Can you guess which very well-known and often publicized couple just picked up this baby penguin named Acorn?
I've been on a "celebrities and their adopted pets" kick lately, but who can resist cute and fuzzy animals beside ogres and other gross types?
The surprising answer is after the jump!
Yes, I did just refer to myself in the third person. It's Friday and this post involves a Waiting to Exhale sequel, so if you have a problem with that, you can deal.
Sorry, anything Angela Bassett-related makes me VERY sassy.
Guys! They're making a Waiting to Exhale sequel and it's official. Angela confirmed the news last night on the red carpet premiere of her new movie Jump the Broom, which i am soooo going to see.
Here are the deets from TheYBF.com:
The actress confirmed that in the sequel, "Getting to Happ...
Did you know that over in the UK, they've been ripping off those "Got Milk?" ads for like, a hot minute now? I did not. But after seeing this "Make Mine Milk" ad featuring Rupert Grint from the Harry Potter movies, I couldn't help but notice a few things:
1) He's wearing the same denim gap blouse-y jacket thing that most of the moms on my middle school's PTA frequently dawned. The stylist on this shoot either hates him or he's probably going to pull a Ricky Martin on us any minute now.
I don't even know where to start.
So you know, LL Cool J, right? Okay, according to DiaryOfaHollywoodStreetKing.com, NYC transvestite hooker, Toni Newman, sold a story to the National Enquirer detailing his $500 sexual encounter with the rapper. LL picked up Toni on a street corner in NY's 14th street red light district, and paid cash for the sexual services. To be crystal clear, Toni dresses like a woman, but definitely has a penis.
Before you think that this is just another made-up tabloid story, know that before the Enq...
OK, there are two lies in that headline. 1) Garfboy doesn't do all of his own stunts, just like, a lot of them, and 2) We're actually married, I've just failed to inform him. Hope this shows up in his publicist's GoogleAlerts. Just kidding, hope it doesn't. Don't need to die of embarrassment today, thanks.
ANYWAY! I've put together yet another gallery of behind-the-scenes Spiderman shoot pictures for y'all to check out because who can resist a midday A. Garfield break and it's pretty exciti...
Can you guess what actress took this newly adopted pooch out for a stroll in NYC today?
Here's a hint: She's known for having a sharp tongue and a mean mug.
The answer (and more pics!) are after the jump! Read More...
Between his poetic reviews of the contestant's performances and his groovy wardrobe, Steven Tyler is arguably one of the best parts of this season's American Idol. He's got the Native American/pirate look on lock... but there's also something very feminine about his style and thanks to his daughter Liv's most recent interview, we now know why.
Despite the fact that he has more than enough money to stock his own closet, he's been raiding Liv's wardrobe for years. She told People.com, "My dad wears girls’ clothes — it’s so funny....