First, can we all just kind of agree that Kaley Cuoco is, indeed, the hottest woman on television? I know we've got chicks like Sofia Vergara and Christina Hendricks, but Kaley just strikes me as really low-maintenance (a notion that turned out to be kind of right), and honestly, what's hotter than that? Here's Kaley's latest interview and photo shoot with Maxim Australia, where she talks how great she is, how great guys think she is, and how anyone who doesn't think she's the bees' knees should probab...
Or, at the very least, seeking some free stuff for doing practically nothing? Because if you're into either, then you're in luck. We've partnered with 'Seeking' to bring you guys some pretty special stuff---namely a $25 Visa gift card, the film soundtrack, a t-shirt, tote bag, lip balm, shot glass, glow stick and bracelet, and a key chain. An additional winner will receive all of that, minus the $25 Visa card. And it's simple---all you have to do is like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, s...
James Marsden got this pregnant. [The Superficial]
PHOTOS: Is Michelle Williams pregnant? [Lainey Gossip]
Michelle Obama talks her first date with Barack. [Bossip]
Demi Lovato's new boyfriend? [Starpulse]
Who says men can't be mermaids? [theBERRY]
Joe Manganiello has a big penis. [Cele|bitchy]
Why 'Liz & Dick' may not even wrap. [Amy Grindhouse]
So. Now that we know who the kid looks like, who is January Jones' baby daddy? [The Frisky]
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow's new house. [ICYDK]
The one where Suri Cruise isn't being a brat. [Socialite Life]
Doutzen Kroes i...
"No ... It's your heart you're playing with. I couldn't sacrifice my heart for a publicity stunt. ... I have to first get divorced. But to have him in my life this way, I think, says a lot about us."
Here's the thing: Kim's got something 100% right today. It does say a lot about the two of them that they're in each others' lives like this.
And Kim could never "sacrifice" her "heart" for a "publicity stunt"? First, Kim doesn't have a heart, guys. It's harsh, but it's just truth. Second? If...
... And guys, if you don't remember, I'm here to remind you---Willow Smith is eleven years old. Do you know what kind of hell and damnation I'd be under if I'd even *asked* my parents at the age of eleven to get my tongue pierced? What the hell does an eleven-year-old want with a tongue piercing anyway? I'm going to just use me as an example here for a second. Granted, my parents weren't world-famous celebrities, and I wasn't a budding young wannabe-celebrity myself back in 1994 when I was eleven ye...
Celebrity photographer Kevin Mazur gives an all access pass to life behind the velvet rope and in front of the camera.
The film stars Jennifer Aniston, obviously, Dan Abrams, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Rosanna Arquette (because why would we want to hear from the more famous Arquettes?), Sheryl Crow, Bonnie Fuller, Salma Hayek, B.O.B., Elton John, Kid Rock, and Sarah Jessica Parker.
That being said, I think these celebrities should probably continue doing what they do best---pretending to be something that they're not (that *is* what they get paid to do, right?) and leaving the scathing commentary to the rest of us. It doesn't pay as well as a blockbuster movie, but hey. It sure pays the bills and lines the pockets. />
Alright, so it's not precisely about just that, but remember what I said earlier today---essential truths, guys. Essential truths.
Ahem. From IMDB, $ellebrity, a documentary about fame in 2012, photographers who hound, and common misconceptions that media outlets perpetuate:
Celebrity photographer Kevin Mazur gives an all access pass to life behind the velvet rope and in front of the camera.
The film stars Jennifer Aniston, obviously, Dan Abrams, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, Ro...
From Us:
The Magic Mike stud, 35, was first linked to Demi Moore, 49, in early June after witnesses spotted them chatting and during the That's My Boy after party in L.A. But in an interview on Ryan Seacrest's KIIS-FM radio show Thursday, Manganiello assured women everywhere that "there is 100 percent zero truth" to relationship rumors.
(Moore split with Ashton Kutcher, 34, in November 2011 after six years of marriage; he had been unfaithful to her on numerous occasions, most notably wi...
James Marsden knocked up a model. [The Blemish]
VIDEO: Anderson Cooper goes nuts on somebody. [Socialite Life]
Snooki takes another spill. [TMZ]
This is getting pathetic: '50 Shades of Grey' desserts. [The Frisky]
Johnny Depp had "multiple affairs." [Cele|bitchy]
PHOTOS: New images from 'Breaking Dawn Part 2'. [Starpulse]
Usher is hanging with little boys. [The Superficial]
Jennifer Nicole Lee naked behind balloons. [The Superficial]
Amber Rose just needs to get dressed already. [Socialite Life]
Celebrities blow for cancer. [theBERRY]
Kim Kardashian is even hi...
God, isn't she? I don't know where this recent bout of Miley-loving is coming from, but it's here and it's in full force. Look how amazing she looks? You know, if she should just stand up straight, stop hunching and pull those shoulders back, we might actually watch this hump-backed caterpillar blossom into a beautiful, willowy butterfly thing!
In related news, Miley Cyrus has a weird old stalker whose got---no joke---15 tattoos dedicated to Miley Cyrus. The dude's name is ... well, no one...
I find it really, really hard to believe that we haven't talked more about Jim Parsons together aside from passing comments or photos from awards shows, but it's true, and for that, I'm sorry. But here's an interview with Vanity Fair that I just came across, and it's all Jim talking about his hometown of Houston, Texas. Pretty much where to go, what to eat, what to do ... and, of course, what he does when he ventures out of L.A. or New York and heads home.
To get away from it all, I go to ...
Bieber was showing off his new arm tattoo on the "Late Show" ... when Dave, acting like a cranky disapproving old man, reached over and grabbed the fresh ink, causing Justin to scream out in pain.
While Justin forced a smile, Dave continued to give the Canadian singer a hard time ... and then advised Bieber, "Don't go nuts [with the tattoos] ... because more and more you see like the mural ... like the Sistine Chapel, it's too much."
Bieber replied, "I'm not going for the Sixteenth Chapel."
Letterman laughed ... and quipped, "Canadian high school."
Alright, so I could understand that maybe some Canadian residents would resent the remark about 'Canadian high school', because that's just not a cool generalization to make. It's not as if the high schools in America are so hot, in case you didn't know. But ripping Justin Bieber on such a grand scale? Taking him down a notch or twelve for being such a self-involved little bitch? Well. I guess if I were David Letterman, I probably would have gone for the cheap shot, too.
Sixteenth Chapel. I don't care if he is "only" eighteen years old, because LOL! What a silly little douche. />
OK, so that's a little over the top, but it's essentially true. And isn't that what celebrity gossip is all about? Essential truths? Yes. That would be correct.
I don't know if you guys caught Justin Bieber on last night's 'Letterman', but you have to know that if I'm writing anything at all about Justin Bieber, it's got to be mockery-amusing in some sort of fashion, because God knows I don't take the little twat as seriously as ... well, as seriously as he does. And I'm apparently not the...
Here I go again, saying nothing but mediocre things about the mediocre January Jones, whom about all of you know how I generally feel. Whee! January Jones! Red hair! It looks good on her! It's way more striking than the washed-out blonde that she normally sports! Way to go!
But in addition to sharing my general excitement over January's hair, I wanted to talk about some other blonde ladies who've gone red and who've also pulled it off, because come on. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. It'...