“The first week I was like, ‘I’m doing this, I’m good. I can not sleep, I can do this.’ I don’t know where you get that energy from. Then it hits you — the fatigue. ... So many people were like, ‘Take naps when your baby naps. So I tried and it really helped a lot. I thought when he was napping that was the time I could do all the things I needed to do. It’s a fine balance.”
On her beautiful little baby boy:
“He’s really a good baby, I promise. He sleeps really well and he’s on a good schedule. He sleeps a good five and six hours a night, which is just amazing. I am so grateful.”
On wondering how she ended up with such a sweet child:
“I’m waiting for the tables to turn. I’m like, ‘How do I have this wonderful baby? [My mom] said when I came, she was like, ‘Where can I send you back?’ It was nothing like with [my older sister] Haylie.”
On convincing her husband that baby Luca knows his parents:
“He’s staring at your mouth when you talk to him [and] he laughs a little bit. My husband keeps telling me it’s gas and I’m like, ‘No, he loves us so much, he’s already smiling.’”
On partnering with Johnson's to help children and their families who are displaced or affected by natural disasters:
“It’s a crazy statistic to learn that 90 percent of American children are living in a high risk area for natural disasters. I can’t imagine what it would feel like being in the thick of that. ... It can help so many people just to have these [disaster preparedness] kits ready to be sent out in times of crisis and need."
On realizing the instant bond of mother and child:
“You don’t realize it, you can’t understand it until it happens. You’re holding your baby and looking at him and your husband and thinking, ‘I would do anything for you.’”
Can we all just tuck this little family up in a hug and love them forever? Because they're just the best, guys. It's good to know that there's some normalcy in Hollywood, and especially from a former---gasp!---Disney star. Here's lookin' at you, Lindsay Lohan. />From People, Hilary Duff on her biggest post-pregnancy challenge:
“The first week I was like, ‘I’m doing this, I’m good. I can not sleep, I can do this.’ I don’t know where you get that energy from. Then it hits you — the fatigue. ... So many people were like, ‘Take naps when your baby naps. So I tried and it really helped a lot. I thought when he was napping that was the time I could do all the things I needed to do. It’s a fine balance.”
On her beautiful little baby boy:
Mila Kunis thinks you're absurd. [The Superficial]
John Travolta is wearing a wallet chain. A WALLET CHAIN. [Lainey Gossip]
Cameron Diaz needs to stay out of the sun for awhile, huh? [Starpulse]
Tilda Swinton and her young man-boyfriend are public. [Cele|bitchy]
John Cusack talks 'The Raven'. [LA Times]
The Killers' saxophonist apparently killed himself. [TMZ]
Bon Iver erotic stories. [The Frisky]
Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake singing Jodeci. [Socialite Life]
Lindsay was late for 'Glee'. And it ...
Come on, now, are you surprised?
From Heat World:
“Despite Kanye being one of Jay’s closest friends, Beyoncé wasted no time in banning Kim from being invited into their circle, which is exclusive to say the least,” a friend of Bey’s tells heat. “Beyoncé is used to hanging out with Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow – she’s in a totally different league to Kim.”
It’s bad news for Kim who is big fan of the pop diva, as she was hoping for lots of girlie bonding sessio...
From a Manhattan news source:
"Bayside! The UnMusical!," a fluorescent-T-shirt filled parody running at the Kraine Theatre on East Fourth Street from May 9 - 19, takes the sitcom's fans right back to a time when the hottest friends on TV were the gang that attended Bayside High.
"We are paying homage to them [the characters] by making fun of them," said Tobly McSmith, 31, of Williamsburg, who co-wrote the play with his cousin, Bob McSmith, 32, of Bushwick. Tobly McSmith spoke at a preview ...
Normally I wouldn't give two shits about Gwyneth Patrow and her pretentious ass walking around New York City looking like a pretentious ass, but I saw these photos today and they gave me pause. You know why? Because last night I watched a movie that I never really thought I'd end up seeing, and it was honestly pretty good. Know what it was? Country Strong. It was GOOD, guys. Have any of you seen it? Generally, I'm a sucker for cheesy-ass movies, but I won't see them 'til at least eighteen months af...
The one where Tyra Banks is hot again. [The Superficial]
Katie Holmes is definitely pregnant. [Lainey Gossip]
Jason Trawick is in charge of Britney's diet. [Starpulse]
Kendall and Kylie Jenner are working at a magazine now. [ICYDK]
I think Matthew McConaughey is ill. [INFDaily]
'Top Gun 2' is probably going to happen, thanks to Tom Cruise. [Huff Po]
First look at the 'Big Bang Theory' wedding photo. [CDL]
Amanda Seyfried show off her 'O' face. [Celebslam]
Lindsay wants Gerard Butler to film her Lifetime movie with her. [The Superfici...
And yet she's supposed to be this big "inspiration" to women, right? The only "inspiring" she does for this lady is to move my stove away from the wall and f-cking sweep. Do you see the shit all over her floors? What the hell kind of hovel does she live in anyway? The lady's on welfare. Do food stamps cover cleaning supplies? Come on. What happened to the ten grand here and there that could go to repairing the kicked-out hole in the door or the busted plumbing so that her kids don't have to shit...
Our boy Jason was photographed today in New York City, where he was visiting for a spot on the Today show, and presumably to see girlfriend Michelle Williams, since I'm pretty sure she's still living there, at least part-time. He also filmed an interview last night with David Letterman, which means he's actually hoofing his way around the city in which Michelle actually resides. And this is what he looked like. You know, in public, on his way to the Today show. The part that made it even worse? H...
Cheers to Matthew McConaughey's balls. [The Superficial]
Lindsay Lohan is partnering with Star magazine. [Lainey Gossip]
Christina Milian wants to show you what she's working with. [Starpulse]
Nadya Suleman blows 500 bucks on haircuts and she can't even afford to feed her kids. [TMZ]
BLIND ITEM: Which B-list star only dates virgins? [Socialite Life]
Watch Jason Segel fake an orgasm. [Seriously OMG]
The most beautiful men of all time. [Lainey Gossip]
Think about food or sex, ...
... Because, you know, there's no such thing as 'Billie Jean' as it is. It's a new concept that crazed fans claim to have babies by their inspirational idols. Gah.
From Billboard:
[On April 23] in London [Bieber] told journalists that there would be a song about the [Mariah Yeater] situation on his upcoming June 19 album, "Believe."
"There's a song about that girl -- Mariah Yeater -- that said she was gonna have my baby," said Bieber, as reported by several U.K. publications. "There are songs about things I'm going through. I wrote songs about...