Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Video of Lindsay’s Crack-Tastic Photo Shoot (NSFW)

Lindsay Lohan Smokes Topless in Bed (SFW version) It's been a while since I've written anything focusing on Lindsay Lohan, mostly because repeated exposure to her drunken antics, daddy problems, and dirty toenails starts to wear as thin as she is. The shit she's been up to lately is still crazy, but because it's Lindsay Lohan, I stopped caring. There are only so many cocaine jokes you can make before you feel snowed under. But then, I saw these pics from her recent photo shoot with Muse magazine. And it all came flooding back. The genera...

MTv Pulls its Punches: Is Snooki Blame Free by Virtue of Her Vagina?

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Have any of you been watching this protein-shake & Jager bomb fueled delightful little train wreck? I spent about 3 hours last weekend catching up on the activities of all the little guidos & guidettes (their terms, not mine). It's a cocktail of fake boobs, hair gel, tanning beds, cockblocks, and sluttiness. In short, I can't take my eyes off it. These may be some of the trashiest people I've ever seen on television-- and...

Happy Repeal Day! (An Important History Lesson)

Prohibition Ends at Last - Repeal Day December 5th is Repeal Day in the United States. What's Repeal Day you ask? Well, around the turn of the century, some uptight cunts decided that all of America's problems could be solved by outlawing the consumption of alcohol. Somehow or other they managed to pass the Volstead Act in 1919-- a law that plugged up the holes in the 18th amendment and made it illegal to imbibe, prosecutable to get plastered, verboten to be... very, very drunk. Over the next 13 or so years, upright citizens ...

The Stylish Beckham Brood

Victoria Beckham with Sons Romeo, Cruz, and Brooklyn Victoria Beckham Went to dinner with sons Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz on Friday in Beverly Hills. The oldest boy, Brooklyn, looked wary of photographers and did his best to hide from them while the youngin's held hands with their mom and proudly strutted their stuff. Romeo looked adorable in two button jacket and plaid fedora. I ask you: is there anything cuter than a little boy in a necktie? I give her a lot of shit, but the truth is that Victoria would be a really beautiful woman if she'd just ...

Tom Brokaw & Wife Involved in Fatal Car Crash

Tom Brokaw and His Wife Meredith Were Involved in a Fatal Car Crash Friday Afternoon Tom and his wife Meredith are alive and unharmed after being involved in a fatal car accident Friday afternoon. “Tom and Meredith Brokaw, at around 1 PM ... were in a three vehicle accident on the Bruckner Expressway. The Brokaws were in the far left lane when they noticed a spool of cable bouncing along the far right lane. Just then, a green SUV in the right lane came up fast and tried to avoid the cable. The driver lost control of her vehicle and slid into the middle lane, forcing a mail truck into the Brokaw lane of traffic. As the mail truck careened int...

Billy Joel’s Daughter Rushed to Hospital After Pill Overdose

Billy Joel, Alexa Ray Joel and Christie Brinkley at  2008 Rainforest Foundation Fund Benefit Concert, Pictures, Photos Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of supermodel Christie Brinkley and singer Billy Joel was rushed to St. Vincent's Medial Center in Manhattan this afternoon after a friend called emergency services. The 23 year old told FDNY medics that she was having trouble breathing after taking 8 pills of an unknown substance. "..though officials didn't know what kind she had ingested, an official said; it wasn't clear whether she had accidentally overdosed or attempted suicide." Joel is currently in stable co...

Finally, Some Good News for Nicolas Cage

Cage Promoting "Bad Lieutenant" in September 2009 I can't deny that Nicolas Cage is one actor I couldn't have given a crap about until his life actually went in the crapper. I can't help but feel sympathetic towards him now after the IRS brought the hammer down and repo'd one of his houses, and then his dad died. Finally, something good has happened to Nicolas Cage. On Friday, he was awarded the the U.N. Correspondents Association's Global Citizen of the Year award for humanitarian endeavors and was appointed a goodwill ambassador for the...

Miley Cyrus: Tit for Tat

Miley Cyrus' Tattoo - Just Breathe After careful examination of the Miley Cyrus bikini pics Molls posted a few days ago (perhaps a little too careful) many of you spotted what appears to be a tattoo hiding in the boob shadow under Miley's left tit. The tattoo reads "just breathe," which might sound familiar because LaLohan has a similar tattoo on her wrist (that reads "breathe"). Miley went for the more punny location, getting it stamped on her ribcage. I can only imagine how much that hurt. I don't have any tats because t...

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Son is Dating Bruce Willis & Demi Moore’s Daughter

Is Tallulah Belle Willis Dating Patrick Schwarzenegger?

A source tells the NY Post that 16 year old Patrick Schwarzenegger has been dating 15 year old Tallulah Belle Willis since around Halloween. A rep for Bruce Willis denies it, but I'm going to take this ball and run with it (with both eyes closed) because that would be such an insane coupling. If she happens to get knocked up, the genetics of that baby would be "strong like Austrian ox":  90% chin, 9% teeth, and 1% roundhouse kicks. It'll probably punch  its way right out of her uterus. I hope they name it  after the last name of the mom's family, like they always do on soap operas: I can't wait to meet little Willis Moore Schwarzenegger-Shriver.

/>A source tells the NY Post that 16 year old Patrick Schwarzenegger has been dating 15 year old Tallulah Belle Willis since around Halloween. A rep for Bruce Willis denies it, but I'm going to take this ball and run with it (with both eyes closed) because that would be such an insane coupling. If she happens to get knocked up, the genetics of that baby would be "strong like Austrian ox":  90% chin, 9% teeth, and 1% roundhouse kicks. It'll probably punch  its way right out of her uterus. I hope they name ...

Tiger Woods as a Chinese Cartoon

A Chinese news agency decided to animate their theory of what happened at Tiger Woods' house that night, Sims 3 style. /> A Chinese news agency decided to animate their theory of what happened at Tiger Woods' house that night, Sims 3 style....

Love it or Leave it: British Edition

John and Edward Grimes Attend the T4 "Stars of 2009" Concert in London I'm not in the U.K., so I don't know who most of the people are who turned up to T4's "Stars of 2009" concert this weekend in London. Hell, I don't even know what T4 is-- I had to look it up on Wikipedia. Nevertheless, I wanted to post some of the photos from this event, and I think you can see why. Some of you readers who live across the pond might actually recognize some of these celebrities. Those of you who have never heard of them before can just recognize their terrible, terrible fashi...

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal HAVE NOT Broken Up

gyllenhall_witherspoon People reported earlier today that Reese and Jake, who have been together since 2007, had decided to call it quits, and the rumor spread quickly to several celebrity gossip sites. But a rep for Witherspoon has released a comment contradicting the rumor, saying simply: "It's not true. They have not split." At this point, no one knows what the truth is. On the one hand, you've got Witherspoon's rep trying to squash the rumor, but on the other hand, People's story was based on "a source close...
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