Victoria Beckham makes me laugh. She would probably disapprove of laughter, since smiling is daft, but that's okay. She comes out with such golden nuggets of bullshit that I just can't help myself. Her most recent work of verbal art is her insistence that she's better suited to life in America because she's a working mother. Because, you know, Britain has no working mothers who are very career-minded.
The Beckhams - Victoria, David and their four kids - have lived in Los Angeles for quite a few years but move...
Y'all know I like Beyoncé - I don't think she's as mind-blowingly incredible as some people seem to, but I think she's fierce and incredibly talented and most importantly, very hard-working. However, even though she's earned the diva title doesn't mean it's cool for her to act like one, and that's apparently exactly what she did at V Festival last weekend, according to Travis frontman Fran Healy.
From The Daily Record:
The Glasgow band were on the same bill as the Crazy In Love singer last weekend at the V fest and Fran says s...
Cheryl Cole is one of the most gorgeous women in the world, according to every survey ever taken on the subject. However, she's also a woman known for her fucking terrible taste in tattoos, and this time, she's really outdone herself. In an effort to, I dunno, cover up her former tramp stamp and RUIN HER ENTIRE ASS, she's gone and covered it in some rose monstrosity that I just don't know what to think about. Chezza, why? What possessed you?
Here't the artwork in all its glory. Her tattoo a...
We all know Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom have been having some serious marriage troubles, what with the whole "Lamar had a two year affair with multiple women" thing hanging over their heads. Now there are reports kicking about that the real problem isn't the fact that Lamar is sticking it in other ladies but that he has a raging drug problem!
Of course, because these reports are probably BS, there's no mention of what drugs he was actually on, and considering I'm pretty sure the NBA does f...
Things have gotten and continue to stay ugly in the Lady GaGa/Perez Hilton fiasco (though some could argue it was always ugly...), but Perez has always been one to try and outdo his previous bullshit with something even lower and cornier than before, and he certainly hasn't disappointed this time around, either.
Despite trying to play the innocent and act as though GaGa deeply hurt and upset him and all that shit (which is probably true, but I'm sure it's a two way street when you're dealing with two desperate fame whores), he's now launched...
Cory Monteith passed away suddenly last month, and the news left many stunned. Most affected by this was, of course, Lea Michele, his real-life girlfriend and also the on again/off again partner of his on screen character, Finn, in Glee. With season five kicking off in just a few weeks, production has begun on a tribute episode that will deal with the character's death (and, less directly, with Cory's).
Lea has remained pretty quiet since his passing - though she did make that really sad and moving speech at ...
I've been waiting for an excuse to write about my girl Ellie Goulding on EBG and bring her to the mainstream gossip sites for a while now, and this was the perfect opportunity: she's apparently involved with One Direction's Niall Horan. You know, the Irish one. Reports started circulating that Ellie and Niall were hooking up when they were seen together at the V Festival in the UK earlier this month. No one's really said anything about it, but I figured it was a non-starter anyway since Ellie...
In another feeble attempt to harken back to the days when her career was on the ups, she was making good music and anyone gave a shit, Lady GaGa has revealed that she's made a follow-up to 'Telephone', her track with Beyoncé that appeared on The Fame Monster EP. I like to give credit where credit's due, and that's a damn good song, so no hateration there... but really? "Eh, my new shit is kind of tanking, so maybe I'll make a follow-up to an old song that did pretty well..." Eyeroll.
Alec Baldwin and wife Hilaria Thomas are parents! This isn't Alec's first kid, but it is his first with Hilaria and I believe it's her first kid. But what does it matter? There's a new baby in town, so move over, North West. Because Alec doesn't have Twitter anymore (Jimmy Gandolfini didn't, so why should he?), Hilaria took to her own account to share the news on Friday night.
It's a girl, by the way, and her name is decided not Irish in any way - it's Carmen Gabriela. Cute!
We are overjo...
Gwyneth Paltrow watches miserably as her family eats pizza [Celebitchy]
Sorry, but even a bathing suit shot can't make Chrissy Tiegen happen [The Superficial]
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux share some romantic jacuzzi time... [Lainey Gossip]
Lindsay Lohan forgot her bra and her nipples paid the price [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
Candice Swanepoel continues to be hot in Brazil [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW]
Holy shit, can you believe Tori Amos is 50? [The Frisky]
Chris Brown covered his girlfriend's car in graffiti [ICYDK]
Anna Ke...
It's a serious event when Victoria Beckham is caught smiling. After all, this is a woman whose entire career has been spent in a state of scowling disapproval. I definitely don't subscribe to the idea that women always need to be grinning ear to ear (I hate when random dudes - and this has happened on several occasion - stop me on the street and tell me to smile. Like, what? Fuck off!) in order to convince the world that they're happy, but Victoria sometimes looks downright miserable.
In an...