From Us:
The scale has spoken – and it doesn’t have any good news for Jessica Simpson. A source tells Hot Stuff that Jessica learned at her first Weight Watchers weigh-in – a few weeks after the May 1 birth of daughter Maxwell – she had gained 70 pounds. Luckily, Jessica has $4 million worth of motivation to shed them.
Her contract requires a 20 to 30 pound loss by the end of August or no payday, says a source. But it won’t be easy.
“Jessica has always had issues with junk foo...
So did Instagram's stock just drop, like, thirty percent over the last few days or what? I'm kidding. I don't know if Instagram is even a publicly-traded entity. I just like pretending that I know lots about the stock market and linking its downtrends with Lindsay Lohan in whatever way I can (on a for-realsies note, I was a securities analyst-in-training in a different life. No joke. I left the business for the wide, ever-changing world of gossip-writing, and I do not regret it one. single. bit).
Seriously, though, Lindsay Lohan needs to lay...
An honest review of 'The Amazing Spiderman'. [The Superficial]
Brangelina headed for a Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes-like breakup, too? [Lainey Gossip]
Frank Ocean was in love with a man. [Starpulse]
Busy Phillips has peach hair. [ICYDK]
PHOTOS: What Kim and Kanye did in Paris. [INFDaily]
The huge change coming to Coachella. [Huff Po]
Porn stars don't even want to sex Lindsay Lohan now. [The Superficial]
Tom's lawyer speaks. [Lainey Gossip]
Happy Fourth of July from BOOBS. [Celebslam]
Miley Cyrus wants to have a baby now. [Cele|bitchy]
LOL I know, a little misleading, right? My bad. While it is true that Claire Danes and Matthew McConaughey are having a baby (Claire definitely moreso than Matthew, I must say), they are each having said babies with their respective significant others, OK? Claire is having a baby with her husband, Hugh Dancy (who, might I add, is pretty hot), and Matthew McConaughey has impregnated his new wife, Camila Alves, for a third time.
Their respective PR announcements? Well, let's start with Matthew's. He fired ...
And do you want to know what Katie said in a recent interview with Elle? Because if hindsight is 20/20, and Katie knew this divorce thing was coming up sooner rather than later, then she kind of let the cat out of the bag and we didn't even realize. From Elle:
"I’m starting to come into my own. It’s like a new phase.”
And when asked about her identity later on in the interview as Mrs. Tom Cruise, she had this to say:
“He has been Tom Cruise for 30 years. I know who I am and where ...
Or if you're in another part of the world that's not the US, Happy The US-is-Practically-Shut-Down-Day!
As you all know, we celebrate our independence from England today, as we've been doing year in and year out for the past two-hundred thirty-six years or something, and we intend to do it the right way.
What am I doing this fine Fourth of July? Well, dressing my family and myself in various scraps of red, white, and blue, barbecuing all sorts of high-fat, high-cholesterol meats that are m...
Remember how we talked about this not so long ago and concluded that it would be complete, fresh awesomeness if the kids of 'Dawson's Creek' did end up reuniting for a big-screen project? Because we did, and it would, and now you can thank Tom Cruise for trying to not let that happen. Us has an exclusive story that Tom wasn't going to let Katie anywhere near the project, for fear of
From Us:
Audiences first fell in love with Katie Holmes as girl-next-door Joey Potter on Dawson's Creek, a role she relishe...
Katie Holmes will get nothing from the prenup. [The Superficial]
Kim's not washing her hair anymore. [Bitten and Bound]
Natalie Portman's getting married! [Starpulse]
PHOTO: Chris Hemsworth and his daughter. [Hollywood PQ]
Carly Rae Jepsen nudes. [Socialite Life]
Bar Refaeli likes ginger pubes. [Celebslam]
Sea Org doesn't want Suri. (Read: Sea Org wants Suri. Bad.) [Yeeeah]
Arianny Celeste in a bikini. [The Blemish]
The best of Andy Griffith. [OMGBlog]
A spanking party....
Isn't she just gorgeous, folks? And this face is still having sex with Garrett Hedlund. I mean, other parts of her probably are, too, but her face definitely is. Because Garrett Hedlund would be insane not to want to have sex with a face that looks like that---especially without any makeup, too. Simply divine.
Other than appearing out in public without any camouflage on, Kirsten has been busy busy busy promoting her new movie, 'Bachelorette'. Which sounds like it's going to be horrible, and also...
You know what I love? Seriously, all joking aside? When I hear certain celebrities talking like they're normal people, when everyone thinks that the idea couldn't be further from the truth for some of them. See, Hilary Duff has been a big proponent of "the weight'll come off when the weight comes off," and now Kate Beckinsale's jumping on the wagon, too, because she apparently put on a crap-ton of weight during her pregnancy (though you wouldn't know it to look at her size zero body now).
From a recent in...
It’s time for another round of weekly winnings for the Evil Beet Caption This contests! Check it out, and if you’re the winner, I’ll be sending you an email to collect your mailing information in order to send your prize. Sure hope you registered with a valid email address!
We’ll be choosing the winner of the above photo next Tuesday, so tune in to find out who it is!
The winner on last week’s Prince Charles photo: Anonymous
"I must say old chap, I really am having trouble kee...
Boobs in a bikini. [The Superficial]
11 Places to Have Sex on the 4th of July. [The Frisky]
Katie Holmes is getting NOTHING from the prenup. [TMZ]
Ashley Tisdale and Tom Cruise have something in common. [Starpulse]
Katie Holmes loses her ring. [Socialite Life]
Whitney Houston's mother does a tribute to Whitney Houston. [Yeeeah]
Simon Cowell thinks Britney Spears is just shy. [Amy Grindhouse]
Random geek products you'll probably want. [theBERRY]
Kate Beckinsale says that pregnancy changes a woman's body. B...