ego Shawty Mane on the verses, spewing lyrics like, "If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go/ I can take you places you ain't never been before/ Baby take a chance or you'll never ever know/ I got money in my hands that I'd really like to blow/ Swag swag swag, on you."
The song now has many fans wondering whether more rapping will appear on his upcoming album, Believe. When MTV News caught up with the teen star on the set of his "Boyfriend" video, he shared just how much rapping will make the final cut.
"There's not a lot of rapping on the album," he said. "As people know, I'm a singer, and I don't want to get people confused with that, but it's something that I love to do, so you guys will definitely hear more of it."
So, what ruined your day the most - the fact that the video's still not quite here, the fact that YouTube commenters are ... well, they're scary, or that there's not a lot of rapping on the album, but - oh! light at the end of the tunnel - you'll still hear "more of it" down the road? I know I'm throwing a lot of different things at you guys first thing in the morning, but when it comes to Justin Bieber, I just know that there's nothing we can't handle together. />
I know: you're thinking, "Really, Sarah? Eleven whole hours since the site's last post and there's nothing better to talk about than Justin Bieber and his stupid video?" to which I'd answer, "Yes."
This is Bieber's teaser-trailer for his new single, 'Boyfriend', which you probably heard first here earlier last week.
The thing that I really want to talk about, though, is not the teaser, because I'm sorry, I just can't get myself all hyped up over Justin Bieber standing in the moonligh...
I know that we know Kris Humphries' sister, Kaela, is pretty hot, but I wasn't really sure we knew just how how she actually is. Kaela's up for her minute in the spotlight, and she's been sequestered by The Limited to be the face of their new plus-sized line, Eloquii. From People:
Just one month after landing a modeling contract with FORD Models’ FORD +, Kaela Humphries is starring in her first campaign, for The Limited’s new plus-size line, eloquii.
“It’s been really great,” Hu...
No, I'm being serious: could this be the body of a woman who actually, really, did give birth three months ago? Because Beyonce ... well, she kind of looks like someone who gave birth three months ago. No joke, this is kind of what I look like at this point in time, and I gave birth almost two months ago. Could it be true? Could Beyonce really have been pregnant? I mean, pregnant with an actual baby, that is?
These photos were taken in St. Bart's this past weekend, where Beyonce and Jay-Z ar...
Isn't he just darling? Other than that whole cheating-on-Jennifer-Aniston thing, I'd go ahead and say that Brad Pitt can probably do no wrong, you know?
This is a photo of Brad Pitt on a team called the 'Rejects', and it was taken during his middle school years in Cherokee, Missouri. It was one of Brad's first initiatives after he was turned down for a spot on the real middle school basketball team, and after forming the team with several other "rejects," he asked his dad to coach them. One ...
So, is it me, or does Rooney Mara kind of look like a long-lost Olsen twin with this long, ratty-looking, two-toned hair? The 'do is for her upcoming movie, 'The Bitter Pill', which, according to IMDB, is about a lady learning to cope with her husband after his release from prison:
A woman turns to prescription medication as a way of handling her anxiety concerning her husband's upcoming release from prison.
Others in the film include Catherine Zeta-Jones, Channing Tatum, and Jude Law.
Ricki Lake got married. [Bitten and Bound]
Female popstars who date much younger men and WHAT THEIR PROBLEM IS. [Starpulse]
Jessica Simpson: "This is the last time you'll see me fat." [The Superficial]
Everybody really hates Katherine Heigl. [Hollywood PQ]
'Sesame Street's Elmo gets violent with James Marsden. [Socialite Life]
A Justin Bieber impersonator was molesting kids. [The Superficial]
PHOTOS: Hayden Pannettiere is still hot, in case you forgot. [Celebslam]
Madonna o...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Chris Brown photo: johdeh
"Man nat bitch take too long in na f’n bafroom."