From TMZ:
A former screenwriter for "NYPD Blue" was arrested for beating a poodle to death and could face up to a year in prison.
Ted Shuttleworth was busted Saturday morning in Queens, NY after punching his 4.5 lb poodle so hard in the face she died, according to the New York Post.
The 51-year-old TV writer took the canine to the vet afterwards -- but her death raised suspicions and sparked an investigation by the ASPCA.
Following the necropsy, a spokesman for the ASPCA co...
Happy Father's Day Peter. Our girls are so lucky to have a daddy like you! Hope you have a great day with them :)
So hey, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! And to all the single mothers out there who do the jobs of both mom and dad (and don't even start---single fathers are also welcome to be wished a Happy Mother's Day, too, so don't even play that it's like that)! I hope you're all having a wonderful day and treating the special people in your life---or just yourself---to wonderfu...
Just when you thought she'd finally give up and retire to some seedy crack trailer in a bad part of L.A., Lindsay Lohan has gone and done the unthinkable---turned a bad couple days into a teachable moment for everyone who thought she'd get busted for DUI or for, you know, being dead in a hotel room instead of just "tired" and "dehydrated."
These are Lindsay's latest photos from 'Liz & Dick', and despite having such a stellar week, Lindsay's not looking any better as Liz Taylor, sorry. I do...
In what could probably be called "the best Britney Spears has looked in years," Britney shows up at a red carpet event for 'X-Factor' alongside Demi Lovato, whose hair we're not even going to discuss because it's just flat-out atrocious.
In other good-Britney-news, she was most recently named the sexiest woman in music, according to Billboard magazine:
Britney Spears has been voted the Sexiest Woman in Music in a poll conducted in Billboard magazine. Over 600,000 people voted in the poll with the 30-year-old singer earning 45% of the...
Look, it's Anne Hathaway before she lost all her hair! OK, well, "lost" is a poor choice, I suppose, because it makes her sound like she's got alopecia or something when in reality, she cut it all off for her role as Fantine in the upcoming 'Les Miserables' movie.
Here's Anne in July '12's Allure magazine where speaks about body image, weight loss, and dieting. All, you know, important things.
Ahem. Anne on her 'Les Mis' weight loss:
“I’m doing some crazy weight stuff right now....
From TMZ:
Rodney King -- the man who was at the center of the infamous Los Angeles riots -- was found dead this morning in Rialito, CA. He was 47.
According to our sources, King's fiancée found him dead at the bottom of a pool. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they responded to a call at 5:25 AM PT. We're told they physically removed King from the pool and attempted CPR.
Our sources say he was pronounced dead at 6:11 AM.
Rodney's fiancee claims that in the hours prior to finding...
From Blind Gossip:
This pretty actress is suddenly everywhere, appearing in half a dozen films over the past couple of years. But while she played a 17-year-old in a stage play just a few years ago (just before her film career really started taking off), she is nowhere near 17. She is actually in her mid-30s. In real life, that might not be so important. As an actress, though, it gets tougher to book those desirable younger roles once you pass 30. She has never talked about her age in any int...
As if she wasn't lucky enough to star in a movie where she gets to HAVE SEX with Ryan Gosling, she's completely and utterly gorgeous and charming, too. Some girls have all the luck. And yeah, even though this post is about Emma Stone, I'm going to go right ahead and talk about Eva Mendes for a second, because girlfriend there is a stark comparison to Emma Stone. Eva Mendes might get to have sex with Ryan Gosling, but she will never, never, never (did I say "never"? Because I definitely mean never) have ...
Honestly, I don't think there's a prettier female celebrity out there. This woman is my ideal. She's cute and seems sweet and down-to-earth, and if there were ever any stories circulating out there about her being bitchy, I'd never even want to know, because she's a perfect little angel in my eyes.
Now, I don't know if she's engaged, because all of that talk going on a couple of months ago has all but died out, but I do know that she's wearing a ring on her all-important finger. I tried to...
Normally I don't give a raw ass-worth about Victoria Beckham because ... well, just because, but I saw these photos of V-Becks attending the debut of her Fall/Winter '12 fashion line in Vancouver today and I was kind of blown away. At least, as blown away as I could possibly be over Victoria Beckham, which, on a scale from 1-10 is about a 2. It's progress, guys. Never laugh in the face of progress even if progress has cantaloupe-like tits that are occasionally eaten as a poor substitute for birthday cake...
"I'm totally growing up. A lot of my friends, the people that I love to just sit and talk to and spend my time with, are wiser, a little bit older than me. Before I used to, you know, all my boyfriends were younger. I always dated five years younger. My whole thing was completely different ... I love that I'm with someone who is a couple years older than me," she says of West. "I love that my friends are even sometimes 20, 30 years older than me ...Kourtney had this epiphany when she had the ba...
“It’s horrific to remember. [My son] Evan woke up and said, ‘There’s this weird thing on my gum.’ …So I called the dentist and said, ‘This is insane’. He said, ‘Take a picture of it and send it to me.’ So I’m taking a picture of it and I’m sending it to the dentist and I sent him a nude on accident (sic)! I swear to God! The dentist is, like, 80 years old. I literally screamed at the top of my lungs.”
Jenny McCarthy on (not sic!) accidentally sending her dentist a nude...