It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Kim Kardashian/Kanye West photo: Nice Turnip
"Once I get these off, I’m a f*ck all yâ...
From TMZ:
John Travolta has been sued by a masseur, who claims the actor tried to have sex with him during a session.
According to the lawsuit, Travolta saw the masseur's ad online, and scheduled an appointment for $200 an hour. The masseur did not know it was Travolta when the appointment was booked, but followed instructions and met up with a black Lexus SUV, which Travolta was driving.
According to the suit, Travolta and the masseur, who says he saw Trojan condoms in the center consol...
As you can see, Eva Mendes was on the Ellen show, where Ellen gifted her with footie pajamas (which both called "onesies," but come on! Onesies are baby undergarments, duh!), and then coyly hinted around that if she ever happened to run into Ryan Gosling for the first time ever, that Mendes should give him a corresponding pair of footie pajamas. Eva hid her face in her long, lustrous hair, and giggled and chortled like it was going out of f-cking style (and it was. It really, really was). In the segment, she later teased the audience by saying, "OK, yes, I'll give them to him if I happen to run into him somewhere tonight for the first time ever."
GUH. />
No, that's rude and it's all sorts of wrong to say that you hate someone, especially when it's out of pure jealousy. My parents raised me better than that, so I guess all I can say is I HATE THIS WOMAN WHAT A STUPID STUPID WOMAN.
As you can see, Eva Mendes was on the Ellen show, where Ellen gifted her with footie pajamas (which both called "onesies," but come on! Onesies are baby undergarments, duh!), and then coyly hinted around that if she ever happened to run into Rya...
You guys all know that Nadya Suleman's doing a solo porn in order to bail her broke ass out of debt, right? Well here are a few photos to confirm what we all suspected from the beginning---Octomom's sex tape is going to be creepy as hell, and you should be creeped out to know that you live in a world where this is happening---maybe right as we speak.
The Octomom appears in various stages of ... I'd say "undress," but somehow I can't choke the word out from behind the large brick of vomit I'm...
Cool! Looks like the old Britney Spears is back, right? Remember that big-ass laughing grin she'd get when she was, you know, legitimately happy? It appears that Britney's got it on lockdown in that photo up there, huh? But wait. Just you wait. Don't get excited too fast---the rest of the pictures aren't all that impressive and are, in fact, actually kind of depressing. It's like, with the above photo, we caught a rare glimpse of Britney in a happy little bubble, whereas the following photos ca...
Mark Wahlberg has a big, dangly penis. [The Superficial]
Sienna Miller even has pregnant Oxfords. [Lainey Gossip]
Jennifer Lopez keeps talking about pregnancy---is there something we should know? [Starpulse]
'What to Expect When You're Expecting' takes over Redbook. You know, that grandma magazine. [theBERRY]
Gwyneth Paltrow supports The Conversation. [Socialite Life]
Mila Kunis's stalker is terrorizing her. [TMZ]
13 Signs you've got a selfish lover. [The Frisky]
Tanning Mo...
How is it possible that someone so dirty-looking can be so hot at the same time? If I've told you guys once, I've told you a dozen times, with just minor variations: Kristen Stewart looks like she smells like stale smoke, oily scalp, and maybe leftover soft-shell crab (I don't know about that last one; maybe she has a shellfish allergy, who knows). But for whatever reason, I'm always completely drawn in to whatever she's doing in the photos that I find. She said in a recent interview that she "re...
"I had a good one. We had to fill in the blank: 'Five years from now I will be...' and mine was 'very, very fat.' I figured if I'm not, then it's like, 'You're not!' And if I am, I'm like, 'I know – I called it!'"
Gotta love that Tina Fey lady. She's always telling it like it is, with spot-on quips for every occasion. That's probably why she's paid the big bucks to be funny at the drop of a hat, while others (ahem, like myself) sit behind the computer screen for hours at a time trying to com...
No, but really, she didn't. I mean, she "did," but she "didn't." Ugh, never mind. From X17:
X17online can report EXCLUSIVELY, that just an hour ago, Gwen Stefani passed out during an outdoor carnival at her son Kingston's school. An ambulance was called and EMT's check out Stefani before advising her to go home and rest, according to a security guard at the event.
