Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Demi Moore Is Not Getting Back Together With Ashton Kutcher, OK?

photo of ashton kutcher and demi moore pictures Remember those Tweets that Emily told you about? The ones that were magically pulled down earlier this weekend? Here they are, back in "context"---Wiz Khalifa, apparently someone who Demi follows on Twitter, Tweeted something that Demi favorited: "We all make mistakes. Don't let that be the reason you give up on somebody." And then later on in the day, Demi Tweeted something from The Love Stories: "Sometimes you have to love people from a distance and give them space and time to get...

Why Britney Walked Off ‘X-Factor’ (and Why Britney REALLY Walked Off ‘X-Factor’)

photo of britney spears pictures photos x factor pics You guys heard that Britney did pretty ... well, not so hot on her first night on 'X-Factor' earlier this morning ... but you might not have heard the "reason" that she disappeared from the set for a few auditions, though. From People: The singer Tweeted: "#Britneywalksoff??? LOL was just taking a little break people. I am having the BEST time!!!" And a source close to the show tells PEOPLE, "She was not upset. She just took a short break, which is not uncommon for judges to do in these taped shows." Another source on the...

Snooki & J Woww: The Extended Trailer. Dear God.

Alright. I'm about to reveal some really heavy shit right here, guys, and it kind of goes like this: this show. Well. I guess it actually doesn't look all that bad. And worse? The trailer kind of makes Snooki and J Woww look like charming, young, all-American girls (let's just not comment on the "all-American" part, OK?). Somehow, I was able to identify with J Woww with the whole quasi-disappointed "she's [Snooki] not hoorah-ing," and I was also able to identify with the confused, surprised, and kind of sad Snooki as she realized that she wasn't sure what she wanted after hearing that she's pregnant. I do resolve, however, not to watch this show (publicly). I also will say that there's still positively nothing appealing about either one of these young women (except for their soft, sensitive sides that have been magically revealed through their spin-off). Last, I'm going to make a promise to myself, and you guys, that I won't be talking about this show when it debuts (much). What did you guys think of the trailer? For the fans, is it everything you hoped for and more? For the haters, did it maybe change your outlook on Snooks and Jenni Farley? Help a sister out here. />Get More: Snooki & JWOWW, Full Episodes Alright. I'm about to reveal some really heavy shit right here, guys, and it kind of goes like this: this show. Well. I guess it actually doesn't look all that bad. And worse? The trailer kind of makes Snooki and J Woww look like charming, young, all-American girls (let's just not comment on the "all-American" part, OK?). Somehow, I was able to identify with J Woww with the whole quasi-disappointed "she's [Snooki] not hoorah-ing," and I was also able to identify with th...

Quotables: Robert Pattinson Talks About His Balls

photo of robert pattinson pictures underwear pics "Five minutes before we filmed, David told me, 'I want to see the bottom of your balls on the top of the frame.' At the moment, I reminded myself that I would do anything for him. So I went back to see him and told him that wouldn't happen. He took it really well. At the start, it's a very bizarre scene that you won't see again in another movie, I promise. ... I spent two weeks in a hotel room worrying and confusing myself." This is Robert Pattinson, talking about nudity and testicles and the fi...

The One Where Nicole Kidman Pees on Zac Efron and We’re All Supposed to Cheer

photo of zac efron pictures matthew mcconaughey pictures No wonder Zac has such a public hard-on for Nicole. It's all coming together now! She pissed on his face, and he's been sprung ever since! From Contact Music: The scene takes place after Efron's character, Jack, storms off in a fury of teenage angst. He swims out to sea to calm himself down but gets stung by a jellyfish in the process. Kidman pushes aside a group of girls who are about to pee on his stings and does it herself. Matthew Mcconaughey ('The Lincoln Lawyer'), who plays Jack's brother, insists that that is the correct way to treat a j...

‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ Has a Red Band Trailer For a Scary, Scary Reason

And the scary, scary reason I'm talking about isn't for graphic vampire violence (because come on. Can we really get more graphic than Bella Swan's vampire birthing scene? NO. The answer to that is indubitably 'no'), the scary, scary reason is because the MPAA is running out of reasons to slap "red-band" on trailers, so now they're just putting names into a hat and drawing them at random. This month, it happened to be 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter', a movie that I still insist should not be made. But it's too late. And now we have this to contend with, along with a slew of middle-aged history-buff men who'll flock to see this movie and hope that it's historically accurate and then they'll squawk when it's not. All in all, this trailer is horrid, the movie premise is horrid, and somewhere deep, deep inside of me, I think that this still might be a joke, but I'd probably be wrong about that. From the Chicago Tribune:
The gruesome and graphic trailer features an ax-wielding Abe (Benjamin Walker) on a mission to avenge his mother's death and save the U.S. from being overtaken by the undead bloodsuckers. The historical fiction-action flick is an adaptation of the novel by author Seth Grahame-Smith, who revamped Jane Austen with "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." "Wanted" director Timur Bekmambetov helms the film, which is produced by Tim Burton, whose own campy vampire film "Dark Shadows" is currently in theaters.
Oh, God, Tim Burton has his name in this mess? I'd say "I should have known," but there's just no way I could have. It wasn't at all expected. To have Tim Burton endorse such a gigantic piece of crap? My mind is fully blown. /> And the scary, scary reason I'm talking about isn't for graphic vampire violence (because come on. Can we really get more graphic than Bella Swan's vampire birthing scene? NO. The answer to that is indubitably 'no'), the scary, scary reason is because the MPAA is running out of reasons to slap "red-band" on trailers, so now they're just putting names into a hat and drawing them at random. This month, it happened to be 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter', a movie that I still insist should not ...


photo of jenna jameson pictures Kanye West debuted a movie at Cannes. It was probably a Kim Kardashian sex tape. [The Superficial] Britney Spears walked off 'X-Factor' on her first night. [Lainey Gossip] Brad Pitt up for an Oscar? [Starpulse] Still cannot fathom why anyone would criticize this beautiful woman for having a baby. [Cele|bitchy] Beyonce returns to the stage. [Huff Po] Why Will and Jada pretty much let their kids do whatever they want. [The Frisky] No one hits on Bar Refaeli. [IDLYITW] More from Britn...

