From STV:
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are expected to make their wedding vows to one another in New Orleans, Louisiana, by the end of the year.
Reports surfaced earlier this week that the A-list movie stars were to say ‘I do’ in Britain, where they have been living in recent weeks.
The couple were said to be planning a low-key wedding in Windsor, before enjoying a honeymoon at their South of France home in Provence.
But according to heat magazine, Brangelina are actually gong to...
Katie Holmes is a real gangster. [The Superficial]
Will and Kate aren't sleeping together any more. Just kidding. These are the photos of when they WERE sleeping together. [Lainey Gossip]
So that's where Chris O'Donnell's been. Good. [Starpulse]
The One Direction girlfriend saga continues. [Socialite Life]
Sofia Vergara's engagement ring. [TMZ]
The sex diet. No, really: the SEX DIET. [The Frisky]
Whatever, Leonardo DiCaprio. Whatever. [Celebslam]
Television actors and their non...
It's called 'Do It Better', and it's just as awesome as Chet's last video for 'Hollywood'. No lie, guys. No lie.
This song is so completely tuneless, by the way, that it's impossible to hum. It's impossible to retain in your mind, because it's got no discernible hook. If I can put all of my sarcasm aside for a millisecond, I've got something to say---this song (unsurprisingly) completely sucks. I mean, "Bacon got your body got your heart it got your soul*"? What the crap is that?
All I kn...
From People:
The actress, 33, was increasingly unhappy in her five-year marriage to Tom Cruise as she realized "she no longer had the life she wanted, in terms of her career, her way of life, everything," a source tells PEOPLE in this week's cover story.
So she took action – quickly.
"Once she decided to go, she was done," says the source.
With help from her unflinching attorney father Martin, she orchestrated a secretive exit strategy that included moving into a new downtown Manh...
Robin Thicke smashed a car. [TMZ]
Lady Gaga wants you to see her nipples. [Starpulse]
Is Kris Jenner cheating? [Starpulse]
That's one tall boyfriend, girlfriend. [Lainey Gossip]
Adele is definitely having that baby soon. [The Superficial]
Of course Sofia Vergara's getting married. [The Blemish]
'Gangster Squad' Trailer #2. [theBERRY]
Lindsay Lohan's next movie project. [Huff Po]
Avril Lavigne is not dating Marilyn Manson. I don't think. [Hollywood PQ]
Miley Cyrus has a history tattoo. [Sociali...
"America's first Black president hasn't arisen yet. He [President Obama] is not America's first Black president - he's America's first mixed-race president. First thing that pops into my head regarding our president is that all of the people who are setting up this barrier...they just conveniently forget that Barack had a mama, and she was white - very white American, Kansas, middle of America."
So, wait a second. Am I to surmise that Morgan Freeman is claiming that our President isn't *really...
Wow! This one's turned into quite a looker, wouldn't you say? Can't guarantee that she's going to stay as cute as a button, though, because of that whole, pesky "two hotties make a nottie" thing, but one never does know, do they?
Here's a few hints to get you on your way---
---Girl's going through a turbulent time in her life right now, and I don't mean just adolescence
---Girl's got two way fashionable parents, though one of them could stand to lay off the eyeliner, scarves, and ever...
I know; I know. Her name is ... wait, let me look it up again quick---her name is Bonnie Wright, but I'm telling you right now---no matter how many times I write about this cute little doll of a girl, I'm always, always, *always* going to refer to her as Ginny Weasley, because no role she could ever take on again in life could ever be as epic as the one she took in playing the sassy, street-smart, soft-hearted Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter movies. OK? Let's just deal.
Remember how I tol...
Roseanne recently posted a self-portrait on Twitter and captioned it ever-so-gracefully, "Fat old Jew," when in actuality, I think she looks pretty good for turning sixty this year. Yeah, you know, it's not the most flattering of photos, but then again, unless you're ninety-five pounds soaking wet, anyone's going to look kind of funny from a flat-on-the-chest view. Duh.
Also, did you guys know that Roseanne's going to be roasted next month? Yeah, by Comedy Central, and it's going to happen on A...