Stefani's assistant drove her and the children home just after and it doesn't appear the singer sought any further medical t...
Rihanna is really dumb. [The Superficial]
Carey Mulligan's first married appearance. [Lainey Gossip]
Tameka Foster threatens to f-ck Usher up. [Bossip]
'The Avengers' broke all sorts of box office records this past weekend, I guess. [Starpulse]
A bar in a basket. [theBERRY]
Nicole Kidman and her daughter on the cover of a magazine. [Cele|bitchy]
PHOTOS: Jack Osbourne's new daughter. [Amy Grindhouse]
Courtney Stodden's still dirty. [The Superficial]
"Check out our cox." Right. [The Frisky]
Chloe Sevigny or Meg Ryan? [ICYDK...
... Whitney Houston died a few months back, the network [MTV] went silent, choosing to show its rebroadcast of the ever-important Teen Mom 2 series in its entirety. I suppose cutting into programming to cover the biggest death in music since the King of Pop was too much for the one-time giant. An hour or so ago, Twitter blew up with news that Adam Yauch, one-third of pioneering rappers the Beastie Boys, had passed away. I found myself looking for someone like Loder to not just tell me the news, but to cover it like the music news story it is. Instead, I had to rely on TMZ to confirm the story, and for Rolling Stone to confirm the news.
When you have to rely on TMZ for news -- that really says something. There has been a huge void in music since the days of Loder and Tabitha Soren, and we need it back. Reality TV killed the music video star. It's time for MTV to return to its roots. The music has been gone long enough. So has the credibility... the revolution? It's dead. I want my MTV back. I want Gilbert Gottfried cutting promos. I want to watch music videos of my favorite artists and new ones I never heard of. I want to mourn the death of an icon by watching tributes on a so-called music station. Yauch and the Beasties were pioneers in the hip hop and pop culture world. This news hurts. I have been a long-time fan of the triple trouble boys ever since I purchased "License to Ill" and saw their "Fight For Your Right" video for the first 2,000 times. I've always admired the group's music, advocacy (free Tibet), and other passion projects. Over the years, I've seen them in concert about eight times -- the last of which was at Madison Square Garden with one of my best buds and longtime Beastie devotee Rich Tarantino in 2004.
Reality TV killed the music video star. It's time for MTV to return to its roots. Cut the crap, cut into your programming now, and discuss Yauch's legacy (SiriusXM's Alt-Nation is as we speak), and how damn influential the Beastie Boys were and are. Return to a time long before Snooki and deadbeat teen moms infested the station like roaches to a city studio and... to MCA, thank you, and rest in peace.
Oh man, so true. And, without opening an entirely different can of worms on a post that just doesn't require it, even if MTV did relaunch its actual Music Television thing that garnered them so much fame in the early days, it wouldn't be the same. There's no more Beastie Boys out there, there's no more Rage Against the Machine out there, and there's no more Nirvana out there. These things have passed, and now we have artists of the likes of Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, and Rihanna. That's not necessarily a bad thing, nor is it saying that those particular artists are inferior---it's just different, and it wouldn't be the same even if we tried to make it the way it used to be. />
WELL. If that wasn't the most depressing version of the song 'Fight For Your Right (to Party)' ever, then I don't know what could be. But I guess it does speak volumes in talent for Coldplay's Chris Martin.
The song makes me feel sad, and feel old, and feeling sad and old together aren't necessarily the nicest things to feel in conjunction with one another. When Martin says, "Aw, Mom, you're just jealous---it's the Beastie Boys," I actually felt a pang in my chest, guys. A pang. And then...
And the reign of terror continues.
Apparently Amanda Bynes hit another car yesterday afternoon while driving in LA, but this time, thankfully, it wasn't a cop car and girlfriend wasn't drunk, but the funny thing about the whole incident is that she "didn't even realize" what she'd done.
From TMZ:
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a man was driving last night near the intersection of Crescent Heights and Melrose Blvd. when he claims he was sideswiped by a Range Rover that was try...