God, remember all that? How all those crazy-ass people said that Jennifer Lawrence was fat? Because man. If she's fat, then the majority of the population---myself included---must be six-hundred-pound beasts, no lie.
Yeah, but anyway, here's the corpulent Jennifer Lawrence, rolling her way out of the gym. Which, you know, I don't even know why she bothers going to the gym anyway. She's so far gone that she'd have to work that body out twenty-three hours a day in order to even make a dent in ...
Michelle just did an interview with Canada's Flare magazine, where she talked about relationships, dating, not sex with Jason Segel, not Heath Ledger's death, not a 'Dawson's Creek' reunion, and not really anything of much importance aside from that movie she's doing, 'Take This Waltz'. Here's Michelle on why she's not talking about Jason Segel, Heath Ledger, or anything of much importance.
On keeping her personal life private:
"I need to keep my life very separate. I live and love and make decisions from a very comfortable and removed place. That's how it works for me."
On rela...
I know: you guys are thinking, "God, as if I needed another reason, Sarah?"
These are photos of Eva Mendes being all domestic and shopping for things like flowers and Pyrex baking dishes, and I could completely vomit at how beautiful her stupid face is even without its stupid makeup on. It's like, come on. Stop bragging, Eva. We already know you're beautiful as it is, and we already know how damn lucky you are because you get to sleep next to (oh, and with) Ryan Gosling night in and night out, and now you rea...
... Either that or she's trying to channel her inner drunkard, which isn't all that hard because I hear she floats rather close to the surface of both Avril's physical being and psyche. I mean, honestly. Does girlfriend not look absolutely tanked in these photos??
Also, get ready for it---I'm about to say something nice about Avril. It doesn't happen very often, if it's ever even happened in the history of this site. From me. Are you prepared? Here goes: I think Avril would actually look ......
"The social life has gotten better. I mean there's drama, but I try to stay away from that. At school and some people try to cyber bully me. They try to get to me with words, but that doesn't really work. A lot of people don't like me. I don't know what it is. If I feel someone's being fake to me, I will just push away. ... [But ] acting's always been my passion. I just love it and I think that it's amazing."
Gosh, isn't this girl just so gorgeous? I mean, she is. She's seriously, drop-dead gor...
Watch Lady Gaga get a concussion. [The Superficial]
Busy Phillips answers your questions! [The Frisky]
Phillip Phillips brutal surgery. [TMZ]
Why Gabriel Macht should be an Emmy contender. [Starpulse]
Charlize Theron buzzed her head! [Lainey Gossip]
This is who leaked Snooki's photos. [Socialite Life]
Rihanna uses a body double. [Yeeeah]
Brenda Song dumped Trace Cyrus. [Amy Grindhouse]
Men just fawn over Ashley Greene. [theBERRY]
David Beckham's horrible face. [I'm Not Obsessed]
More Snooki leaked pics. [IDLYITW]
Bristol Palin says God is...
And she'll be co-starring the project with porn star James Deen! And she's also going to have full-frontal sex in the film (not that we haven't seen Lindsay in Lindsay's entirety anyway, but that's beside the point)!
The name of the movie is called 'The Canyons', and I'm wondering if it's some kind of creative, passive-aggressive reference to Lindsay's cleavage or what she's got going on between her ears, or hey, maybe even---dare I say it---her vagina.
All absurdities aside (I'm total...
"... Some people feel like they have to make a mockery of your work ... That doesn't make me feel good at all. That just makes me feel like I'm not a good human being ... I don't even want to fight back because it's more important to me to keep writing music. I don't want to be all shady and c-nty. Because that's really all I care about, is the music ... things are really different than they were 25 years ago, and that's what makes 'Born This Way' so relevant for me. We're socially in a different place and it's OK, we don't have to all slice and hate each other anymore."
Oh now. Come on. Do not sit there and tell me that this isn't a thinly-veiled jab at Madonna and all of her comments about how Lady Gaga's unoriginal and a copycat and all that? Because, duh, it is. "Make a mockery" of one's work? Madonna's been all over that in comparing 'Born This Way' to whatever song it's supposed to resemble. "Shady and c-nty"? Well. That's, like, Madonna's address. As for "things" being "different than they were 25 years ago," do I even really need to spell that one out for you? Madonna's OVER. And everyone seems to know it but her. I'm no Lady Gaga fan, and I'm not going to launch another four-hundred-word tirade about how Madonna's OVER, because it's all been said.
Way to go, Lady G. />
"... Some people feel like they have to make a mockery of your work ... That doesn't make me feel good at all. That just makes me feel like I'm not a good human being ... I don't even want to fight back because it's more important to me to keep writing music. I don't want to be all shady and c-nty. Because that's really all I care about, is the music ... things are really different than they were 25 years ago, and that's what makes 'Born This Way' so relevant for me. We're socially in a diff...
Confirmed: Suri Cruise is also an alien. Or a clone of Tom Cruise. Whatever. [INFDaily]
Turns out Britney's a real big bitch, maybe. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]
Lindsay Lohan's being sued. [Hollywood PQ]
This week's "Hot Chicks on Twitter." God. [College Poison]
Demi Lovato also has leaked photos. [IDLYITW]
New beds that MAKE THEMSELVES. [OMGBlog]
Hugh Jackman makes out with a lady during the Tonys or whatever. [Bitten and Bound]
Radiohead's new song, 'Full Stop'. [Huff Po]
Oh that crazy Deena Cortese. Always doing crazy, crazy things like drunkenly humping ceramic pigs and getting arrested, and drunkenly humping non-ceramic pigs (oh, no, my bad; the right word in this case would be 'warthogs'), and generally being one fine, hot-ass mess in public. These photos are photos of her parents---her parents!---bailing her out of jail for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct or whatever the charge was. They all run together and there're so many fine lines of demarca...
"You don’t have to show nipples to be interesting. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re cutting edge if you do, right?"
That would be Madonna, Queen of Weird, Exposed Nipples That Make People Die Loud and Slow Deaths, a few years back, talking about the injustice that Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson made us suffer through at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show:
How quickly we forget that WE'RE BIG FAT HYPOCRITES WHO REVEL IN ATTENTION HOWEVER WE CAN. Even if it does happen to include...