And I know probably most of you do, since a lot of our search engine traffic comes from the nudie pics we just love to throw around like dollar bill-rain on seedy strippers.
The photos (which are obviously NSFW and after the jump) show Michelle Williams, Sarah Silverman, and some other well-endowed chick in some full-frontal, rather bushy nudity while they lather up and rinse in a community shower. The stills are from their movie, 'Take This Waltz', which we've talked about here on the site ...
... And I only say that because she made it a point that she wouldn't talk about her bipolar diagnosis in her latest interview. From IO Donna, the timeless, always-lovely Catherine Zeta-Jones on bipolar disorder in general:
"I will not speak of my diagnosis. In general, however, I would say that those who suffer from bipolar depression should not feel alone. There are millions of people in the same situation... We must talk about it, see a specialist and not withdraw into ourselves, because this i...
These photos came from Harper's Bazaar Russia, and because I don't speak Russian and my Google Translate is being all ghetto today, I have no idea what the interview's about. But then, I don't really care all that much. I mean, honestly, do you even have eyes? Did you see these pictures? Do you know how hot Claire Danes is lately?
With the exception of the fashion faux pas she suffered a few weeks ago at the 2012 Met Gala, landing her on our 5 Worst Dressed list for the event, she's been on fi...
PHOTOS: Justin Bieber's photographer assault. [The Superficial]
The Fairy Tale Makeup Kit. [The Frisky]
Britney versus J. Lo. [TMZ]
Selena Gomez parties alone. [Starpulse]
Jake Gyllenhaal is not faring well. [Lainey Gossip]
Rihanna goes nude, has a new basketball boyfriend. [Socialite Life]
PHOTO: Jenna Jameson's DUI. [Yeeeah]
Eva Mendes is all twatty in Marie Claire. [Amy Grindhouse]
The worst celebrity nosejobs. [theBERRY]
Coco in a scary, scary bikini. [The Superficial]
PHOTOS: What happens when Bradley Cooper is alone wit...
"I certainly think she references me a lot in her work. And sometimes I think it's amusing and flattering and well done. There's a lot of ways to look at it. I can't really be annoyed by it...because, obviously, I've influenced her. When I heard [Born This Way] on the radio...I said that sounds very familiar. It feels reductive."
So unsurprising that she'd do something like this, then, right? By the way, in the above interview excerpt, Madonna also goes on to say that we should look up the definition of the word "reductive." Do you guys know what it means? Here's just one of the definitions:
Tending to present a subject or problem in a simplified form, esp. one viewed as crude.
What can I say. Madonna's always calling Lady Gaga a crude rendering in one way or another, and isn't that just fancy of her. I don't know. Once a tool, always a tool, right? Who's with me when I say, "Madonna needs to get on up over herself and move on with her life?" />
In what can be perceived as another dig on Lady Gaga, Madonna performed a mashup of 'Express Yourself' and 'Born This Way', and ended the song by chanting (OK, singing, but it was more of a chant than anything) "She's not me/she's not me/she's not me/she's not me," which makes me think EVEN MOAR that Madonna's still pissed off that Lady Gaga's the new Queen of Pop (even though it pains me to say that and I have no allegiance to either woman or her music).
Do you guys remember what Madonna h...
"We make the effort to always put the family first. Being there for each other and being present with our kids is the most important thing. I take being a parent very seriously. What's helped us is being supportive, no matter what the situation is. I'm so lucky to have someone like Jada. She's really an incredible woman, wife and mother. ... She is just absolutely hardcore, like she absolutely is unfazed by the weight and the pressures of life. She is so calm and cool and easy in any situation....
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Paris Hilton photo: Johnny
“OH MY GOD … Paris Hilton’s tampon just fell out!”...
God, I could kill myself for even writing that headline, but the worst part about it is that it's true.
Remember how we found out that Rihanna and Chris Brown had only just recently stopped talking, and Chris started saying things about Rihanna like how she's a slut and everyone in the business has banged her and so on and so forth? Hollywood Life has the story behind everything that's gone down, and it's all over---you guessed it---"love."
From Hollywood Life:
... “Chris was not willing to end his relationship with Karrueche, even t...
From Us Weekly:
X-Factor judge Britney Spears walked off the show’s set during auditions Friday afternoon–just one day after TMZ reported she stormed off “angrily” following a hopeful contestant’s cover of one of her hits.
“After a very popular contestant finished, Brit stood up and immediately walked towards the tunnel where judges enter,” a show source tells Us Weekly of the pop star’s dramatic exit Friday afternoon–adding that it wasn’t clear what spurred the departure...
I only say "non-trashy" because one time, we had a 'Guess the Trashy Celebrity Sibling', and man was that girl trashy. All putting five-dollar bills in her mouth and everything. Gosh, the things people do sometimes, I just don't even know.
Anyway, no, as you can tell, the lady in this picture is far from trashy, and actually looks ... well, she looks really sweet, actually. Nothing, you know, like her younger sister who is a Big-Time Celebrity, and there's no hotel photos in knock-off Ed Hard...
Yes, she did. At least that's what she told fans at a show this past weekend in Atlantic City. On the stage, Beyonce said:
"Y'all have no idea how hard I worked. I had to lose 60 pounds. They had me on that treadmill. I ate lettuce!”
Sixty pounds, guys. That could be half a grown-ass adult. That could be a large five-year-old. Sixty pounds. For the record? This is what Beyonce looked like back in February, not even six weeks after giving birth:
So! She lost sixty pounds, right? I mean, Beyon...
These are the photos taken during the aftermath of Justin Bieber's photographer freak-out where he sent a photographer to the hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
In the pictures, you can easily tell that Selena is upset, but what you can also tell is that Selena either got belted in the mouth by accident while Justin's mini-fists of fury were flying, or she went down the cliche route and got her lips did. Check out this photo:
Does that---or does that not---kind of look like what Lindsay Lohan looks l...