This is what Jennifer Love Hewitt did yesterday with her mom. And by "this," I mean "I have no idea what and don't particularly care, because she looks good and that's what we keep Jennifer Love Hewitt around for and not her acting talent."
My thing, though, is---would she consider this outing with her mom---Mother's Day, so to speak---a special occasion? Because she's still vagazzling, and it's apparently reserved for special occasions:
During A and E Networks 2012 Upfront event on At ...
See, this is a circumstance where I'd normally be prompted to say some random, nice thing about Kim Kardashian, like how short hair and light makeup suits her, but I just can't, guys. And for two reasons: one, because Kim looks way too much like her mom, and the only worse female in pop culture than Kim Kardashian is definitely Kris Jenner. Two? Because Kim Kardashian is a f-cking conniving dolt who doesn't deserve any of the "Yeah she's a twat, but she's hot" comments that she's so accustomed to hearing...
Anne Hathaway strutting her Les Mis bones in a bikini. [The Superficial]
Slum love on prime time television. [Lainey Gossip]
President Obama is the "first gay President." What? [Bossip]
Katy Perry is just pathetic. [Celebslam]
Robert Pattinson celebrates his birthday with his BFFs. [Socialite Life]
Orlando Bloom and his family in Bora Bora. [ICYDK]
Everybody wants Kim Kardashian's eyebrows. [The Frisky]
Kristen Stewart's career isn't over yet. [Amy Grindhouse]
More on t...
From J Woww's Twitter feed:
Bristol should keep her uneducated ignorant mouth shut. If Ur living in the past u wouldn’t have a kid w/out marriage #hypocrite. It’s 2012!
OK, so while I don't *exactly* understand what J Woww's saying here ("if ur living in the past u wouldn't have a kid w/out marriage"---what is that?), I understand her sentiments and respect her for standing up (?) for what she believes in. I mean, I have absolutely no doubts that her comments were made in order to help e...
... To play Loretta Lynn!
From People:
Cast by the country icon herself, Zooey Deschanel will play Loretta Lynn in an upcoming stage musical about the singer's life, Coal Miner's Daughter, producers for the Broadway-bound production have announced.
Lynn personally introduced Deschanel Thursday night on the stage of Nashville's historic Ryman Auditorium during Opry Country Classics. The two then sang "Coal Miner's Daughter."
Though no opening date has been announced – it will n...
First, though, let me tear this magazine cover apart, because what the f-ck happened to Anna Paquin's face? Her eyes are normally a little close together as it is, but it looks like Fashion positively Photoshopped her features onto an entirely different head. What the hell is that all about? Don't know what I'm talking about? Stare at the space between her eyes for a second---the rest of her face will spread out before your very eyes. I don't know if they did it in an attempt to contour girlfriend's face,...
So I guess if you guys are really hardcore followers of this lovely---and newly single---lady, then you'll probably recognize her off the bat. While I think she's pretty hot, and she's got an ... um, let's say 'interesting' personality, I had a hard time figuring out who it was when I first saw the picture. Here's another, from a different angle:
Any ideas yet? This lady looks so different without her customary face on that she's almost unrecognizable (still beautiful, yes, but unrecognizable).
Hint? I'll bet if you saw photos of her nipples, you'd...
"Well, I think it's a wonderful decision. Britney still thinks the earth is flat. I don't anticipate great opinions from her. I think she's gonna sit there like J.Lo, 'Oh, you're wonderful, you're terrific. You think I can get a perfume endorsement out of this?' As far as any real criticism, I think Simon Cowell and L.A. Reid will do that ... I think Britney will sit there and eat a lollipop and wear a sexy outfit. ... I'll tune in to see what kind of train wreck she is, absolutely."
Well i...
I figured I'd start off with a quote from Eva Mendes on today's 'YDG,' because it's just so damn fitting:
"I'm feeling a little insecure because I can't help but be super conscious of what I'm saying because I'm so protective. That's the most precious thing to me. And I'm so protective and I just felt my guard go up."
That was from a recent interview with USA Today, where Eva actually talked about Ryan and spilled why she was playing so coy during her most recent 'Ellen' show appearanc...
"While it’s great to listen to your kids’ ideas, there’s also a time when dads simply need to be dads. In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage. ... As great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview. ... I...