It was announced yesterday that actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt's brother Dan tragically passed, and today we're learning that his demise may have been drug-related.
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Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter spoke to E! Online and said, "It was initially reported to us as a possible overdose. There were two friends present and one of them also was taken to the hospital."
Dan, a pr...
So I was browsing through Courtney Love's TwitPic album and I decided to pull the pictures and share them here with you because WOOOOO-BOY!
Courtney Love is kind of amazing when you think of her as an artist and a woman who was mentally buckwild her entire life and managed to somehow bring that to music. I really do admire her in a lot of ways... and then I remember that she's quite famously a mother. And quite famously a bad one, at that. Looking at these pictures, it's no wonder everyon...
Britney Spears was photographed leaving a Toys R Us with her boyfriend yesterday and she had tattoos all over her neck. Like, three little butterflies making their way up the side of her neck and on to her face and into that nesty weave where they can make a home for themselves. I'm hoping that these are just some temporary tattoos she put on inside the store because she's, well, a child-like idiot, but I seriously wouldn't put it past her to have inked herself again.
I'm sure we'll know if they...
"Lindsay is in rehab now? Right? We think? I think that's good. Yeah."
-Tina Fey talking about Mean Girls co-star Lindsay Lohan on Watch What Happens With Andy Cohen
I always have to wonder how Tina Fey and Amy Poehler feel about Lindsay Lohan's situation. There's no doubt that in some ways, this is more tragic for them to watch than any of us. They both worked with Lindsay on Mean Girls and at the time gave the most glowing reports of her as both a person and an actress. Lindsay also had ...
Crystal Renn is one of those models that used to be a size 00 and then she realized that her lifestyle was killing her literally and otherwise so she gave up on the whole starvation thing and returned to the modeling game as a plus-sized model. She's a size 10 now, when she first returned to the scene she was a size 12. Average.
For the October issue of Vogue Paris, Crystal shot this spread with photographer Terry Richardson. Both Terry and Crystal have a history of doing somewhat scandalous and highly...
We're always fixated on the children of celebrities who don't turn out normal, but in doing so we forget the other side: The children of celebrities that are so normal it's fucking hilarious. Charlie Sheen's oldest daughter, Cassandra Estevez, for example.
This weekend Charlie's 25-year old daughter got married to her high school sweetheart and if that's not normal and American enough, get this:
The bride, 25, who met Huffman in junior high, walked down the aisle with her dad to the tune ...
So Joey Fatone just saw the Britney episode of Glee and now he's running around telling any media outlet that will listen that he's ready to see the kids try their hand at his old boy band's music.
Joey told People:
"I saw the Britney Spears one and I thought it was kind of cool. I said, 'You know what? They should do an 'NSYNC one.' So I mentioned it on Twitter, and everyone is retweeting it and saying, 'That would be great!' I love acting and I like to sing. It'd be perfect! Seriously, it's a great show. I'm a fan."
First of all, Joey... "Everyone" isn't Tweeting that at you. The people who follow you and @ reply you may be saying that, but certainly there was no #JoeyFatone...
The above Tweet was posted by 50 Cent to his prolific Twitter account the other night and now the rapper is making statements about how the remark was in no way intended to be anti-gay.
Here's his apology, as he posted it on his Twitter page:
It pains me to admit that I even understand his ignorant-ass point, but I can totally see how a person who's used to speaking like this would not understand that his remarks would be perceived as homophobic. It's also clear that 50 doesn't realize that his ...