Quick rant: We've talked a little bit about how Miley Cyrus is currently filming a movie called LOL: Laughing Out Loud, but can we talk about how lame that movie title is? In a world where we're making movies about Facebook, do we really need to subtitle a film called LOL "Laughing Out Loud"? Wouldn't you say that if someone is going to go see a movie starring Miley Cyrus that they most likely already know what "LOL" means in Internet-speak? And if they're just finding out what it means from...
I don't know if you know this about me, but I love Hailey Glassman. Out off all the young girls we've seen dragged in and out of the media this year due to their trashy extramarital affairs with semi-famous men, Hailey Glassman has long been my favorite. Why? I think she's buckwild. I don't think she really cares about much beside her family and smoking weed and animals and music. She just did something dumb by hooking up with Jon Gosselin and hey! If her name is going to be talked about at all...
Not ready to commit to the full 'California Gurls' wig but you still want to do a little something to show off your spunky style? Katy Perry has the solution (so did I. In high school.)
Her subtle tribute to her fiance's favorite football team, West Ham, is elegant but still kind of kooky and eye catching. This isn't the first time Katy's repped her man's #1 team, either.
While some may question whether or not there's a point to having unnaturally colored locks in the first place, it cert...
Paris Hilton thought she could get by on the "I was holding it for a friend" defense when it came to her recent arrest for cocaine possession, but her Twitter account put a stop to that.
The Chanel purse that the baggie of blow fell out of was photographed in Paris' possession the night she was arrested, but if that's not enough evidence, the heiress actually Tweeted a photo of the purse over a month ago with the caption, "Love My New Chanel Purse I got Today. :)"
Yikes. I've heard of Twi...
With mom directing her first feature and big sis off blogging her fashions somewhere, little brothers David Banda and Rocco Ritchie were left to spend the day with their dad, director Guy Ritchie. The scene was pretty cute even though one of Madonna's body guards tagged along for their pasta dinner.
Kind of makes me miss the days when Madge and Guy were an item. Too bad he thinks she's retarded.
OK, so I don't really care if you shave your pits or not. It's certainly none of my business and it's not like we didn't know Julia likes the "tiny kittens tied to the underarm area" look. That's not news. But I thought this would be an interesting time to open up this can of worms: What do we think about unshaved armpits? I've shaved since I've needed to and I can't imagine it'd be very comfortable, but hey! If Julia Roberts prefers living this way, maybe there's something to it.
Any hairy ...
Now that True Blood and Mad Men have had their own much-discussed Rolling Stone covers, I'm going to ask you: Which do you like better and which show would you watch if you'd never seen an episode of either show and just had these covers to base your decision on?...
Katy Perry was snapped last night in Paris while making her way to dinner and I'm not too sure how I feel about the blue frock she was seen wearing last night. Part of me can see that it's pretty and that the simple cut is flattering to her figure, the other part of me wants to know why she's wearing the backdrop I had my second grade school picture taken in front of. Or a map of deep space.
There's something very 90s about this fabric that's not sitting well with me. Am I crazy?