Boy! And guys, she's just a little disappointed, because she apparently wanted a little girl so that all of her Jersey Shore-honed tricks wouldn't go to waste.
From In Touch:
“Everyone said I was going to have a boy, and they were right!” the Jersey Shore star reveals exclusively to In Touch.
Snooki tells In Touch that she and Jionni are deciding between two names – Lorenzo or Jionni Jr. And while she’s thrilled to welcome a son, the 24-year-old admits she was hoping for a mini-me. ...
What P Diddy wants to do with Brad Pitt. [Lainey Gossip]
Kim Kardashian is a pill-popper? [Amy Grindhouse]
Chris Brown fans are still haunting Chrissy Teigen. [IDLYITW]
Gwyneth Paltrow takes her kids to see Jay-Z. Appropriate? [Lainey Gossip]
Miley Cyrus is a sex expert. [The Superficial]
VIDEO: Heidi Klum tries out smoking for a change. [Huff Po]
Katy Perry is 'Wide Awake' and full of facial fillers. [Popbytes]
Kelly Brook's ungodly bikini. [The Superficial]
Jennifer Lopez is filming a reality show about Casper Smart. ...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Kristen Stewart photo: Anonymous
"Hey Thor! You want to take a whiff of R-Pats ass?...
From Radar Online:
Lindsay Lohan is extremely unhappy with the casting choices of the male actors who have auditioned for the role of Richard Burton in the Elizabeth Taylor Lifetime biopic, and filming is scheduled to begin in just a few weeks, is exclusively reporting.
Choices to play the role of Richard Burton have come down to Gossip Girl star Matthew Settle, Sean Maguire, and CSI hunk Craig Robert Young, but after watching the audition tapes last weekend, "Lindsay de...
There were a hundred, but we're just going to talk about the Top 5, because that's always the most important part of the list, when you're "ranking" people, right? The higher echelon? Because the rest of the list wasn't all that impressive (really, Maxim? You really felt the need to put J Woww at slot number 74, higher than Christina Hendricks and Kat Dennings? Because come on), we're going to feature the top five, and if you really feel the compulsion to find out who the other 95 women were, you...
"I think it's really kind of Rihanna [to forgive Brown]. She's come out and publicly forgiven him, really. I think it's about time we all [forgave Brown], if I'm completely honest, if you want my opinion. I think it's time we all moved on. That guy is talented as hell."
"Talented as hell." Bitch, please. This is why we're supposed to forget that he tried to make mincemeat out of Rihanna's face? Because he's "talented as hell"? And before y'all go off on me, saying, "Sarah, my God, yes, it'...
PHOTOS: Paula Deen's thirty-pound weight loss. [INFDaily]
John Travolta remembers Robin Gibb. [The Superficial]
Guess who's pregnant! [Lainey Gossip]
Chris Brown was lip-syncing. [Starpulse]
Kick-ass movie women. [theBERRY]
Shirtless Olympians. Stretching. [Socialite Life]
Corey Feldman has his very own stalker. Guess who! [TMZ]
Weird foods you love when you're a kid. [The Frisky]
Oh my God Britney looks MARVELOUS. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]
You need to see this guy from 'America's Got Talent'. It's f-cking awful. [College Poison]
Lady Ga...
Is it me, or has Lea Michele gotten a whole lot hotter since she went public with Cory Monteith? I mean, of course she's still just as annoying and bubbly and smug as ever (especially since she's "twinsies" with Kim Kardashian now), and her latest appearance on David Letterman's show is no exception, but she's looking pretty damned good here regardless. The cleavage is pretty hot.
I think we see more and more of Lea's skin as the days go by, and if that's the case, maybe we'll see some of the mystery tattoos that sh...
Know who I love? Duh. Shirley Manson. You know, from Garbage? And honestly, I was quite surprised while checking the Evil Beet archives that we have never formally written about the awesomeness that is Shirley Manson. Ever. This is the first real Shirley Manson post, categorized under, of course, 'Shirley Manson'. And if I may speak freely, it's high time that we recognized just how awesome this lady actually is. Do you guys remember 1995-1996 when Garbage released their self-titled album, 'Ga...
Paris Hilton has Ebola. [Lainey Gossip]
Tim Tebow takes Broadway. [The Superficial]
Where Nick Stahl's been. [The Superficial]
Katy Perry didn't even show her boobs. [The Superficial]
10 Reality shows we actually miss. In retrospect. [The Frisky]
Somebody bought the Queen's dirty old panties at an auction. Intentionally. [TMZ]
Brad Pitt goes to a movie photo call without Angelina. [Starpulse]
Would you pay a million bucks to hit this? [IDLYITW]
Sean Penn cries during televi...
Because wow. Motherhood and marriage and, you know, maturity have done amazing things for this girl right here, guys.
These photos were taken at the 2012 FiFi Awards, which is held annually to honor the best in the year's fragrances, held in New York City each year. Here's a shortlist of the "important" winners, but you can check out other categories and their winners here.
Luxe Women
Tom Ford Violet Blonde - Tom Ford Beauty
Luxe Men
Gucci Guilty Pour Homme - P&G Prestige