Harry Styles from One Direction is a total stud if you're under 12 or over 50, but did you know that he's also a budding philanthropist who uses his fame for positive causes like shoving Domino's pizza down the gullets of the homeless? Well, he is! Harry's friend and fellow musician (and unfortunate songwriter of the most awful single of 2012 and possibly the last decade, One Direction's 'Little Things') Ed Sheeran put the world to rights in a recent interview, insisting that Harry isn't all...
Everyone knows that Khloe is the best Kardashian, right? She's the most "normal", the least idiotic and in my opinion, the prettiest. Sure, her X Factor USA hosting gig is a bit of a disaster, but that's the show's fault, not dear Koko's. The entire Kardashian family (including the Jenner side of the bunch) has a penchant for oversharing, but Khloe took that shit to the next level during a new interview with HuffPost Live, in which she was asked about the scent of her nether region:
"Is you...
There was a time when talking about 30 Rock would have been really niche - a time before Tina Fey had ever met Oprah or hosted the Golden Globes with real-life homegirl Amy Poehler (who I also adore); a time when she was best known as the chick with glasses who hosted Weekend Update on SNL next to Jimmy Fallon, who used to be a total hunk and kind of still is. Anyway, I digress.
30 Rock aired its final episode on Thursday night after seven occasionally rocky but generally irreverent, strange and absolutely hilarious...
If there's one thing Beyoncé won't stand for, it's f*ckery of any kind - and that includes anyone talking shit about her singing (or, in this case, not singing). We all know the story by now: Queen Bey allegedly lip synced her way through 'The Star-Spangled Banner' at Obama's inauguration last month, which many people were not happy about, least of all Beyoncé herself because, naysayers, she DID sing live... albeit over a pre-recorded track. Why did she do it? How could she betray us? Has life lost all...