Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are having sex in a molester van. [The Superficial]
Who broke Anne Hathaway's ARM? [Lainey Gossip]
Can I just tell you what kind of f-cking moron Rihanna is these days? [Starpulse]
Oh look who's hiding behind a damn umbrella and looking not-at-all conspicuous? [ICYDK]
... And the Douchebag Award goes to ... [theBERRY]
PHOTO: Justin Bieber and Chris Brown are BFFs. [IDLYITW]
How Kelly Clarkson lost those thirty pounds. [Hollywood Backwash]
The complete lack of ass. [Celebrity Rant]
Hugh Hefner took Crystal Harris back, is definitely desperate. [Cel...
[Image removed]
And I'm serious---aside from the fact that the dress is ugly as sin and looks like it could have been purchased off of the clearance rack at Fashion Bug---in 1992, she's looking pretty normal, taking into consideration how much tweaking's been done to her face and how the sun's rays have ravaged her skin. Janice is wearing minimal makeup, which is a big thing for her, and though she's still rocking the stilettos, they're more demure and classy---hardly f-ck-me pumps that are gener...
"The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
The Bible’s right, somebody’s wrong.
Romans one, twenty six and twenty seven;
Ain’t no homos gonna make it to Heaven."
I don't condone violence, but I'd totally love to punch every single one of these assholes in the throat. Hard. />
I know it's not celebrity-related, but it's a viral video, and it's people-related. We're still people underneath our clothes (Shakira---there's your celebrity reference), so I think this is probably something that pertains to us.
The above video features two little kids singing a bigoted, anti-gay song in CHURCH about how "homos" aren't "gonna make it to heaven," and if it wasn't bad enough for you that some wad of Paris Hilton's shit (another celebrity reference FTW) actually went ahead and ...
From Jezebel:
Here's a blast from the past for Lost fans: Drama between Jack and Charlie. It began innocently enough on Sunday, when a Lost-addicted young woman named Becca made a plea to Dominic Monaghan — he played Charlie — on Twitter. She begged Monaghan to persuade his costar to sign up for the social media.
Becca wrote: "holla at matthew fox and tell him to get a twitter i beg of you"
Monaghan's reply?
he beats women. No thanks.
Wow. Now we've heard some things about Mat...
Remember how I just keep going on and on about Beyonce and her C-section and her pregnancy and frankly, even though it's technically old-ass news, I just can't seem to leave the shit alone? Well, here's another story to add to the massive pile of "what the f-ck, Beyonce?" that we, here at Evil Beet, are in the process of creating.
As I told y'all the other day, Beyonce recently happened to mention that she lost sixty post-baby pounds in the immediate weeks following her C-section, which wa...
Mila Kunis is putting on weight for a movie. [The Superficial]
Blake Lively still thinks she's some kind of big up-and-coming movie star. [Lainey Gossip]
Is Rihanna dating another abusive dude? [Starpulse]
Gwyneth Paltrow in short-shorts. [Socialite Life]
Kathie Lee is a f-cking idiot. [TMZ]
Andy Samberg's super-large penis. [Seriously OMG]
Pheromone parties are the new speed dating. [The Frisky]
Jessica Alba's boobs aren't all that impressive. [Celebslam]
A Britney Spears ...
Remember this?:
This actress – who worked much more several years ago than she does now – has found the perfect way to annoy her controlling husband. He always insisted that she not step foot out of the house unless she was looking her best (full hair, makeup, clothes) because she was a “reflection of his image”.
But now that they have quietly separated, she consistently walks out of the house in casual clothes and messy hair and no makeup (even when her destination isn’t the ...
Kristen Stewart is on fire. That's a fact, and there's no debating it. Whether you love or or you hate her (though you probably should just go for broke and love her no matter how many times she "inappropriately" uses the word f-ck), this interview is awesome and you should probably read the highlights.
Kristen on sexism:
“In personal conversations between director and actor, the male directors that I’ve worked with are just as emotional [as women]. Maybe it’s because I had to st...
Katy Perry gives Marines boners. [The Superficial]
Kate recycles for the Queen. [Lainey Gossip]
Rihanna was apparently sleeping with the dude who ate the guy's face in Florida. [Bossip]
Michael Jackson's private letter to Lisa Marie Presley removed from auction. [Starpulse]
Kim Kardashian's airline thieves pilfered a pair of priceless sunglasses. [TMZ]
Celebrity nosejobs. [theBERRY]
Nicole Kidman peed on Zac Efron because "it was a party." [Huff Po]
Jay-Z and Kanye West are apparently werewolves or vampires or something and go to church. [Hollywood...
From People:
... In this week's issue, Simpson and Johnson give an exclusive interview, plus share the first photos of their little one, who's inherited her mom's eyes and her dad's calm demeanor.
"We stare at her all the time," says Simpson. "We can't get enough!"
But becoming new parents hasn't been without its hardships. Recovering from surgery – Simpson delivered via C-section – isn't easy, she says, and nursing, which she does throughout the day, has become "a full-on job." ...
I only say that they're super-long crappy-looking extensions for two reasons: one, they're super-long crappy-looking extensions. Two? I chopped literally thirteen inches off my hair today (myself! Eff YOU sixty-five dollar haircut place!) and I'm feeling rather sprite and feisty and SMUG.
This is what Demi rocked on her way to a Memorial Day party in Beverly Hills this past weekend, and apparently her face isn't all that happy about the extra weight her head is forcing her to carry around on...