Kim Kardashian got the ol' feely feely from a TSA employee this morning at LAX. You know, I've been through that same security gate maybe ten times in the last four years and I've never been checked. Should I take it personally? Do you think that maybe Kim's went to the next stage of the screening process because of her former BFF-ness with Paris Hilton A.K.A. I Travel With Cocaine In My Vagina Lady?
Regardless, you know that TSA chick was on her celly in the bathroom to her best friend wit...
After failing two drug tests in the short time since she's been released from jail, the judge went hard on Lindsay Lohan yesterday, throwing her in back in the clink without bail until it's time for her sentencing. Lindz wound up getting out of jail by the end of the day because a another judge decided that since the initial crime she was on probation for was a misdemeanor, she was entitled to bail. However, homegirl has a stricter list of rules to follow now than ever.
Apparently Lindsay had t...
We found out last week that she prefers father to her mother, but I don't think I've seen any photos of Naleigh since she was adopted. She's looking a little bleary eyed in these photos (the two had just arrived at JFK) but generally adorable. There haven't been any public updates on the status of her heart condition, but she seems like a healthy and happy child.
Portia de Rossi has legally changed her name, but not to something cool like Portia de Batman, which is what I would have changed it to if I were her.
Nope, Portia has just taken on the last name of her wife, Ellen DeGeneres and will now legally be known as "Portia Lee James DeGeneres".
The couple married back in 2008 and are famously dedicated to one another. Congratulations to both of them for taking this next step.
There's no word yet on whether or not Portia will also be taking t...
Michael Douglas has been battling throat cancer and the actor has been speaking publicly about his disease. In his most recent interview, Michael said that he believes his cancer was brought upon by the stress he's been dealing with in both his public and private life.
Michael said, "This type of cancer can be brought on by alcohol and tobacco abuse and by a certain type of sexually transmitted reason, but I look on it as stress. I've had a pretty stressful year on a number of fronts, some of whi...
Everyone's freaking out over the announcement that Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler will be taking over the spots formerly held by Ellen and Simon Cowell on the American Idol judges panel, but I think they're the perfect choices.
Steven Tyler has always been one of the most fun performers to watch on and off the stage and he knows his music. Jennifer Lopez has exactly what Paula had, a strong background in dance and a successful crossover to both singing and acting. Both judges are at the ...
I saw these pictures of Jamie Oliver holding his new little baby boy, Buddy Bear (seriously) and couldn't help but notice that it looked like the little guy's neck was about to snap off. Even though Jamie is a father of four, he still hasn't picked up on the importance of neck support.
Dude, give the kid a chance. Even if he forgives you for that name, he's still going to have a whole host of spinal issues.
Paris Hilton was contractually obligated to greet fans and unveil her fall/winter accessory line with her sister Nicky in Tokyo this week, but it looks like the heiress wont get much further than the airport hotel.
Common sense would tell you that someone who’s currently under probation for drug charges wouldn’t be allowed to travel internationally, yet for some reason it didn’t occur to Paris or her people that Japanese authorities wouldn’t welcome her into their country with open...
It seems like everyone in the world has had enough of Mel Gibson after the release of those awful tapes and the antisemitic rants he let loose on a cop after his DUI arrest a couple years ago, but not his recent co-star Jodie Foster.
Mel and Jodie just finished wrapping The Beaver, a film that's yet to receive a release date (hmmm, wonder why that may be), and says that her co-star is a wonderful person that's going through a rough time. The actress was quoted as saying, "When you love a friend,...
What an exciting day to be Dr. Drew! Not one, but two of his former Celebrity Rehab patients are in the news for falling off the wagon. It's almost as if addiction is a serious thing that should be treated in a private way by only the best doctors or something! LOLZ!1!!!!
A source spoke to RadarOnline and said that Jason Wahler, former cast member of The Hills and Laguna Beach, is hitting the bottle harder than ever these days:
"Things were going so well for Jason until last week," said a...
Joanie "Chyna" Laurer, a former WWE wrestler who we last saw on Celebrity Rehab, has found herself in the hospital once again for substance-related issues.
Although it was initially reported that Chyna was being treated for alcohol poisoning, TMZ is now saying that Joanie OD'd on Benadryl. Supposedly she takes the allergy medication as a sleep aid from time to time (as do I. That stuff makes me pass out and it's non habit forming like Tylenol PM, which is the devil's medicine), but "accidentally" took 4-5 times the recommended dosage. I take two pills because my tolerance for OTC drugs is ...