Because We Haven’t Seen Jennifer Lawrence in a Bit, Yeah?

photo of jennifer lawrence pictures london may 2012 pics Can you guys believe that it's been over a month since we last spoke about Jennifer Lawrence? We were on fire for awhile there! It was averaging on almost three posts per week for some time, but then it just ... kind of broke off abruptly as if we'd called a moratorium on Jennifer for the site (we didn't). These photos are the most recent of our long-lost girlfriend, where she was photographed the boyfriend I wasn't even aware she had (his name is Nicholas Hoult, and he's a British actor---Jennifer Lawr...

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as The Situation

Well. This is the movie that Joseph Gordon-Levitt turned Quentin Tarantino's 'Django Unchained' movie (you know the one---it stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, and Christoph Waltz among others), and it's called 'Don Jon's Addiction'. We've talked about it a bit here before. From an earlier post:
... [This is] Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut, Don Jon’s Addiction. The film is about a porn-addicted character (portrayed by Joseph) who embarks on a quest to better himself and his circumstances. Scarlett Johansson was cast in one of the film’s leading roles, Julianne [Moore] in another. If the theme and the A-list movie stars don’t get you to see the movie, there is a caveat here that might change your mind—Tony Danza’s in it, and no, I have no f-cking clue why either. Maybe he’ll be JGL’s porn sponsor or something. I could see that. Anyway, the new film is said to be taking up so much of Joseph’s valuable time that he ultimately dropped out of Quentin Tarantino’s new project, Django Unchained, a slave-era drama ...
And judging by the above photo, Joseph (who is also starring in the film as well as directing and producing it) will be playing a character based off of someone from 'Jersey Shore'. And that's brilliant, even though it's kind of disgusting and makes my skin crawl, and even seeing him in a t-shirt like that with weird-shaved hair just makes me think of Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino even more, and then I remember the film's porno premise and I want to vomit all over again. This movie better be good---that's all I can say. It better be worth this. />Well. This is the movie that Joseph Gordon-Levitt turned Quentin Tarantino's 'Django Unchained' movie (you know the one---it stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx, and Christoph Waltz among others), and it's called 'Don Jon's Addiction'. We've talked about it a bit here before. From an earlier post: ... [This is] Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut, Don Jon’s Addiction. The film is about a porn-addicted character (portrayed by Joseph) who embarks on a quest to better himself and his circumstances. Scarlett Johansson was cast in one of the film’s leading roles, Ju...

Britney’s Not Doing So Well With All This ‘X-Factor’ Stuff

photo of britney spears x factor pictures From In Touch: Those closest to Britney worry The X-Factor opportunity will be just another rise before a fall – live, in front of millions of viewers. “Doing X Factor may lead her back into meltdown territory,” says a source. “She gets extremely nervous and anxious. She’s hard on herself and not very confident.” Anything new, even positive developments like her engagement to Jason Trawick can rock the boat. “For her, it’s all input as stress,” explains the source. “Thi...


photo of candid adrien brody pictures Rose McGowan definitely got more work done on her face, and don't even try to TELL ME that it's because of a car accident again. [The Superficial] Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, kissing in public. At CANNES. [Lainey Gossip] John Travolta in secret drag. [Cele|bitchy] Nicole Kidman---Botoxy as ever or beautiful? [Cele|bitchy] Claire de Lune announces debut album. [Celebrity VIP Lounge] What your favorite Michael Bay movie says about you. [Pajiba] Worst TwitPic of the week: Rihanna. [...

The Reporter That Will Smith Slapped Speaks

See? Just like I thought, it was a total misunderstanding*. The Ukrainian reporter who attempted a kiss on Will Smith was interviewed exclusively by Hip Hollywood, and he claimed that the entire thing was blown out of proportion because it wasn't even his intent to be getting all violating with Will Smith. About the incident, the reporter said:
“I do apologize for my behavior … Now I understand that it was too much. I tried to kiss him on the cheek, but he moved his head so fast, then it turned out as if I wanted to kiss him in the ear. It was chaotic. ... Of course after analyzing the story, I can say it was emotional impulse. I deeply respect him as an actor. I just wanted to do something to impress him.”
You can watch the above two-minute-long-plus video of the reporter talking himself in circles and trying to make the public understand how much he admires Will's body of work, and how he never meant it to be offensive, and how he just wanted to "impress" him (I'm still mulling that one over in my head, guys) Alright? No harm done and everyone's happy? I told you this guy's not full of shit*. So can we bury the hatchet, now, Will? Would that be alright, you think? *That's a joke. This guy's completely full of shit, but I still say that the second hit was unnecessary---the first was definitely enough to embarrass the dude and send him on his way. /> See? Just like I thought, it was a total misunderstanding*. The Ukrainian reporter who attempted a kiss on Will Smith was interviewed exclusively by Hip Hollywood, and he claimed that the entire thing was blown out of proportion because it wasn't even his intent to be getting all violating with Will Smith. About the incident, the reporter said: “I do apologize for my behavior … Now I understand that it was too much. I tried to kiss him on the cheek, but he moved his head so fast, then it ...