Aren't these guys just the cutest? And if we can talk about Matilda for a second, OMG. Is she not the perfect hybrid of the late Heath Ledger and her mom, Michelle Williams? She is just adorable, and she's going to be a knockout when she gets older, you mark my words.
Also, yes, I know that they're not technically---or even theoretically, at this point---a family right now, but guys. It's on its way. Jason is hanging out with Matilda on the regular (alone, too; these photos were taken post-break...
"I wasted such a big part of my life. I was a drug addict and self-absorbed. You know, I was having people die right, left, and center around me, friends. And yet I didn't stop the life that I had, which is the terrible thing about addiction. It's that - you know, it's that bad of a disease. ... I mean, I would have an epileptic seizure and turn blue, and people would find me on the floor and put me to bed, and then 40 minutes later I'd be snorting another line. This is how bleak it was, I'd stay...
What's that, you haven't heard? Oh, OK. Well, here it is: Madonna's being sued for illegally including some music from a song that didn't belong to her to begin with in 1990's 'Vogue'. Amazing, right? I realize that it's, yeah, about twenty-some years after the fact, and almost kind of absurd at this point to even make it a point of contention, but it's definitely a good time as any for some Lady Gaga fans who are still pissed that Madonna's claiming that Lady Gaga's an unoriginal c-ntbag. Whee!...
Remember that whole Nadya-Suleman-stripping bit that wasn't supposed to happen because she was being sued or whatever? Because it did. It happened an entire hour away from where Octomom was originally supposed to strip, at another apparently-upscale club. And the photos, friends, are really bad. They're as bad as bad can be*.
And what in the world does that lady patron have in her hands? Is that a can of disinfectant? Because wow. What a great idea.
The only real thing I can relate to ...
Because wow. If that photo weren't pulled right from Miley's Twitter, featuring Miley's very distinctive hair and dog, then I totally would have said, "Wow, Selena Gomez. You're looking a lot like Miley Cyrus these days, girl."
In related Miley news, we might be looking at girlfriend on this new season of 'American Idol'. How about it? Along with Miley, others are tapped to be the next judges, including Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Fergie, and will.i.am. From E!:
Sources confirm exclusively that along with Adam Lam...
How about it, huh? I think this is the most we've seen of dear Katie here in five whole years, and look at her now! Whipping out bright-colored dresses! Smile! Hanging out with her mom! This is a side of Katie that I don't think we've ever seen before! Girlfriend was spotted out in New York City (again) with her mother, shopping and catching dinners here and there and taking Suri out for playdates (with other kids. In other people's houses. Tom would be rolling over in his pod if he had to witness this kind...
This year's list is pretty predictable, when you take into consideration the biggest things that've happened this year---the second-to-last 'Twilight' movie debuted, ...
Kanye West definitely had a gay lover. [The Superficial]
Top 10 Celebrity Has-Beens. [Starpulse]
The cop who threatened Michelle Obama's life is still employed somehow. [The Frisky]
Jennifer Lopez just quit 'American Idol', too. [TMZ]
Colin Farrell went shirtless again. [Socialite Life]
Everything you want to know about Comic Con 2012. [The Blemish]
Cindy Margolis has some big ol' boobs. [Celebslam]
Amy Poehler is the coolest. [Popbytes]
Nude, mud-splashed butts. [OMGBlog]
Suri Cruise is making ...
And I say "still too sexy" because duh, don't you remember the interview she did way, way back in May (May! Of 2012!) saying that she never wanted to be a sex symbol in Hollywood, and how she tries just so hard not to sexualize every single character she plays, but fails endlessly because her sultry sexuality just seeps through her flimsy sex filter. Because yeah. She's doing the same interview all over again with next month's Marie Claire, where she---surprise, surprise---talks all about how s...
So, Evil Beet has decided to take another grand step into the new millennium, and in doing so, has decided to give the site a new, fresh look! I know---some of you are groaning and shaking your fists and promising to never come back to the site again if we even slightly change the color formatting of the comments, and guys.
I hear you. I'm generally so resistant to change that I get stomachaches when I realize that---oh my God, horror of all horrors---I have to use the backup laundry...