It's not just teenagers that are getting hassled for weed. Willie Nelson was charged with drug possession this morning after 6 ounces of marijuana were found in his tour bus.
From the AP:
Patrol spokesman Bill Brooks says the bus pulled into the Sierra Blanca, Texas, checkpoint about 9 a.m. Friday. Brooks says an officer smelled pot when a door was opened and a search turned up marijuana.
Brooks says the Hudspeth County sheriff was contacted and Nelson was among three people arrested.
Sheriff Arvin West didn't...
Guess what, guys? The exact thing that all journalists have been trying to prove for the last year continues to be true: The Palin kids are ridiculously American and normal. Earlier this week we learned that 15-year old Willow and her boyfriend had a pregnancy scare and that she uses Facebook in a really inappropriate fashion and now we're learning that she allegedly purchased marijuana in a parking lot once.
From CelebDirtyLaundry:
Former classmate of homophobic facebook ranter Willow Palin, 16, sister of Bristol Palin and daughter of Sa...
No, not smoking hot, although I'm sure she would love that. Nope, a pregnant Kim Zolciak was caught sucking down cigs during a NFL game a couple weeks ago, after she'd already publicly announced that she was in the first trimester of her pregnancy.
Hmmm, baby daddy drama, announcing your pregnancy early AND smoking? Jeez, Kim. For an pregnant older woman, you sure aren't giving your baby a very good chance of survival.
[Image courtesy of TMZ, obviously)...
Now that the family holiday is over, can we get real for two and discuss Nicki Minaj's ass? She showed that thang off yesterday during Hot 97's Thanksgiving Thank You concert in New York and after seeing these photos (swiped from JustJared, obvi), I have to ask: Do you think that it's real? I mean, never in my life have I seen an ass that size or shape, especially on a girl with her frame, but asses seem to be innovating these days. It wasn't that long ago that J.Lo switched up our definition of...
Lindsay Lohan has been silent on her Twitter page since she entered rehab for the last (?) time on September 26th, but yesterday she graced us with 140 characters or less of her presence by ReTweeting Tom Cruise ReTweeting someone else who was quoting a movie he was once in. Not exactly the personal nature of the Lohan tweets I'm accustomed to, but hey! Let's hope that she's channeling this message, right?...
Actor Michael Brea was arrested last week after his mother was discovered murdered, and in an interview with The Daily Mail this week, he confesses to everything.
Brea, who is currently in the psych ward at Bellevue, said that he was instructed by God to kill his mother because she was possessed by a demon. Here's more details and parts of the interview from the NY Daily News:
"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her," Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily Ne...
"Taylor never came to my defense at any interview. And rode the waves and rode it and rode it."
- Kanye West, ranting about Taylor Swift's behavior, during a surprise performance at NYC's Bowery Ballroom.
I totally, 100% agree with Kanye West and I think you all need to get hip to his way of thinking.
Here's the truth: After a year of her becoming the public's lapdog and then condescending to him on national television with that rude-ass song she sang at the VMAs, a flat-out, "Yeezy's ...
Khloe Kardashian recently opened up about the experience of losing her virginity and the story is both sad and all too common. Here's what Khloe said about the man she lost her virginity to:
“This guy was very, very manipulative, and I ended up losing my virginity to him when I was only 14. When my dad found out I was having sex, he went ballistic.
My mom taught me how to drive when I was 13, so if one of our baby sisters had an emergency I could drive to the hospital. But I took advantage of it. I used to steal her c...
My favorite part of all the pre-Oscar hype is the "For Your Consideration" ads that are printed in all the trade magazines to try and woo Oscar voters. The reason is two-fold: These ads are the studio's last shot at selling the shit out of their movie and it's hilarious to see what awards they think they might be considered for. The Human Centipede wants Best Director? And there's someone out there who thinks Johnny Depp deserves Best Actor for his turn as the Mad Hatter? And Due Date for be...
You'll never guess which celeb the paparazzi followed yesterday as they took a spin in this embarrassing student vehicle.
Click through to find out who the unlucky famous person is...
Just because Jessica Simpson has gained a ton of weight in her tummy and face areas lately and just because she's marrying a guy she only met six months ago and just because she got too sick to perform at CBS' The Early Show does not mean she's pregnant, you guys.
A source close to Jessica reported to E! News that while the singer is not pregnant, she would like to be very soon. So I guess don't be shocked if this news changes in the very near future.
Personally I think Jessica is goin...