"It was actually a kiss that - we know this is true love, we're going to be together forever kind of moment. So he walks in and in the script it says, "It's the tonguiest tongue kiss of all time. How do you - what are we going to do? He just goes, "You guys, go at it. Tom, if you've got to lick her eyeball, lick her eyeball. 'I was, like? Oh, my God. It literally is for me a cringing moment. I saw it, I was like, I can't watch ... To be able to do a duet with Tom Cruise and then to undress him...
Today in unsettling Internet video news, the trailer for "Mrs. Doubtfire "has been recut as a horror film. (Because, why not?)
Besides some crafty editing and the addition of a creepy score, the only real difference between the original clip and this one is the lack of Aerosmith's "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)."
While Robin Williams' "new" Mrs. Doubtfire is no Buffalo Bill, the trailer is certainly sinister, making the original film look about as terrifying as Williams' 2002 psychological thriller, "One Hour Photo."
This isn't the first time a children's movie has been recut as a scary flick. A few years ago a horror "Mary Poppins" trailer, entitled "Scary Mary," showed us all that there's just something off about a babysitter who travels by umbrella.
Call me twisted, but I think this should be done to ALL of the great family movies ... 'The Wizard of Oz' ... 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' ... 'A CHRISTMAS STORY'. The possibilities are endless. What movie would you like to see recut into a horror flick? />
This is awesome. It's awesome, and it's forever changed the face of one of my all-time favorite movies (though I'd still love it even if it were a horror film.
From Moviefone:
Today in unsettling Internet video news, the trailer for "Mrs. Doubtfire "has been recut as a horror film. (Because, why not?)
Besides some crafty editing and the addition of a creepy score, the only real difference between the original clip and this one is the lack of Aerosmith's "Dude (Looks Like a Lady)...
From Us Weekly:
There’s a reason Jada Pinkett Smith has maintained her flawless bod for more than 20 years: “I don’t eat for pleasure,” she tells Essence.
Pinkett Smith, 40, explains that she “had the only West Indian grandmother that could not cook. She was an awful cook, and she taught me that you don’t eat for taste, you eat for nourishment. And I have kept that over the years, so I can eat anything that’s healthy.”
Though she occasionally treats herself to French fri...
From the Toronto Sun:
Hollywood megastar Ryan Gosling proudly watched his mom graduate from Brock University on Wednesday.
The 31-year-old Canadian actor created quite a stir when he attended the St. Catharines, Ont., campus with his actor girlfriend, Eva Mendes, 38.
The couple sat near the back of the auditorium, often whispering to each other during the ceremony.
When Gosling's mother, Donna, was called to receive her diploma, he jumped to his feet, clapping and taking pictures.
Fans lined u...
Oh guys. I just don't even know about this. It's like we're not even looking at Jewel anymore!
First, did you guys know that she's been tapped to play a big-screen version (oh, right; another version) of June Carter and Johnny Cash's life together? Yeah, I realize that it's already been done, but apparently Jewel and Lifetime's production company (the company that's putting the movie out) didn't get the memo. Or hear that Joaquin Phoenix is The Ultimate Johnny Cash (aside from, of course, ...
Ellen Page is dating Alexander Skarsgard. [The Superficial]
Prince Harry and Cheryl Cole: they're probably doing it. [Lainey Gossip]
Five things you never knew about Idris Elba (aside from the fact that he's, you know, f-cking hot). [Starpulse]
Everybody thinks Lindsay Lohan is the embodiment of Liz Taylor. And they are all on drugs. [Cele|bitchy]
This is Kris Humphries' new girlfriend. On camera. Just like his estranged wife. [TMZ]
Are you dating someone on bath salts? Find out...
YIKES. What the hell is this look, bodybuilder-chic? Whatever it is, I'm definitely not on board with it (ha, get it? I said "on board," and Mel B. and a dude are "on board" a boat. Lame, yeah, I know, but it's Thursday afternoon despite the fact that my brain feels like it's 6 AM on a Saturday instead).
Anyway, this is Melanie Brown, AKA Scary Spice, AKA Mel B., and not Mel C., as she was announced on the 'X-Factor' UK earlier this week, much to her chagrin.
From the Daily Star:
Because honestly, what was that thing? It looked like a vagina trying to lay low underneath the strap of her nightgown.
This is Jessica Simpon's first documented public appearance since the birth of her daughter, Maxwell Drew Johnson, last month, and I'm sad to say that she's all in hiding. Our photo agency captioned the pictures "Jessica Simpson on her way to the gym," and I guess that's way better than captioning it "Jessica Simpson on her way to a maternity-clothes-designing board meeti...
Winnie Cooper is single. [The Superficial]
Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendes, a ferris wheel, and a ... mother? [Lainey Gossip]
CMT Awards winners and fashion. [Starpulse]
Kimora Lee Simmons is getting a divorce. [ICDYK]
Everyone thinks Kelly Clarkson's pants are unflattering, but I actually think they're cute. [INFDaily]
Jamie Foxx for ... President? [Huff Po]
Angelina Jolie issues an official warning to George Clooney. [CDL]
Miranda Kerr's BOOBS. [Celebslam]
Jim Carrey says that ...
No, it's not for her man---I don't think, anyway. That was a joke. As is the color of her hair. It totally doesn't suit girlfriend at all. She reminds me of Pumpkin, from the movie 'Pumpkin'. The one that Christina Ricci played in ages ago?:
No sir, I don't like it.
What do you guys think of Kelly's hair?
Wait a second here. Holy what the f-ck in Photoshopping? Did anyone else completely notice the fact that Charlie Sheen's head has either been blown up to epic proportions, or that maybe his head was 'shopped onto the body of a fourteen-year-old boy instead? Because wow!
Anyway, Charlie Sheen sat down and talked to rolling Stone about his new show, 'Anger Management', and also dropped a few gems about how he'd still totally bone Denise Richards (thanks for that mental picture there, ugh), and...