“I think he can find a lot worse available on the Internet these days. I think people make such a big deal sometimes about it, when I feel like it just comes down to how you raise your child and how you explain things to your kid. ... Evan and I will have that conversation someday.”
The ever-eloquent Jenny McCarthy, discussing what her son probably thinks of her Playboy shoots. Isn't she just the most, friends? I think she'll have a leg to stand on when talking about the first shoot done ba...
At the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Saturday, electronic music junkie Paris Hilton took to the decks for her debut DJ appearance.
Dressed in a sexy black embellished bodysuit complete with matching gloves and thigh-high stockings designed by The Blondes, she started off her set with mashups of well-known hits including Rihanna's "We Found Love," Deadmau5's "Some Chords" and Avicii's "Levels."
Despite getting slammed for her set over Twitter and booed during her on-stage appearance, there's no doubt that Hilton, 31, learned how to spin like a pro from her longtime friend Afrojack, a Dutch music producer and DJ known for his hits "Take Over Control" and Pitbull's "Give Me Everything" featuring Ne-Yo and Nayer.
Oh boy. Isn't all that just great? But wait! It gets better! I have stuff for you that's sure to redeem me! Here's an official photo of Paris Hilton DEEJAYING:
Oh, what's that? You didn't know? Sorry about that; my bad. I know it's my job to keep you guys abreast of the latest developments when it comes to C- and D-list celebrities doing dumb shit. I apologize profusely, and I hope you can begin the sometimes-slow process of forgiveness.
From Us magazine:
At the Pop Music Festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Saturday, electronic music junkie Paris Hilton took to the decks for her debut DJ appearance.
Dressed in a sexy black e...
"We are a family, but as of the end of last week John Edwards and I are no longer a couple. Not at all. For me, for my part in it, it's because I'm no longer interested in hiding, hiding our relationship, not living out. I don't know if you've noticed, but we've had a lot of media scrutiny. It's complicated and it's hard. It wears you down after a while."
The illustrious Rielle Hunter on 'The View', talking about the affair that ruined a marriage (or at least helped ruin it), and how it didn't...
From X17:
Jennifer Lawrence rushed to the aid of a teenage girl who collapsed on her front lawn Monday, calling paramedics and waiting with the girl until help arrived.
An X17 photographer on the scene tells us: "Jennifer ran outside her apartment when she heard a girl scream and immediately called 911. When the EMT arrived, she stayed to make sure everything was okay. She was really scared for the girl."
The Hunger Games star stayed close to the young girl who apparently fainted on the law...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Pierce Brosnan photo: Anonymous
"Hey Buddha – It wasn’t the Octomom video that ...
From TMZ:
A rep for Virgin America airlines tells TMZ ... the "Celebrity Apprentice" star was cleared to bring her 2 pets into the 1st class section of a flight this week ... because they are registered as "Emotional Support Animals."
So how does one get emotional support animal clearance? Ya gotta have a doctor write a letter ... stating you have mental issues.
According to the Virgin America website, the airline requires the passenger to produce a letter from a licensed mental health ...
Yay, look! It's the Spice Girls, all together again for 2012! And they're talking about reuniting for a musical!
From Reuters:
The Spice Girls reunited for a few hours on Tuesday to launch a new musical based on songs that made them one of the biggest bands of the 1990s, but there was time for plenty of laughs, avowals of mutual love and even the odd catty aside.
"Viva Forever!", written by British comedian Jennifer Saunders and produced by "Mamma Mia!" mastermind Judy Craymer, opens at th...
Because come on. No one would kiss their hot wife on the red carpet of some movie if they were gay, please.
Nor would they, you know, hang out on the red carpet with said hot wife looking like they're posing for prom pictures from 1979:
And never, never, never would a gay man allow his hot beard of a wife to caress his face in such a way so that people thought he might actually be straight. Come on. Real talk:
Nope. Totally, totally not gay.
Check out some more totally not gay photos of John Travolta in the gallery, because you seriously need...
The happiest Kate Gosselin's ever been. [The Superficial]
How to turn your Pinterest page into a shopping forum. [The Frisky]
50 Cent hospitalized after running into Mack truck. [TMZ]
John Travolta's being sued again. [Starpulse]
Is this Ashley Tisdale's new boyfriend? [Lainey Gossip]
Beyonce fans are pissed that Kim Kardashian is girl's new BFF. [Socialite Life]
More glaringly-obvious Megan Fox pregnancy pictures. She's probably due any day. [Yeeeah]
Why Amber Rose is being ...
Yawn---not impressed.
Jenny McCarthy, if you didn't know, is turning 40 this month! Can you believe the "Hot Chick" from 'Singled Out' is going to be 40? If you can, that means you're getting old, too. If you can't, then I can tell you one thing, guy---you're deluding yourself and it's really not pretty.
See, I don't know. I "get" that she's trying to commemorate her first Playboy photo shoot from back in 1993 when she was just twenty-one, but I'm sorry. Hearing her stupid sexting-the-d...
Oh, didn't you hear? Madonna has her own sterilization team, because God forbid she leave any trace of her incomparable self behind after a show in a dressing room or on stage.
No, I'm not kidding. She really does. From the Mirror:
The paranoid star, 53, has ordered aides to leave no trace of her after she leaves gigs on her latest world tour.
In true diva style she set up a “sterilisation team” to wipe away any DNA that may have been dropped in her room on hairs, skin or saliva...
Picasso had his rose period – and now so too does Emma Watson’s dog Darcy, after the Harry Potter actress dyed her a shocking shade of bubblegum pink. Thanks to a fashionable £90 treatment, the one-year-old bichon frise now has a look that might go down well with pink-loving Hogwarts professor Dolores Umbridge – even if it has raised eyebrows among some animal-lovers.
Ms Watson was spotted with the pink pooch on the streets of Bethnal Green, East London, on Friday, after having the dye treatment at Groom Dog City. Owner Stuart Simons said: ‘Emma has dyed Darcy twice. Pink is our biggest colour, but I do look after another bichon called Casper who comes in for a blue mohican.’
He said the beetroot-based semi-permanent dye is harmless. ‘All the dyes I use are completely animal-friendly. They are made from vegetable dye. I wet the dog, rub it on like a shampoo, leave it for five minutes and then wash it off. Because Darcy is white, it takes really well. She is a very calm dog, absolutely lovely, and she enjoys her groom.’
But TV vet Emma Milne said: ‘Dogs are not playthings; they are not dolls. If you are putting a chemical on a dog’s fur, you could cause that dog problems. Even if the dye is completely safe – and the dye that Emma Watson has used should be absolutely fine – you are still altering the way the dog looks and smells to other animals. Potentially, it could have an effect on the way that dog interacts with other dogs. A dog is still a living object that hasn’t had any say on whether it wants to be pink.’
Unsurprisingly, Mr Simons – whose own dyed dogs have featured in campaigns for fashion house Mulberry – disagrees.
‘Lots of people say it’s cruel to dye a dog but I say, it takes no time, it doesn’t affect their skin and they don’t look in the mirror and go, “Oh, I’m so embarrassed.” Rather, they get so much attention in public and all the strokes and interaction, it can’t be a bad thing.’
He also believes his salon will see a sharp increase in ‘doggy dyes’ during the Olympics. ‘Oh yes,’ he said. ‘I expect to get a lot of requests for red, white and blue. And I may be able to do the Olympic circles on poodles.’
Emma, however, claims that she doesn't have a dog and claims that the dog is pink because its owner is trying to raise money for breast cancer research. On her Twitter, she says:
Ayeye. Just to clarify one more time that I don't have a dog. @PinkDarcyDog is pink because her owner is raising money for breast cancer.
Is that OK? Well. I don't know. You'll have to ask PETA or someone else who doesn't think that this poodle thing is damn cute pink, because it is. Are you guys angry? Do you believe it's not even hers? If it's not, don't you think she'd spend a little more time explaining whose it is rather than telling us why it's pink instead? />
Ahem. From the Mail:
Picasso had his rose period – and now so too does Emma Watson’s dog Darcy, after the Harry Potter actress dyed her a shocking shade of bubblegum pink. Thanks to a fashionable £90 treatment, the one-year-old bichon frise now has a look that might go down well with pink-loving Hogwarts professor Dolores Umbridge – even if it has raised eyebrows among some animal-lovers.
Ms Watson was spotted with the pink pooch on the streets of Bethnal Green, East London, on ...